第一部分 商務筆譯
第一章 翻譯概述
任務一 翻譯的定義及分類
任務二 翻譯的標準及過程
任務三 翻譯與英漢文化差異
任務四 商務英語翻譯的特點
第二章 筆譯的基本方法與技巧
任務一 筆譯的基本方法
任務二 筆譯的常用技巧
任務三 實踐操練與能力拓展
第三章 筆譯實務
項目一 商務名片
任務一 知識連結
任務二 商務名片的筆譯
任務三 實踐操練與能力拓展
任務四 辭彙拓展
項目二 商標
任務一 知識連結
任務二 商標的筆譯
任務三 實踐操練與能力拓展
任務四 辭彙拓展
項目三 企業簡介
任務一 知識連結
任務二 企業簡介的筆譯
任務三 實踐操練與能力拓展
任務四 辭彙拓展
項目四 產品說明書
任務一 知識連結
任務二 產品說明書的筆譯
任務三 實踐操練與能力拓展
任務四 辭彙拓展
項目五 商務廣告
任務一 知識連結
任務二 商務廣告的筆譯
任務三 實踐操練與能力拓展
任務四 辭彙拓展
項目六 商務信函
任務一 知識連結
任務二 商務信函的筆譯
任務三 實踐操練與能力拓展
任務四 辭彙拓展
項目七 商務契約
任務一 知識連結
任務二 商務契約的筆譯
任務三 實踐操練與能力拓展
任務四 辭彙拓展
第二部分 商務口譯
附錄 全國外語翻譯證書考試英語四級考試真題

ISBN:10位[7810829866] 13位[9787810829861]
定價:¥28.00 元
作者: 房玉靖 劉海燕

叢書名: 全國高職高專專業英語規劃教材出版社:清華大學出版社
出版日期:2012 年1月
所屬分類: 外語 > 英語 > 行業/職業英語 > 商務英語
外語 > 英語 > 翻譯
《商務英語翻譯教程》 適用於高職高專院校商務英語專業翻譯課程教學,也可供國際貿易、國際商務等相關專業作為選修課之用,同時也可供從事翻譯、外事、外經貿、旅遊等涉外人員及有較好基礎的英語自學者使用。
module 1 merchant/investment inviting
task 1 name cards
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about name card
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 2 enterprise profile
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about enterprise profile
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 3 commercial advertisement
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about commercial advertisements
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
.follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
module 2 foreign trade operations
task 4 business correspondence
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about business correspondence
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 5 instruction manual
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about instruction manual
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 6 business documents
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about business documents
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 7 business contract
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about business contract
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
module 3 routine activities
task 8 routine files
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about rutine files
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 9 business travel
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about business travel
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 10 celebrations and press release
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about celebrations and press release
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 11 market investigation
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about market investigation
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do ityourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
module 4 enterprise management-
task 12 office signs
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about office signs
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 13 application documents for studying abroad
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about application documents
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 14 merger and acquisition
warm-up: havea try
background: learn something about merger and acquisition
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
reference version