1964年11月生,1980年霞浦一中高中畢業,1985年獲中國科學技術大學生物系學士學位;畢業後考入中國科學院上海生理研究所攻讀研究生,轉博後前往美國愛荷華大學藥理系聯合培養,並於1992年獲該校博士學位。1992至1995年在美國哥倫比亞大學神經生物學和行為研究中心諾貝爾獎獲得者E. R. Kandel實驗室任博士後;1995至1996年在美國史丹福大學分子生理學系美國科學院院士R. W. Tsien實驗室任博士後。
神經和疾病研究中心(Center for Neuron and Disease)是致力於研究神經和相關疾病的基礎探索的醫學中心,通過建立研究人類疾病的動物模型(animal model)開展腦科學的最新探索。研究內容包括:探索認知腦疾病中的分子機制,尋找新的信號分子蛋白,研究它們的生理機制,在發育過程和病理狀態下的功能變化,明確這些信號分子在認知過程和腦疾病發生和發展過程中的地位和作用。在醫學中心,研究人員的最終目標是尋找到調控認知水平和治療腦疾病的關鍵分子和新靶點,為新的神經類疾病藥物的開發和轉化醫學研究提供指導。卓敏通過在醫學中心的工作積極參與到國內的科研建設中來,取得了一系列令人矚目的成果。
在我國加快推進科技創新國際化、全面提升科技創新能力的今天,一個國家或研究機構積極參與全球科技合作與競爭、共同應對國際科技問題與挑戰,才能有效利用全球科技資源、加速提升自身創新能力。卓敏深諳國際學術交流與合作的作用,並且不遺餘力地呼籲加強國際合作以促進科學的發展。他擔任《神經化學雜誌》的執行主編,創辦Association for the Study of Neurons and Diseases(簡稱AND)的國際性科學組織並舉辦年會共同探討最新的科研進展,使各國科學家一道展開卓有成效的合作,該會議迄今已舉辦超過10年,產生了深遠的影響。由於他不懈的努力,2009年,卓敏當選為加拿大皇家科學院院士。
1.Zhuo M. (2011). Cortical plasticity as a new endpoint measurement for chronic pain. Molecular Pain. 2011, 7:54.
2. Zhuo M, Wu GX, and Wu LJ. (2011). Neuronal and microglial mechanisms of neuropathic pain.Molecular Brain. 2011, 4:31.
3. Wang H, Xu H, Wu LJ, Kim SS, Chen T, Koga K, Descalzi G, Gong B, Vadakkan KI, Zhang X, Kaang BK, Zhuo M. (2010) . Identification of a novel, centrally acting drug for treating neuropathic pain. Science Translational Medicine, in press.
4. Li XY, Ko HG, Chen T, Descalzi G, Koga K, Wang H, Kim SS, Shang Y, Kwak C, Park SW, Shim J, Lee K, Collingridge GL, Kaang BK, Zhuo M. (2010) Alleviating neuropathic pain hypersensitivity by inhibiting PKMzeta in the anterior cingulate cortex. Science 330:1400-1404. .
5. Vecsey CG, Baillie GS, Jaganath D, Havekes R, Daniels A, Wimmer M, Huang T, Brown KM, Li XY, Descalzi G, Kim SS, Chen T, Shang YZ, Zhuo M, Houslay MD, Abel T. (2009) Sleep deprivation impairs cAMP signalling in the hippocampus. Nature. 2009 Oct 22;461(7267):1122-5. .
6. Zhuo, M. (2008) Cortical plasticity and chronic pain. Trends Neuroscience, 31:199-207. (Review) .
7. Wang H, Wu LJ, Kim SS, Lee FJ, Gong B, Toyoda H, Ren M, Shang YZ, Xu H, Liu F, Zhao MG, Zhuo M. (2008) FMRP acts as a key messenger for dopamine modulation in the forebrain. Neuron, 59:634-647.
8. Zhao, MG, Toyoda, H, Lee, YS, Wu ,LJ, Ko, SW, Zhang, XH, Jia, Y, Shum, F, Xu, H, Li, BM, Kaang, BK and Zhuo, M. (2005). Roles of NMDA NR2B subtype receptor in prefrontal long-term potentiation and contextual fear memory. Neuron 47, 859-872.
9. Wei, F., Qiu, C. S., Liauw, J., Robinson, D. A., Ho, N., Chatila, T., and Zhuo, M. (2002). Calcium calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV is required for fear memory. Nat Neurosci 5, 573-579.
10.Wei, F., Qiu, C. S., Kim, S. J., Muglia, L., Maas, J. W., Pineda, V. V., Xu, H. M., Chen, Z. F., Storm, D. R., Muglia, L. J., and Zhuo, M. (2002). Genetic elimination of behavioral sensitization in mice lacking calmodulin-stimulated adenylyl cyclases. Neuron 36, 713-726. .
11. Wei, F., Wang, G. D., Kerchner, G. A., Kim, S. J., Xu, H. M., Chen, Z. F., and Zhuo, M. (2001). Genetic enhancement of inflammatory pain by forebrain NR2B overexpression. Nat Neurosci 4, 164-169 .
12.Kerchner, G. A., Wang, G. D., Qiu, C. S., Huettner, J. E., and Zhuo, M. (2001). Direct presynaptic regulation of GABA/glycine release by kainate receptors in the dorsal horn: an ionotropic mechanism. Neuron 32, 477-488. .
13.Zhuo, M., Zhang, W., Son, H., Mansuy, I., Sobel, R. A., Seidman, J., and Kandel, E. R. (1999). A selective role of calcineurin aalpha in synaptic depotentiation in hippocampus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96, 4650-4655. .
14. Tang, Y. P., Shimizu, E., Dube, G. R., Rampon, C., Kerchner, G. A., Zhuo, M., Liu, G., and Tsien, J. Z. (1999). Genetic enhancement of learning and memory in mice. Nature 401, 63-69.
15. Li, P., Wilding, T. J., Kim, S. J., Calejesan, A. A., Huettner, J. E., and Zhuo, M. (1999). Kainate-receptor-mediated sensory synaptic transmission in mammalian spinal cord. Nature 397, 161-164..
16. Li, P., Kerchner, G. A., Sala, C., Wei, F., Huettner, J. E., Sheng, M., and Zhuo, M. (1999). AMPA receptor-PDZ interactions in facilitation of spinal sensory synapses. Nat Neurosci 2, 972-977. .
17. Li, P., and Zhuo, M. (1998). Silent glutamatergic synapses and nociception in mammalian spinal cord. Nature 393, 695-698..
18. Kavalali, E. T., Zhuo, M., Bito, H., and Tsien, R. W. (1997). Dendritic Ca2+ channels characterized by recordings from isolated hippocampal dendritic segments. Neuron 18, 651-663.
19. Zhuo, M., Hu, Y., Schultz, C., Kandel, E. R., and Hawkins, R. D. (1994). Role of guanylyl cyclase and cGMP-dependent protein kinase in long-term potentiation. Nature 368, 635-639.
20.Zhuo, M., Small, S. A., Kandel, E. R., and Hawkins, R. D. (1993). Nitric oxide and carbon monoxide produce activity-dependent long-term synaptic enhancement in hippocampus. Science 260, 1946-1950.