- 中文名:劉蕾
- 性別:女
- 系別:管理科學與電子商務系
- 職稱:副教授
[2]劉蕾,靳群,唐小我. 考慮延遲交貨風險的易逝品供應鏈回購契約研究. 控制與決策.2011
[3]Liu Lei, Jing Qun,Tang Xiao-wo. Supply Chain Coordination under Supply Delay Based on Buy-back Contract. Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management. (EBM2011): 980-983.
[4]Xu Bing, Liu Lei.A decision of supplier’s advanced discount under advanced payment. Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management. (EBM2010): 1142-1145.
[5]劉蕾, 唐小我. 基於斯坦克爾伯格博弈的訂貨提前期決策研究. 計算機集成製造, 2007, 12(7): 1401-1405, 1418.
[6]劉蕾, 陳旭,唐小我. 考慮信息更新的零售商訂貨策略選擇研究. 西南民族大學學報,2007, 6:136-139.
[7]劉蕾, 唐小我. 訂貨提前期對服務水平決策的影響研究. 控制與決策, 2005, 20(11): 1265-1268.
[8]劉蕾, 唐小我. 基於縮短提前期費用分擔的供應商交貨策略. 系統工程, 2005, 23(8):42-45.
[9]劉蕾, 唐小我. 顧客需求不完全流失的服務水平研究. 電子科技大學學報(自然版), 2005,34(1): 141-144.
[10]劉蕾, 唐小我,丁奕翔. 供應鏈管理模式下的供應商柔性評價. 商業研究. 2005年,15:6-8.
[11]Liulei, Luohua, Tang xiao-wo. Service Delivery Lead Time Model Based on Customer Demand Characteristics. The Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics.
[12]Lei Liu, Xiaowo Tang. Delivery Time Guarantee Model in MTO E-business Environment Based on Customer Demand Characteristics. The proceedings of the Fifth Wuhan International Conference on E-business,2006.
[13]Liu Lei, Tang Xiao-wo. Lead Time Models based on Stackelberg Game in Supply Chain. The proceedings of ICMSA’2005.
[14]Liu Lei, Tang Xiao-wo. Study of Service Guaranteed Delivery Time Based on Customer Waiting Time Cost. The proceedings of ICSSSM’06.