


  • 中文名:中國專業學位研究生教育案例集
  • 作者:馬永紅
  • 出版時間:2022年3月1日
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 頁數:266 頁
  • ISBN:9787030715487
  • 裝幀:平裝


  • 外文書名:
  • 開本:B5
  • 字數:340000語種:zh-Hans




第一部分 / 1
上海立信會計金融學院審計專業學位培養案例 / 3
北京大學法律專業學位培養案例 / 10
上海交通大學法律專業學位培養案例 / 17
北京城市學院社會工作專業學位培養案例 / 22
天津師範大學教育專業學位培養案例 / 27
華東師範大學教育專業學位培養案例 / 34
北京航空航天大學教育專業學位科學與技術教育領域培養案例 / 40
上海外國語大學翻譯專業學位培養案例 / 46
南京大學翻譯專業學位培養案例 / 52
北京大學新聞與傳播專業學位培養案例 / 58
首都師範大學文物與博物館專業學位培養案例 / 64
第二部分 / 71
上海電機學院電氣工程領域工程專業學位電氣工程領域培養案例 / 73
東南大學積體電路工程領域工程專業學位培養案例 / 79
北京工業大學控制工程和環境工程領域工程專業學位培養案例 / 86
福州大學計算機技術工程領域工程專業學位培養案例 / 92
上海理工大學建築與土木工程領域工程專業學位培養案例 / 98
華東理工大學化學工程領域工程專業學位培養案例 / 103
中國石油大學(華東)化學工程領域工程專業學位培養案例 / 108
中國石油大學(北京)石油與天然氣工程領域工程專業學位培養案例 / 114
中山大學核能與核技術工程領域工程專業學位培養案例 / 121
北京航空航天大學航天工程領域工程專業學位培養案例 / 127
同濟大學車輛工程領域工程專業學位培養案例 / 133
重慶大學車輛工程領域工程專業學位培養案例 / 139
重慶大學物流工程領域工程專業學位培養案例 / 144
第三部分 / 151
中國農業大學農業專業學位培養案例 / 153
北京林業大學風景園林專業學位培養案例 / 160
北京林業大學林業碩士專業學位培養案例 / 165
重慶醫科大學臨床醫學專業學位培養案例 / 171
南京大學口腔醫學專業學位培養案例 / 177
北京大學公共衛生專業學位培養案例 / 183
中山大學藥學專業學位培養案例 / 188
第四部分 / 195
北京航空航天大學工商管理專業學位培養案例 / 197
上海交通大學工商管理專業學位培養案例 / 202
上海財經大學工商管理專業學位培養案例 / 209
上海對外經貿大學工商管理專業學位培養案例 / 216
西安交通大學工商管理專業學位培養案例 / 222
中國人民大學公共管理專業學位培養案例 / 228
清華大學深圳研究生院藝術專業學位培養案例 / 235
華東理工大學藝術碩士專業學位培養案例 / 240
東華大學藝術專業學位培養案例 / 247
第五部分 / 253
上海專業學位研究生教育“六化”模式的改革與探索 / 255
上海臨床醫學碩士專業學位教育與住院醫師規範化培訓結合改革試點 / 261
附錄 / 267
Preface (Tang Jiwei)
Part 1 / 1
The Cultivating Case of Auditing Professional Degree of Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance / 3
The Cultivating Case of Law Professional Degree of Peking University / 10
The Cultivating Case of Law Professional Degree of Shanghai Jiao Tong University / 17
The Cultivating Case of Social Work Professional Degree of Beijing City University / 22
The Cultivating Case of Education Professional Degree of Tianjin Normal University / 27
The Cultivating Case of Education Professional Degree of East China Normal University / 34
The Cultivating Case of Science and Technology Education of Beihang University / 40
The Cultivating Case of Translation and Interpreting Professional Degree of Shanghai International Studies University / 46
The Cultivating Case of Translation and Interpreting Professional Degree of Nanjing University / 52
The Cultivating Case of Journalism and Communication Professional Degree of Peking University / 58
The Cultivating Case of Cultural Heritage and Museology Professional Degree of Capital Normal University / 64
Part 2 / 71
The Cultivating Case of Engineering Professional Degree in Electronic and Electrical Field of Shanghai Dianji University / 73
The Cultivating Case of Engineering Professional Degree in Integrated Circuit Engineering Field of Southeast University / 79
The Cultivating Case of Engineering Professional Degree in Control Engineering and Environmental Engineering Field of Beijing University of Technology / 86
The Cultivating Case of Engineering Professional Degree in Computer Technology Field of Fuzhou University / 92
The Cultivating Case of Engineering Professional Degree in Architecture and Civil Engineering Field of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology / 98
The Cultivating Case of Engineering Professional Degree in ChemicalEngineering Field of East China University of Science and Technology / 103
The Cultivating Case of Engineering Professional Degree in Chemical Engineering Field of China University of Petroleum(East China) / 108
The Cultivating Case of Engineering Professional Degree in Oil and Gas Engineering Field of China University of Petroleum(Beijing) / 114
The Cultivating Case of Engineering Professional Degree in Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Technology Field of Sun Yat-sen University / 121
The Cultivating Case of Engineering Professional Degree in Aerospace Engineering Field of Beihang University / 127
The Cultivating Case of Engineering Professional Degree in Vehicle Engineering Field of Tongji University / 133
The Cultivating Case of Engineering Professional Degree in Vehicle Engineering Field of Chongqing University / 139
The Cultivating Case of Engineering Professional Degree in Logistics Engineering Field of Chongqing University / 144
Part 3 / 151
The Cultivating Case of Agricultural Professional Degree of China Agricultural University / 153
The Cultivating Case of Landscape Architecture Professional Degree of Beijing Forestry University / 160
The Cultivating Case of Forestry Professional Degree of Beijing Forestry University / 165
The Cultivating Case of Clinical Medicine Professional Degree of ChongQing Medical University / 171
The Cultivating Case of Stomatological Medicine Professional Degree of Nanjing University / 177
The Cultivating Case of Public Health Professional Degree of Peking University / 183
The Cultivating Case of Pharmacy Professional Degree of
Sun Yat-sen University / 188
Part 4 /195
The Cultivating Case of Business Administration Professional Degree of Beihang University / 197
The Cultivating Case of Business Administration Professional Degree of Shanghai Jiao Tong University / 202
The Cultivating Case of Business Administration Professional Degree of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics / 209
The Cultivating Case of Business Administration Professional Degree of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics / 216
The Cultivating Case of Business Administration Professional Degree of Xi’an Jiaotong University / 222
The Cultivating Case of Public Administration Professional Degree of Renmin University of China / 228
The Cultivating Case of Fine Arts Professional Degree of Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University / 235
The Cultivating Case of Fine Arts Professional Degree of East China University of Science and Technology / 240
The Cultivating Case of Fine Arts Professional Degree of Donghua University / 247
Part 5 / 253
The Reform and Exploration of the “Six Oriented” Mode of Shanghai Professional Degree Graduate Education / 255
Pilot Reform of Combining Clinical Medicine Professional Master’s Degree Education with Standardized Training for Resident Doctors in Shanghai / 261
Appendix / 267


