



  • 外文名:waterlogged
  • 詞性:形容詞、動詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈwɔːtəlɒɡd]
  • 美式發音:[ˈwɔːtərlɔːɡd]


英 [ˈwɔːtəlɒɡd] 美 [ˈwɔːtərlɔːɡd]
adj. 澇的;浸滿水的,吸飽水的
v. 進水;浸滿水(waterlog 的過去分詞


waterlogged soils 浸飽水的土壤
waterlogged vehicle 涉水車輛
waterlogged soil 漬害土壤
cold waterlogged paddy field [農] 冷浸田
waterlogged compost [土壤] 草塘泥


  • Waterlogged soils occur in areas that are flat or have poor drainage. 澇漬土壤發生在地勢平坦或排水不暢的地區。
  • Some savannas occur on wet, waterlogged soils; others on dry, sandy, well-drained soils. 一些稀樹大草原生長在潮濕、澇漬的土壤上;其它則在乾燥、多沙、排水良好的土壤上。
  • They couldn't play because the pitch was waterlogged. 因球場泡水他們未能進行比賽。
  • Most evacuees began returning to waterlogged homes Sunday. 大多數災民開始在周日返回家園。
  • Cleaning away the waterlogged site overlying the timbers, archaeologists realized its true nature. 在清理掉覆蓋在木材上方的澇漬地後,考古學家意識到了它真正的性質。
  • The crops are waterlogged. 莊稼澇了。
  • The match have to is abandoned because the pitch is waterlogged. 那場比賽因場地汪水只好取消。
  • Everything was waterlogged and ruined. Davis knew it was personal. 所有衣服都浸了水,結果全給毀了。戴維斯知道這是出於私人恩怨。
  • In fact, they are required to work in waterlogged area effectively. 事實上,它們被要求在淹水地區有效。
  • Waterlogged and alkaline areas were marked down for special attention. 易澇地區和鹼地都標了出來,以便特別注意。
  • A number of conservation methods have been devised for waterlogged wood. 已研究出許多種保養被水浸泡過的木頭的方法。
  • We couldn't move the car as the field it was parked in had become waterlogged . 我們無法移動那部車,因為它停放的空地淹水了。
  • He also noted that Inferi are skinnier than zombies, as well as being waterlogged and grey. 他還提到這些陰屍比殭屍還要皮包骨,而且由於被水泡過,顯得更加灰白。
  • You've probably seen pictures of farmers wading ankle deep through waterlogged rice paddies. 你可能看到過這樣的畫面,農民在充滿水的稻田裡來回走動勞作。
  • using correct equipment only, I take no responsibility for waterlogged cameras and it may be cold… 請使用合適的防水設備,我不會為進水損壞的相機負任何責任。 再追加一句——水裡確實挺冷的...
  • In compacted and waterlogged soils fixation by nodules is probably limited by availability of. 在堅實的和漬水的土壤中,根瘤固氮大概受的可給性限制。
  • The waterlogged lowland and clay salinized land accounted for 80% of the area′s low yield farmland. 低洼澇漬田和粘閉滯漬田是漬害土壤的主要類型,約占全市低產田總面積的80%。
  • In 1928 some porpoises were photographer working like beavers to push ashore a waterlogged mattress. 1928年,有人拍攝到了海豚像海狸一樣把浸透水的床墊推上岸的情景。
  • It's free of stabilizers, sweeteners and waterlogged fruit, and it's fresh tasting and tart, not sour. 它不含穩定劑,甜味劑和水澇水果,它嘗起來口味新鮮,味道尖酸而不酸腐。
  • Urban flood-waterlogged vulnerability analysis is very important to the safety of urban flood control. 城市洪澇易損性分析對城市防洪安全具有極其重要的作用。
  • Waterlogged land is a kind of cultivation land which is easily logged with water seasonally or perennially. 澇漬地是易澇易漬耕地的簡稱,通常指常年或季節性滯水的農業用地。
  • Residents of waterlogged areas in the country's northeast woke up on Wednesday facing even more challenges. 東北鄉鎮的居民醒過來的時候將會面臨更大的挑戰。
  • Thee ground under the tracks appears to have become waterlogged and the concrete ties and steel track submerged. 鐵軌下面的泥土看起來已被浸泡,混凝土軌枕和鋼軌已被淹沒,照片顯示重型機械拖走了枕軌,並壓平了鐵路床。
  • Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated as the river level rose and broke through waterlogged dikes and embankments. 成千上萬人因水位上漲和堤壩浸水而疏散。
  • But relief efforts were hampered by destroyed roads and Bridges, waterlogged airports and other disrupted lines of communication. 但救援行動由於損毀的道路和橋樑,水淹的機場以及損壞的通訊線路而受到阻礙。
  • More waterlogged areas and changes in temperature will mean sharp rises in vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. 更多泥濘地區和溫度變化意味著蚊蠅傳染疾病,諸如瘧疾和登革熱等疾病的顯著上升。
  • This might be caused by an earthquake or it might happen after a heavy rain or when soil becomes waterlogged after a fall of snow. 山崩可能地震引起,也可能發生在大雨後或雪後因泥土浸滿了水而引起。
  • Meanwhile, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa this city library is a total loss. An entire floor is now a wasteland of waterlogged books and shelves. 同時,愛荷華州塞達拉皮茲市的圖書館損失慘重:這裡的一層已是狼藉不堪,圖書和書架都泡在了水裡。
  • So matched main working implement for high-ridge platform - planter to practice this tillage method and ensure waterlogged lowland good harvest. 為此,給“高壟平台”耕法配套了主要作業機具—播種機,以保障此耕法的順利實施,保障低濕易澇地豐產豐收。


