



  • 書名:東亞文化遺產保護學會第二次學術研討會論文集
  • 作者:東亞文化遺產保護學會,內蒙古博物院,中國文物保護技術協會
  • ISBN:9787030382511
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2013-08




序一 塔拉
序二 陸壽麟
The Flourishing Cultural Heritage Protection Career in Inner Mongolia Ta La
蓬勃發展的內蒙古文化遺產保護工作 塔拉
Protecting Local Cultural Properties from Natural Disasters Miwa Karoku
災害から文化財を守る 三輪嘉六
Recent Present of the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Korea Lee Ohhee
最近 韓國 文化遺産 保存? 現狀 李午憙
Research on Outstanding Universal Value of the Site of Xanadu Chen Tongbin Cai Chao Yu Feng Xu Xinyun Li Min
試論元上都遺址的突出普遍價值 陳同濱 蔡超 俞鋒 徐新雲 李敏
Practice of Clinical Conservation in the Tokyo National Museum Nobuyuki Kamba
The Leather Conservation of"Hogap"(A Leather Case,Joseon) Kim Jinok
Research on the Conservation Technologies of Muqing and Tianan Pavilion and Yutian Gate at the Xanadu Site of Yuan Dynasty in China Li Zuixiong Guo Qinglin Pei Qiangqiang Yang Shanlong Zhang Jinke Sun Manli Ta La Li Shaobing
中國內蒙古元上都遺址穆清閣、大安閣和御天門保護加固技術研究 李最雄 郭青林 裴強強 楊善龍 張景科 孫滿利 塔拉 李少兵
Origin Identification and Reconstruction of Japan-Korean Trade of Beads in the Primitive and Ancient Tetsuo Warashina Gyuho Kim Dasiuke Nakmura
先史·歴史時代における韓半島の玉類の産地同定と日韓交易の復元 藁科哲男 金奎虎 中村大介
Technology of Nondestructive Safety Diagnosis for Deterioration and Stability Evaluation of Stone Cultural Heritage Younghoon Jo Chanhee Lee
?????? ??? ? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ???
Establishment and Application of the Three-level Protection Model for Mawangdui Ancient Corpse Wang Xiaosheng Chen Jianming You Zhenqun Zhang Jianyi Wang Hui Shi Xuesheng Luo Xuegang
馬王堆古屍三級保護模式的建立和運用 王曉晟 陳建明 游振群 張建一 王慧 師學森 羅學港
The Conservation of A Coloring Wooden Casket Discovered by Tuerji Hill Tomb by the Chinese-Japanese Collaborative Investigation Setsuo Imazu Kamei Ryouko Ta La Sun Jianhua Li Wei
中日共同研究による吐爾基山遼墓彩色木棺の保存 今津節生 亀井亮子 塔拉 孫建華 李威
A Study on Metallurgical Properties about Material of Iron Buddhist Bell in Yuan Dynasty Kim Sooki Lim Juyeon Yi Suhee Lee Ohhee
元代 鐵製梵鐘? 材料? ?? 金屬學的 特性硏究 金壽起 林珠兗 李壽熙 李午憙
The Insitu Stabilisation of Waterlogged Archaeological Canoe of Kuahuqiao Ruins Excavated in Xiaoshan Hangzhou Chen Zhongxing Cheng Lizhen Li Lan Li Dunxue Lu Heng Liu Dongpo Jin Haibin Liu Yourong Cheng Bingchang
杭州蕭山垮湖橋遺址獨木舟原址脫水加固定型保護 陳中行 程麗臻 李瀾 李敦學 盧衡 劉東坡 靳海斌 劉佑榮 程昌炳
Development and Utilization of Environment-Adaptive Art Transporter(SibaraⅡ) Tsukamoto Toshio Amenomori Hisateru Ueda Naomi
環境適応型文化財輸送診斷車(シバラⅡ號)の開発と運用 塚本敏夫 雨森久晃 植田直見
Study on the Metal Surface Coating Treatment Using the Urethane Polymer Lee Hoyeon Han Wonsik Park Gijung Lim Sungjin Wi Koangchul
Urethane ????? ??? ?? Coating??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
江蘇如皋文廟脆弱彩繪保護與修復 徐飛 潘煉 范陶峰 劉慧雲
Investigation on the Vibration Generated by Tourist Activities in the Maijishan Grottoes Yosuke Atomi Toshiya Matsui Hua Pingning Wei Wenbin Ma Qian Dong Guangqiang Yue Yongqiang Youhei Kawamura Haruo Yagi Masaaki Sawada
中國麥積山石窟における観光客に起因する振動調査 跡見洋祐 松井敏也 花平寧 魏文斌 馬千 薫広強 岳永強 川村洋平 八木春生 沢田正昭
Study on the Manufacturing Technology of Korean Traditional Glue"Gatpul" Byongchan Ahn
????"??[阿膠]"? ?? ???? ?? ???
Conservation Measure & Practice for Museum Environment Based on the Concept of Preventive Conservation Wu Laiming Xu Fangyuan Zhou Hao
預防性保護理念下的博物館藏品保存環境對策與實踐 吳來明 徐方圓 周浩
Protoberberine Dyes in Historical Textiles of East Asia—Determination of Dye Plants and Origin Yoshiko Sasaki Ken Sasaki
Provenance Interpretation of Coal Which was Excavated from Mado I Line in Taean Younghwa Jung Jangjon Lee Seongtae Lim Youngseog Park Yeol Roh
?? ??Ⅰ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??
細菌纖維素加固古代糟朽絲織品及光老化特徵研究 吳順清 李梅英 方北松 童華
Reinforcement of Vulnerable Historic Silk Fabrics with Bacterial Cellulose Film and Its Light Aging Behavior Wu Shunqing Li Meiying Fang Beisong Tong Hua
Study on the Conservation Materials for Sandstone Built Structures in Angkor Site M.Sawada T.Matsui S.Inoue T.Ebisawa M.Chiba E.Kawasaki Y.Atomi T.Park
アンコール遺跡構築材砂岩の保存材料に関する研究 沢田正昭 松井敏也 井上才八 海老沢孝雄 千葉麻由子 河崎衣美 跡見洋介 朴東熙
The Rescue Repair of the Murals in the Tombs of Five Dynasties in Qing Shui River County of Inner Mongolia Ta La Zhang Mulin En He Liu Chunbo Du Xiaoli
內蒙古清水河縣五代墓葬壁畫搶救性揭取與保護修復 塔拉 張牧林 恩和 劉春波 杜曉黎
Conservation of Stone Gate of the Sonohyan Shrine,Okinawa,Japan Tadateru Nishiura
沖縄県、世界遺産·園比屋武御嶽石門の保存修復 西浦忠輝
矽烷化表面處理技術在故宮室外大型鋼鐵質文物上的套用試驗 曲亮 甄廣全 王時偉 廖俊 童華 雷勇 蘇文軍
Experimental Application Study of Surface Silanization Treatment Technology on Outdoor Large-Scale Iron and Steel Cultural Relic in the Forbidden City Qu Liang Zhen Guangquan Wang Shiwei Liao Jun Tong Hua Lei Yong Su Wenjun
The Conservation Test for Controlling Damage to Moist Ancient Earthen Relic of Sanyangzhuang Sites,Henan,China Chen Jiachang Huang Xia Yang Yang Chai Donglang Liu Haiwang Zhu Rusheng
河南內黃三楊莊漢代聚落遺址的病害分析及現場防治試驗 陳家昌 黃霞 楊揚 柴東朗 劉海旺 朱汝生
Preliminary Study on the Glazes and Foetus of Archaeology Celadons from Song Dynasty Porcelain Museum in Sichuan Province Deng Yangquan Tong Leixu Ding Jinpin Li Yan
四川宋瓷博物館考古瓷片釉胎的初步研究 鄧陽全 童蕾旭 丁錦頻 李炎
Corrosion Condition Research on Chen Zhang Pot Fan Taofeng Wan Li
陳璋壺鏽蝕狀況研究 范陶峰 萬俐
A Study on the Durability of the Matching Paper for Restoration Dyed by Traditional Chinese Pigment Gong Mengting Chen Gang
國畫顏料染色修復配紙耐久性的研究 鞏夢婷 陳剛
Effect of Change in Burial Environments on Silver Erosion-as illustrated by the case of silver decoration Pieces on the sideboard of the carriage found in Majiayuan M3 Han Ying Xu Xu Ma Yanru Yang Xiaolin
埋藏環境對銀器腐蝕影響的研究——以馬家塬M3出土車廂側板銀飾片腐蝕為例 韓英 胥諝 馬燕如 楊小林
Archaeological Conservation Technique and Lab Arrangement of The Bamboo Slip from Yancang Ancient Tomb Li Ling Wei Yangbo Zhou Likun Wang Chun
嚴倉古墓出土竹簡考古現場及整理過程中的保護技術 李玲 衛揚波 周理坤 王春
The Preliminary Research of Bacterial Cellulose of Application for Conservation of Fragile Silk Cultural Relics Shen Guiyun Liu Bo
細菌纖維素在糟朽絲織品文物加固保護方面套用的初步研究 申桂雲 劉博
The Application of YuBiaojiao Sodium Alginate Mixed Sol in Conservation and Restoration of Heritage Sun Hongyan Gong Decai Fu Yu Jiang Xiaohong
魚鰾膠-海藻酸鈉混合溶膠在文物保護修復中的套用 孫紅燕 龔德才 傅渝 姜曉紅
Some Questions About the Soil-mould Casting Craft of Openwork Bronzeware in the Bronze Age of China Wang Jinchao
中國青銅時代透空青銅器鑄造工藝研究的幾個問題 王金潮
Simultaneous Determination of Variety Pollution Gas in Museum Environment by Passive Sampling Xu Fangyuan Wu Laiming Xie Yulin Shi Chaoou
基於被動採樣的館藏文物保存環境中多種污染氣體檢測技術研究 徐方圓 吳來明 解玉林 施超歐
Non-destructive Detection and Control Techniques for Termite Damage on Ancient Architecture Niu Ning Zeng Wei
古建築白蟻病害無損勘查與防治技術 牛寧 曾偉
Restoration of Weaved Photograph-Scene of Guangzhou Lou Shuqi
《廣州全景》像景織物的研究與修復 樓淑琦
Analysis and Research on the Structure of Leather lace of Liao Dynasty Harness Zhang Xiaolan Zhang Hengjin Liang Ming Zhou Shuanglin
遼代馬具皮條組成和結構的分析研究 張曉嵐 張恆金 梁鳴 周雙林
Scientific Protection for the Historical Artifacts from the"Huaguangjiao Ⅰ"in Paracel Islands Zhang Yueling Fu Yonghai ZhangKe
西沙“華光礁一號”出水文物科學保護 張月玲 付永海 張可
Preliminary Research of Preventive Conservation and Continued Conservation on Silk-textile Chen Lu Ge Limin
淺論絲織文物的預防性保護與延續性保護 陳璐 葛麗敏
Protection and Restoration of Russian Old Files in Heilongjiang Provincial Museum Pang Xuechen Huang Fengmei
俄文老檔的保護與修復 龐學臣 黃鳳梅
Activity in the Nagasaki Prefecture Archaeological Center,Japan Masaki Katata Yoshihisa Furusawa
長崎県埋蔵文化財センターの活動 片多雅樹 古澤義久
Analysis of the Ground Coating Adjustment Techniques Used in Medieval and Modern Lacquer Objects Exported from China Based on Cross Sectional Structural Analysis of the Coating Film Akiko Takeda Hideo Akanuma Nobutaka Tsuchiya
Research of the Conservation Treatment and the Environment during Storage of Excavated Objects from Takashima Underseawater Site in Nagasaki Prefecture,Japan Naomi Ueda Kenji Ito Ikjoo Kim Nari Eom Daiill Kang
Microstructural Analysis of The Interface Between Lichens and the Substrate Stoneworks-for the Consolidation Using Lichen Activity and Removal of Lichens Emi Kawasaki Toshiya Matsui
地衣類が著生した石造文化遺産の著生界面の構造解析——著生地衣類を利用した 基質強化および地衣類の除去に向けて 河崎衣美 松井敏也
Conservation Management Plan for the Usuki Stone Buddha,Oita,Japan Masayuki Morii Noriko Hayakawa Nobuaki Kuchitsu Wataru Kawanobe Yuko Mishima
國寶·臼杵磨崖仏保存のための管理計畫について 森井順之 早川典子 朽津信明 川野邊渉 三嶋有子
Conservation,Restoration and Utilization of Modern Cultural Property in Japan Shunsuke Nakayama Masayuki Morii
日本に於ける近代化遺産の保存·修復及び活用 中山俊介 森井順之
The Conservation of Lacquer Ware Excavated at the Tap-dong in Gyeongju Kim Ikjoo Eom Nari Joo Jinok
Conservation of Jade Investiture Books in National Palace Museum of Korea Yoo Jieun Lee Hyeonju Byun Sungmoon
Material Characteristics and Clay Source Interpretation of the Ancient Ceramic Artifacts from the Wonsinheungdong Site in Daejeon,Korea Ranhee Kim Chanhee Lee
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A Study on the Tradironal Restoration and Scientific Consevation Process of Pottery Kiln and Workings in Gimje-Bugeori Registered the 403 Jin Byeonghyuck Kim Youngsun
A Conservation Treatment of Mungyeong Bongamsa Jijeungdaesa Jeokjotapbi Choi Joon Hyun,Han Byung Ill Enguard Co
Research Material and Cause Damage for the Conservation of Seven Star Buddhist Painting Eunok Jo Jeongho Seo
熾盛光如來圖 ????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???
The Conservation of the Lower East Old Tombs(東下塚)of Neungsan-Ri Old Tombs in Buyeo Lee Yohan Han Byeongil Jeong Gwangyong
?? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ???
Classification of Chemical Characteristics for Metal Objects Excavated from Neungsalli,Buyeo Minjeong Koh Jongoh Kim Gyuho Kim
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Stability Evaluation and Conservation of the Mural Paintings of Bokwangmyeong Hall of Wibongsa Buddlist Temple,Wanju Kyeongsoon Han
Conservation Environment Analysis of the Usuki Stone Buddha Statues in Oita,Japan Jihyun Cho Jiyoung Kim Morii Masayuki Sadug Kim Chanhee Lee
?? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ??? 森井順之 ??? ???
Study on Degradation of Leather Objects by Conservation Environment Focus on the Effect by Ultraviolet Light(UV)and Moisture Kangdai Ill Haejin Park
????? ?? ??(皮革)??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ???
Characteristic Investigation of Rust Tubercle by the Types of Iron Arrowhead on the Excavated from Yeongi Yongho-ri Eungam-ri site in Chungcheongnam-do,Koera Lim Minjeong Kim Gyuho
A Study on Changes in the Repair and Restoration of Korean Ceramics Pilseung Yang

