


  • 中文名:劉春岩
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 性別:男


姓 名: 劉春岩
性 別: 男
職 務:
職 稱: 副研究員



1997.9 ~ 2001.6 東北師範大學環境學專業,學士;
2001.9 ~ 2004.6 南京信息工程大學大氣環境學專業,碩士;


2005.11~2007.3 德國卡爾斯魯厄研究中心氣象、氣候與大氣環境研究所,聯合培養博士生;
2007.8 ~ 至今 中國科學院大氣物理研究所大氣邊界層物理與大氣化學國家重點實驗室,助研、副研;
2008.9 澳大利亞墨爾本大學土地與食物資源學院,訪問學者;
2008.2, 2010.9 芬蘭赫爾辛基大學物理系,訪問學者。




1. Liu, C.(劉春岩), J. Holst, N. Brüggemann, K. Butterbach-Bahl, Z. Yao, J. Yue, S. Han, X. Han, J. Krümmelbein, R. Horn, and X. Zheng, 2007: Winter-grazing reduces methane uptake by soils of a typical semi-arid steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Atmospheric Environment
2. Liu, C. (劉春岩), J. Holst, Z. Yao, N. Brüggemann, K. Butterbach-Bahl, S. Han, X. Han, B. Tas, A. Susenbeth, and X. Zheng, 2009: Growing season methane budget of an Inner Mongolian steppe. Atmospheric Environment
3. Liu, C. (劉春岩), J. Holst, N. Brüggemann, K. Butterbach-Bahl, S. Han, X. Han, and X. Zheng, 2009: Sheepfolds as "hotspots" of nitric oxide (NO) emission in an Inner Mongolian steppe. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
4. Liu, C. (劉春岩), X. Zheng, Z. Zhou, S. Han, Y. Wang, K. Wang, W. Liang, M. Li, D. Chen, and Z. Yang, 2010: Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from an irrigated cotton field in Northern China. Plant & Soil
5. Liu, C.(劉春岩), K. Wang, S. Meng, X. Zheng, Z. Zhou, S. Han, D. Chen, and Z. Yang, 2011: Effects of irrigation, fertilization and crop straw management on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from a wheat–maize rotation field in northern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
6. Liu, C.(劉春岩), K. Wang, and X. Zheng, 2012: Responses of N2O and CH4 fluxes to fertilizer nitrogen addition rates in an irrigated wheat-maize cropping system in northern China. Biogeosciences
7. Liu, C.(劉春岩), J. Holst, N. Brüggemann, K. Butterbach-Bahl, Z. Yao, S. Han, X. Han, and X. Zheng, 2008: Effects of irrigation on nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide fluxes in an Inner Mongolian steppe. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
8. Zheng, X., C. Liu(劉春岩), and S. Han, 2008: Description and application of a model for simulating regional nitrogen cycling and calculating nitrogen flux. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
9. Holst, J., C. Liu(劉春岩), N. Brüggemann, K. Butterbach-Bahl, X. Zheng, Y. Wang, S. Han, Z. Yao, J. Yue, and X. Han, 2007: Microbial N turnover and N-oxide (N2O/NO/NO2) fluxes in semi-arid grassland of Inner Mongolia. Ecosystems
10. Holst, J., C. Liu(劉春岩), Z. Yao, N. Brüggemann, X. Zheng, X. Han, and K. Butterbach-Bahl, 2007. Importance of point sources on regional nitrous oxide fluxes in semi-arid steppe of Inner Mongolia, China. Plant & Soil
11. Holst, J., C. Liu(劉春岩), Z. Yao, N. Brüggemann, X. Zheng, M. Giese, and K. Butterbach-Bahl, 2008: Fluxes of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide during freezing-thawing cycles in an Inner Mongolian steppe. Plant & Soil
12. Zheng, X., B. Xie, C. Liu(劉春岩), Z. Zhou, Z. Yao, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, L. Yang, J. Zhu, Y. Huang, and K. Butterbach-Bahl, 2008: Quantifying net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange of a short-plant cropland with intermittent chamber measurements. Global Biogeochemical Cycles
13. Holst, J., K. Butterbach-bahl, C. Liu(劉春岩), X. Zheng, A. J. Kaiser, J.-P. Schnitzler, S. Zechmeister-Boltenstern, and N. Brüggemann, 2009: Dinitrogen fixation by biological soil crusts in an Inner Mongolian steppe. Biology and Fertility of Soils
14. Yao, Z., X. Zheng, B. Xie, C. Liu(劉春岩), B. Mei, H. Dong, K. Butterbach-Bahl, and J. Zhu, 2009: Comparison of manual and automated chambers for field measurements of N2O, CH4, CO2 fluxes from cultivated land. Atmospheric Environment
15. Zhou, Z., X. Zheng, B. Xie, C. Liu(劉春岩), T. Song, S. Han, and J. Zhu, 2010: Nitric oxide emissions from rice-wheat rotation fields in eastern China: effect of fertilization, soil water content, and crop residue. Plant & Soil
16. Chen, W., B. Wolf, Z. Yao, N. Brüggemann, K. Butterbach-Bahl, C. Liu(劉春岩), S. Han, X. Han, and X. Zheng, 2010: Annual methane uptake by typical semiarid steppe in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Geophysical Research
17. Chen, W., B. Wolf, X. Zheng, Z. Yao, K. Butterbach-Bahl, N. Brüggemann, C. Liu(劉春岩), S. Han, and X. Han, 2011: Annual methane uptake by temperate semiarid steppes as regulated by stocking rates, aboveground plant biomass and topsoil air permeability. Global Change Biology
18. Mei, B., X. Zheng, B. Xie, H. Dong, Z. Yao, C. Liu(劉春岩), Z. Zhou, R. Wang, J. Deng, and J. Zhu, 2011: Characteristics of multiple-year nitrous oxide emissions from conventional vegetable fields in southeastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research
19. Werner, C., X. Zheng, J. Tang, B. Xie, C. Liu(劉春岩), R. Kiese, and K. Butterbach-Bahl, 2006: N2O, CH4 and CO2 emissions from seasonal tropical rainforests and a rubber plantation in Southwest China. Plant & Soil,
20. Xie, B., X. Zheng, Z. Zhou, J. Gu, B. Zhu, X. Chen, Y. Shi, Y. Wang, Z. Zhao, C. Liu(劉春岩), Z. Yao, and J. Zhu, 2009: Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on CH4 emission from rice fields: multi-site field observations. Plant & Soil
21. Yao, Z., Z. Zhou, X. Zheng, B. Xie, C. Liu(劉春岩), K. Butterbach-Bahl, and J. Zhu, 2010: Effects of tillage during the nonwaterlogged period on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions in typical Chinese rice-wheat rotation ecosystems. Journal of Geophysical Research
22. Zhou, Z., X. Zheng, B. Xie, S. Han, and C. Liu(劉春岩), 2009: A process-based model of N2O emission from a rice-winter wheat rotation agro-ecosystem: structure, validation and sensitivity. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,
23. Deng, J., Z. Zhou, X. Zheng, C. Liu(劉春岩), Z. Yao, B. Xie, F. Cui, S. Han, and J. Zhu, 2012: Annual emissions of nitrous oxide and nitric oxide from rice-wheat rotation and vegetable fields: a case study in the Tai-Lake region, China. Plant & Soil
24.Butterbach-Bahl, K., R. Kiese, and C. Liu(劉春岩), 2011: Measurements of biosphere-atmosphere exchange of CH4 in terrestrial ecosystems. In Amy C. Rosenzweig and Stephen W. Ragsdale, editors: Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 495, Methods in Methane Metabolism, Part B, Methanotrophy, Burlington: Academic Press,


1. 中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項任務二“土地利用與畜牧業的甲烷和氧化亞氮排放”之課題“草地CH4和N2O排放
2. 國家重點基礎研究發展規劃(973)項目“典型流域陸地生態系統-大氣碳氮氣體交換關鍵過程、規律與調控原理” 第二課題的之專題任務“青藏高原典型高寒草甸和濕地碳、氮氣體地氣交換觀測研究”
3. 國家自然科學基金“基於周年高頻連續觀測定量內蒙古半乾旱草原N2O 和CH4交換”
4. 中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目“華北地區典型灌溉農田N2O排放連續觀測與模型研究”之課題“氮循環過程田間綜合觀測研究”
5. 公益性行業(農業)科研專項“農業源溫室氣體監測與控制技術研究”之課題“放牧草地溫室氣體監測與控制技術研究”


