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trench,英文單詞,主要作為名詞、及物動詞、不及物動詞,作名詞時意為“ 溝,溝渠;戰壕;塹壕;人名;(英、西)特倫奇”,作及物動詞時意為“掘溝”,作不及物動詞時意為“ 挖戰壕;侵害”。


  • 外文名:trench
  • 詞性:名詞、及物動詞、不及物動詞
  • 英式讀音:[trentʃ]
  • 美式讀音:[trentʃ]


trench /trɛntʃ/ CET6 TEM4 ( trenches )
1. N-COUNT A trench is a long narrow channel that is cut into the ground, for example, in order to lay pipes or get rid of water. 溝渠
2. N-COUNT A trench is a long narrow channel in the ground used by soldiers in order to protect themselves from the enemy. People often refer to the battlegrounds of the First World War in Northern France and Belgium as the trenches. 戰壕
例:We fought with them in the trenches.


Ryukyu Trench 琉球海溝 ; 琉球溝
Romanche Trench 羅曼什海溝
cable trench [電] 電纜溝 ; 電纜槽 ; 電纜溝槽 ; 纜索溝
dovetail trench 魚尾槽位 ; 斜槽位
drainage trench 排水渠坑道 ; 排水溝 ; 排滲溝 ; 排水系統
The Trench 戰壕 ; 風衣 ; 終極戰役 ; 奪命海溝
trench digger 挖溝機 ; 掘溝機 ; 挖壕機 ; 溝槽挖掘工
submarine trench 海溝 ; [海洋] 海底溝 ; 海底溝
trench planting 溝植 ; 畦植


  • 1"With virtual reality we'll be able to put a surgeon in every trench," said Satava.“有了虛擬現實技術,我們就能在每條戰壕里安插一名外科醫生。”薩塔瓦說道。
  • 2This plate is growing on both sides, and since there is no intermediate trench, the two ridges must be moving apart.這個板塊是在兩邊生長的,由於沒有中間的溝槽,兩個脊必然是分開的。
  • 3The bridge lies like a trench in the fortress of the moat, which is shaped to blend in with the outlines of the landscape.這座橋就像是坐落在護城河中的一條溝渠,這種造型是為了使它與周圍的風景融合在一起。
  • 4Beyond that world is the deep and pitch-black region that stretches down to roughly 35,800 feet, the bottom of the Marianas Trench.在那個世界以外的是片幽深、漆黑的馬里亞納海溝底部,一直延伸到大約35,800英尺以下。
  • 5All places at the pacific trench (the pacific ring of fire) should be evacuated now because there will be earthquakes and volcanic explosions.太平洋海溝(太平洋火環帶)的所有地方現在都應該疏散,因為將有地震和火山爆發。
  • 6Portions of the oxide layer are removed to substantially planarize the trench-filled oxide layer as the first polysilicon layer.所述氧化層的部分被移除,以使所述溝槽填充的氧化層作為第一多晶矽層基本平面化。
  • 7Pair them with a striped shirt and a trench coat.它可以和條紋衫以及雙排扣大衣搭配。
  • 8Yes, I do have a belted trench coat, but lots of people do.是的,我的確有一件扎皮帶的風衣,但是很多人都有。
  • 9A woman in the trench is clutching a baby and crying desperately.地溝中的一名婦女緊抱著她的孩子,絕望的哭喊著。
  • 10WSJ: You've described the filmmaking process as trench warfare.《華爾街日報》:你把電影的製作過程形容成陣地戰。
  • 11A diver explores a continental trench in Silfra Iceland in 2010.一位潛水者正在探索冰島Silfra附近的大陸海溝,拍攝於2010年。
  • 12A small designer bag is fine; a logo trench coat looks ridiculous.一個小的設計師手袋是好的。而一件徽標風衣看起來就很荒謬。
  • 13A diver explores a continental trench in Silfra, Iceland, in 2010.一位潛水者正在探索冰島Silfra附近的大陸海溝,拍攝於2010年。
  • 14In short, the Senate's usual procedural trench warfare has resumed.總之,作為參議院慣例程式的拉鋸戰再一次開始了。
  • 15It is deep enough. She begins to widen, lengthen and shape the trench.已足夠深了,她開始將它擴展、延長並做成想要的樣子。
  • 16All she sees is a man in a trench coat step into a car which proceeds to speed away.只看見一個穿風衣外套的男人鑽進車裡,駕車快速駛離了現場。
  • 17By 1918 the Germans had constructed some trench systems that had a depth of 14 miles (22 km).1918年時,德軍已經建造了一些縱深達到14英里(和22公里)的塹壕體系。
  • 18To this hour on the border of the lake is shown a half-dug trench—the signet of their impiety.時至今日,湖邊仍有一條掘了一半的溝——它便是人們對仙人不敬的罪證。
  • 19These islands are actually the peaks of the Cayman Trough, the Caribbean Sea's deepest trench.這些島嶼實際上是開曼槽的頂端——加勒比海最深的海溝。
  • 20The altar was so full of water that it dripped into the trench. Then I prayed to the Lord.人們照我說的做了,我讓他們再做兩次,直到祭台裝滿了水,並溢出流進築好的渠道里。
  • 21He's tall, seemingly born into a black trench coat, but thinner than he looks on television.他的身高,看起來專為穿黑色短上衣而生,不過看起來比在電視上更瘦一些。
  • 22The French navy has built an abyssal bathyscaphe to take three men to the floor of the Marianas Trench.法國海軍已經建造了一個深海潛水器,用來裝載三個人去到馬利亞納海溝的基底。
  • 23After four and a half field seasons, I have finally reached bedrock in the deep trench in the East Court!在四個半挖掘季之後,我終於到達了東院深溝中的基岩!


