有西城男孩陪伴的歸途 一路不再孤獨 功成名就的歸途 每一步都清楚 ◎ 六張空降英國冠軍專輯,唯一四年英國音樂獎“年度唱片”團體,14首英國金榜冠軍單曲,開出全球三千六百萬張紅盤,情歌霸主一年一張真情承諾,功成名就第九張最新大碟! 西城男孩的情歌 是沒有終點的歸途 ◎ 首支主打翻唱麥可布雷2005英國冠軍”Home”,讓異鄉遊子催淚動容! ◎ 美聲男伶、羅南、布蘭妮、夏恩華德、凱莉克萊森製作團隊為每一顆漂泊的心打造歇息終點! 每個人在這一生中都需要愛情的滋潤,打破世代的籓籬找尋一首屬於自己愛的主題曲,堅持唱好情歌的西城男孩,雖然沒有眼花繚亂的舞步編排,卻多了份真摯、感動以及做自己的堅持,讓這些流行情歌找到最佳詮釋者,墜入靈韻美聲的動人世界,替渴求愛情的戀人們找到心靈寄託、熱戀的愛侶們尋獲加溫的催情劑。可說是情歌製造機的西城男孩,打破所有男子偶像團體的既定印象,尤其在英國淘汰快速的流行市場中,西城男孩屹立不搖的跨入第九個年頭,締造28張白金唱片銷量,開出全球超越三千六百萬張紅盤,成為大不列顛群島排在披頭四與U2之後,流行音樂史上第三暢銷團體,締造14首英國金榜冠軍單曲。 絕對是英國偶像團體的神化先驅,自1999年首支單曲”Swear It Again”打開英美兩地市場,就以悅耳、流暢、結構簡潔成了他們的註冊商標。再接再厲奪冠的”Flying Without Wings”,成為美國偶像歌唱比賽第二屆冠軍Ruben Studdard翻唱之衛冕關鍵曲,葛瑞蓋茲靠著演繹此作品,順利進入英國偶像歌唱比賽。陸續問世七張專輯與一張精選,創下六張直接空降英國冠軍紀錄,唯一四次抱走英國音樂獎“年度唱片”的藝人/團體。 每年固定出版一張專輯的西城男孩,在《鐘愛一生 情歌自選輯/The Love Album》宣傳期結束後,四位團員暫別工作回鄉休息,各自獲得美好的人生體驗,更洋溢無比滿足感的交出全新大碟《Back Home》。在Shane、Mark、Kian與Nicky主導下,請來Steve McCutcheon(美聲男伶、凱莉克萊森、羅南)、Jorgen Elofsson(布蘭妮、夏恩華德、跳跳舞)等人聯合監製,試圖琢磨出不一樣的聲音。滿載思鄉之情的首支主打”Home”,對於身處異鄉的遊子們聽來格外催淚動容,此曲翻唱麥可布雷於2005年唱出美國抒情榜+英國冠軍之佳作;絕美的第二波情歌攻勢”Us Against The World”,有新好男孩、超級男孩、布蘭妮暢銷單曲幕後操手Rami Yacoub參與撰寫,交融四部和聲以及真假音輪番轉換,恰到好處的宣洩最飽滿之愛情濃烈度;對摯愛的甜蜜告白”Something Right”,倚著柔美琴韻彈奏做主軸的環伺全曲,輕易打動每位聆聽著的心;”I’’m Already There”則是翻唱美國鄉村四人樂團Lonestar的2001年作品;一首滲入節奏藍調律動的”Have You Ever”,重新演出暢銷歌曲製造機Diane Warren為R&B小公主Brandy量身訂做的美國冠軍曲;輕快愉悅引人起舞的”The Easy Way”,歡樂回歸Motown時期復古搖擺Funky-Soul的韻角之中;撰寫啦啦隊國歌”Micky”原創者Nicky Chinn與凱莉克萊森由美國偶像獲冠後,一飛沖天冠軍曲”A Moment Like This”作者Jorgen Elofsson聯合譜出”You Must Have Had A Broken Heart”,為此輯畫上完美動人的句點。
I'm gonna need you to raise your glass I don't care what you put in it Here's to nights that you can't take back We live hard but we love to laugh We all thought that we'd get rich fast Hop the plane out for greener grass Found out the green is cash Don't compare to the friends that last See, we won't forget where we came from The city won't change us We beat to the same drum No, we won't forget where we came from The city can't change us We beat to the same drum, the same drum (Hey!) La-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah La-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-doe (Hey!) And no matter where we go We always find our way back home [x2] So here's to the cheap sunglasses Redbull and minivans and People who had your back when The world didn'tabooky.com See, we won't forget where we came from The city won't change us We beat to the same drum No, we won't forget where we came from The city can't change us We beat to the same drum, the same drum (Hey!) La-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah La-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-doe (Hey!) And no matter where we go We always find our way back home [x2] When ties loosen We're losin' touch And fading away We'll still be raising our cups To the same damn things Oh no, the city won't change us [x4] Won't change us (Hey!) La-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah La-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-doe And no matter where we go We always find our way back home [x3] (Hey!) We always find our way back home Yeah, we always find our way back home