



  • 外文名:time-share
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞、形容詞
  • 發音:['taimʃεə]


n. (度假住房的)分時享用權;分時共有的財產
v. 分時使用或占用
adj. 分時的
[ 複數 time-shares 第三人稱單數 time-shares 現在分詞 time-sharing 過去式 time-shared 過去分詞 time-shared ]


TIME SHARE [計] 分時 ; 分時度假 ; 同房兩家親
Time share hotel 時權酒店
MASS TIME SHARE 時度假 ; 邁時旅遊度假理念
time share marketing 分時行銷
time-share resort 分時度假
time share tube 時間分割管
time share consultant 產權式酒店顧問
successive time-share run [計] 相繼分時運行
time share network 分時網路


  • Other prizes include hotel discounts and a time-share at a resort in Palm Springs. 其他獎勵包括旅館折扣和棕泉市內一處的度假房分時享用權。
  • She had worked as a call centre operator making cold calls for time-share vacations. 她曾經在一個呼叫中心擔任話務員,打陌生推銷電話推銷分時度假。
  • Computers were so expensive that you could only time-share the computer. 計算機是如此的貴以致於你只可以計時-部份計算機。
  • Share prices plummeted to an all-time low. 股票價格暴跌到歷史最低點。
  • Share prices crashed to an all-time low yesterday. 昨天股票價格暴跌到了前所未有的最低紀錄。
  • The share price dived from 49p to an all-time low of 40p. 股價從49便士暴跌到40便士的歷史最低位。
  • More importantly, who will be around for you to share your leisure time with? 更重要的是,你會和誰一起共度你的閒暇時光?
  • If it started to rain, she would share her umbrella with me, and I would get to see the underside of a toadstool for the very first time! 假若下起雨來,她會與我共撐一把傘,我就可以第一次看到傘菌的底部!
  • Before you share your thoughts, think about what the powerful person cares about—it may be the credibility of their team or getting a project done on time. 在你分享你的想法之前,想想有權有勢的人關心的是什麼——可能是他們團隊的信譽,或是按時完成項目。
  • These friends-of-friends, people we might spend time with at social or work gatherings, might not be like us but they can still have a positive influence because we share the same sort of interests. 這些朋友的朋友,我們可能會一起進行社交或工作聚會的人,也許不像我們,但他們仍然會產生積極的影響,因為我們有相同的興趣。
  • They generally tend to share very similar tastes in music and clothes, they spend their money in having a good time, and save for holidays or longer-term plans when necessary. 他們通常傾向於在音樂和服裝上有著非常相似的品味,他們把錢花在享樂上,並在必要時為假期或長期計畫存錢。
  • It's a time to share interesting stories about your day. 這是分享你一天中有趣故事的時刻。
  • You share neither physical time nor emotional conversations over the Internet. 在網際網路上,你們既沒有面對面交流,也沒有進行情感上的溝通。
  • For the first time, she was able to share her story and speak loud in front of many people. 第一次,她可以在很多人面前分享自己的故事,大聲講話。
  • At the same time, with little free libraries, people can share the joy of reading books. 同時,有了小小免費圖書館,人們可以分享讀書的樂趣。
  • We are supposed to share some housework with our parents when we have free time. 當我們有空的時候,我們應該為父母分擔一些家務。
  • I treasured that period of time because it was really a valuable experience. Now let me share it with you. 我很珍惜那段時間,因為那真的是一段寶貴的經歷。現在讓我和你一起分享。
  • Time Warner's share price has been falling for a while, and has declined by 9% since the firm. 時代華納的股票價格已經持續走低,自從二月“企業狙擊手”卡爾·伊坎出擊該公司之後公司股票已經下跌了9%。傑夫·畢克斯和理察·帕森斯都認為搞定美國線上肯定會讓股票價格再次上揚。
  • Why not share a room with them and allow God to share his time with you. 為什麼我們不與他們同享一間房,允許上帝與你分享時間。
  • So I thought it was time to share the most popular and interesting questions, and their answers. 所以我覺得是時候分享一下那些最普遍最有趣的問題和答案了。
  • Over time these bonds' share of the stock will increase. 隨著時間的推移,這些債券的份額將會增長。
  • Spend time with friends, and share your grief and heartbreak. 多與朋友交流來分擔你的悲傷和心碎。
  • One day, a man decided that it was time to share his lonely life with a woman. 一天,一個男人決定是時候與一個女人分享他孤獨的生活了。
  • Share Time with Friends and Family – A happy life is a life shared with friends and family. 花點時間和朋友、家人在一起——幸福的生活必然有朋友和家人的參與。
  • Share time with a good friend and experience life together. 和朋友一起分享時間,一起體驗生活。
  • In 1954, the last time GM's share price was this low, the Cadillac Eldorado had yet to grow fins and the Volkswagen Beetle was still a novelty. 而上次通用股價跌倒如此低的水平是在1954年。那時,凱迪拉克·埃爾多拉多還沒有推向市場,而大眾的甲殼蟲仍然是新鮮事物。
  • We don’t own people; we just share our time with them. 我們並不占有著誰,我們只是和他們一起度過一段時間而已。
  • Ill never forget the time we share together. 我永遠也不會忘記我們在一起的日子。
  • Time Warner's share price has been falling for a while, and has declined by 9% since the firm saw off Carl Icahn, a corporate raider, in February. 時代華納的股票價格已經持續走低,自從二月“企業狙擊手”卡爾·伊坎出擊該公司之後公司股票已經下跌了9%。


