



  • 外文名:suspension
  • 類型:英語單詞
  • 詞性:名詞




suspension spring 吊絲 ; 懸掛彈簧 ; 懸簧 ; 托簧
suspension pump 懸浮液泵
Suspension Bicycle 避震腳踏車
aqueous suspension 水性懸液 ; 水相懸浮 ; 水懸浮液
Secondary Suspension 次懸吊 ; 第二系懸掛 ; 第二系彈簧懸掛
ophthalmic suspension 懸浮性點眼劑 ; 混懸型滴眼劑 ; 眼用混懸液 ; 眼用懸液
suspension light [電] 吊燈
suspension splint 懸吊夾 ; 翻譯
dispersed suspension 分散懸浮液 ; 分散懸浮物 ; 分散懸濁液


  • 1The car's improved suspension gives you a smoother ride.汽車懸架經過改進,乘坐起來更平穩。《牛津詞典》
  • 2There's been a temporary suspension of flights out of LA.從洛杉磯起飛的飛機已經暫停。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The active suspension system gives the car a very smooth ride.活動的懸掛系統使汽車行駛起來非常平穩。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Some trains were so overloaded that their suspension collapsed.有些列車超載如此嚴重,以至於它們的懸架都被壓垮了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5The minister warned that any civil servant not at his desk faced immediate suspension.那位部長警告說任何擅自離崗的公務員面臨著立即停職。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6The US should set a deadline for the suspension of uranium enrichment.美國應該為暫停鈾濃縮設定一個最後期限。
  • 7These might include threats to freeze EU funds for poorer regions and EU mega-projects, and even the suspension of a country's voting rights in EU ministerial councils.這些可能包括威脅凍結歐盟提供給貧困地區和歐盟大型項目的資金,甚至暫停某個成員國在歐盟部長級理事會的投票權。
  • 8These events have led to the suspension of talks.這些事件導致談判延期。《牛津詞典》
  • 9He's now facing suspension after a dustup with the referee.與裁判員發生爭鬥後,他現在面臨著禁賽處罰。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10The vote for the suspension of the party was 283 in favour with 29 against.就暫時取締該黨而進行的投票結果是283票支持,29票反對。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11The suspension bridge extends across the whole valley.這座吊橋橫跨了整個山谷
  • 12The France defender begins a three-match suspension on Saturday because of an altercation with Pablo Zabaleta.這位法國後衛因為巴布羅·薩巴萊塔發生衝突,他在周六開始為期三場的停賽。
  • 13The consequences of getting caught are serious and may include a "0" on a test or assignment, an "F" in the class, suspension or dismissal from school and a ruined reputation.被抓的後果是嚴重的,可能包括考試或作業得“0”分,課堂表現得“F”,停學或開除學籍,名譽受損。
  • 14The synthesis of Fe3O4 suspension.Fe3O4懸浮液的製備。
  • 15Center of mass below the suspension point.重心在懸掛點下面。
  • 16The suspension of the prime minister of Tanzania.還有坦尚尼亞首相的停職。
  • 17He did not say how long the suspension would last.但是他沒有說暫停會持續多長時間。
  • 18The same was true of suspension Bridges and elevators.相同的例子還有懸索橋與電梯。
  • 19This is the famous suspension bridge on the Tagus.這是塔古斯河上有名的吊橋。
  • 20Think parachute cords and suspension bridge cables.試想一下另外如降落傘繩索和吊橋上的繩索。
  • 21A spokesman declined to explain the terms of the suspension.一位發言人拒絕說明停職的詳細情況。
  • 22When I'm bored, I build large suspension bridges in my yard.當我厭煩了,不想跟逗他們玩了,我就在自家院子裡拉幾根鋼索吊橋。
  • 23Until 1964, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world.在1964年之前,金門大橋都還是全世界最長的吊橋。
  • 24Mass account creation will result in suspension of all accounts.創建大量的賬戶會導致所有的賬戶被停止使用。
  • 25I want to see changes in tail suspension test, forced swim test.我想看看尾部變化測試和強迫游泳測試。
  • 26The LPAR confirms the suspension by quiescing all its running threads.LPAR通過停止所有正在運行的執行緒暫停運行。
  • 27Evans is demanding that the suspension be removed from her record.凱瑟琳要求學校從她的檔案里取消做出的處分決定.


