



  • 外文名:hepatitis
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 釋義:肝炎
  • 英式讀音:[ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs]


hepatitis E 戊型肝炎
viral hepatitis [內科] 病毒性肝炎 ; 丙型病毒性肝炎 ; 甲型病毒性肝炎 ; 戊型病毒性肝炎
Cytomegaloviral hepatitis 巨細胞病毒性肝炎
serum hepatitis 血清肝炎 ; 血清型肝炎 ; 免疫
Hepatitis gravis 重型肝炎 ; 重症肝炎
lupoid hepatitis 狼瘡樣肝炎 ; 狼瘡狀肝炎 ; 類狼瘡性肝炎
Eliminate Hepatitis 消除肝炎
inapparent hepatitis 隱性肝炎
hepatitis fibrosis 肝纖維化指標


  • 1The doctor tested him for hepatitis.醫生對他進行了肝炎病檢查。《牛津詞典》
  • 2As a major health risk hepatitis is second only to tobacco.肝炎僅次於菸草是主要的健康隱患之一。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3We should require that every student is immunized against hepatitis B.我們應該要求每一位學生都注射B肝疫苗。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Hepatitis is a virus that specifically affects the liver, so viruses are often specific to certain kinds of cells.肝炎是一種專門感染肝臟的病毒,所以病毒通常都有細胞特異性。
  • 5Investigate the curative efficacy of ademetionine in the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia for chronic hepatitis B patients.分析腺苷蛋氨酸治療慢性B型肝炎高膽紅素血症的臨床療效。
  • 6Eating raw and roast corbicula leana, oyster, and Jiaban shrimp were the dietary factor of hepatitis A.生食蜆子、牡蠣、夾板蝦和街頭燒烤是引起A肝流行的主要食源性因素。
  • 7The objective is to research the reference of Chronic hepatitis B fibrosis with liver function and rivus quantitation.目的是研究慢性B型肝炎纖維化對肝功能和靜脈定量的參考。
  • 8The objective is to study the relationship between fetomaternal cellular traffic and hepatitis B virus (HBV) intrauterine infection.目的是探討母胎細胞轉運與B型肝炎病毒(HBV)宮內感染的關係。
  • 9How is viral hepatitis treated?如何治療病毒性肝炎?
  • 10Raj: With my luck - Hepatitis!Raj:幸運的話——得個肝炎就行了。
  • 11What is World Hepatitis Day?什麼是世界肝炎日?
  • 12The risks of hepatitis B remain.B肝的風險依然存在。
  • 13You contracted hepatitis.你得了肝炎。
  • 14How can viral hepatitis be prevented?如何預防病毒性肝炎?
  • 15Where is hepatitis B most common?B型肝炎在哪裡最常見?
  • 16Q: What is hepatitis?問:什麼是肝炎?
  • 17What are the different hepatitis viruses?都有哪些不同的肝炎病毒?
  • 18Q: What are the different hepatitis viruses?問:都有哪些不同的肝炎病毒?
  • 19Coordinating a global response to hepatitis.協調全球應對肝炎的努力。
  • 20What makes hepatitis a global health problem?為什麼肝炎屬於一個全球衛生問題?
  • 21Hepatitis B is endemic in China and other parts of Asia.B型肝炎在中國和亞洲其他地區流行。
  • 22How do you get hepatitis B? How can I protect myself?你怎樣染上B型肝炎?我如何保護自己?
  • 23Q: How do you get hepatitis B? How can I protect myself?問:你怎樣染上B型肝炎?我如何保護自己?
  • 24More needs to be done to prevent and control viral hepatitis.預防和控制病毒性肝炎需要開展更多的工作。
  • 25There were also cases of hepatitis, typhoid and yellow fever.還出現了肝炎、傷寒和黃熱病病例。
  • 26Different viruses can cause various forms of viral hepatitis.不同病毒可引起不同形式的病毒性肝炎。
  • 27What is WHO doing to support the fight against viral hepatitis?在與病毒性肝炎的鬥爭方面,世衛組織做了哪些支持工作?


