- 外文名:gradual
- 詞性:形容詞,名詞
- 英式讀音:[ˈgrædʒuəl]
- 美式讀音:[ˈɡrædʒuəl]
漸變故障gradualfailure 通過事前的檢測或監測可以預測到的故障,它是由於產品的規定性能隨壽命單位數增加而逐漸變化引起的。對電子產品也稱漂移故障(drife failure)。漸變故障gradualfailure 通過事前的檢測或監測可以預測到的故障,它是由於產品的規定性能隨壽命單位數增加而逐漸變化引起的。對電子產品也稱漂移故障(drife...
緩始磁暴 緩始磁暴(gradual commencement [magnetic] storm)是1988年公布的地球物理學名詞。公布時間 1988年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《地球物理學名詞》第一版。
薰染是一個漢語詞語,拼音是xūn rǎn,意思是薰陶與沾染。出自宋·葉適·《序》。詞義 【動】人的思想和生活習慣逐漸受到影響(多指不良的)基本解釋 [exert a gradual;edify;nurture;corrupting influence on] 薰陶並沾染 詳細解釋 薰陶與沾染。1、宋 葉適《序》:“﹝ 謝公 ﹞俊筆湧出,排迮老蒼,而不能受俗...
繼髮型漸變模式(secondarygradualchange pattern),與“原髮型漸變模式”相對。犯罪心理形成模式之一。個體在社會化過程基本完成後,在人生的某一個階段形成了與上一階段無法銜接的思想意識,受不良環境影響,加之意志薄弱,不能抵禦誘惑,或因地位升遷,或因家庭變故等,加上前一人生階段未打下良好的思想意識基礎...
4.9.4 Numerical Results of Gradual Analysis for Developing Crack under Monotonous Loading References 5 Basis of Anisotropic Damage Mechanics 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Anisotropic Damage Tensor 5.2.1 Micro description of Damage on Geometry 5.2.2 Damage Tensor Associated with One Group of Cracks 5.2....
漸變灰鏡(GC-GRAY鏡,即英文Gradual change-Gray Fillters的簡寫),是濾鏡的一種,屬於漸變鏡類。又稱GND鏡或中灰漸變鏡。漸變灰鏡一般是在拍攝反差較大的景觀時使用,其作用是使亮部和暗部的光比處於可控制的範圍內,為正確的曝光和後期製作提供保證。規格和特點 有矩形和圓形兩種。半邊灰色,半邊無色,因此...
漸進過程的中斷(suspension of gradual process)是質變的一種狀態。由德國黑格爾在《邏輯學》一書中所提出。他針對只承認發展的漸進性,不承認發展中的飛躍、質變的形上學思想,指出事物的發展不只是漸進的,“存在的變化從來都不僅是從一個量轉化為另一個量,而且是從質轉化為量和從量轉化為質,是向他物的...
is maintained in public opinion 假帳 accounting fraud 叫板 challenge; pick a quarrel 矯情 use lame arguments 漸進式台獨 gradual Taiwan independence 借調 temporarily transfer 擴大中等收入者比重 Raise the proportion of the middle-income group.擴大內需,刺激消費expand domestic demand and consumption
3.3 The Gradual Mode for China's New Urbanization 3.3.1 Fundamental Thoughts for China's Gradual Urbanization 3.3.2 Autonomous Mode for Gradual Urbanization 3.3.3 Shareholding Mode for Gradual Urbanization 3.3.4 Homestead Replacement Mode for Gradual Urbanization 3.3.5 New Rural ...
popularization,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“通俗化,大眾化;普及”。短語搭配 cultivar popularization 品種推廣 gradual popularization 逐步推廣 ; 逐步普及 knowledge popularization 知識普及 popularization education 普及教育 popularization prospect 推廣前景 weighted popularization 加權推廣 popularization ...
I saw, in gradual vision through my tears,The sweet, sad years, the melancholy years,Those of my own life, who by turns had flung A shadow across me. Straightway I was 'ware,So weeping, how a mystic Shape did move Behind me, and drew me backward by the hair;And a voice said in ...
ˈɛkəʊ-/ 1.N a species of plant or animal that can be divided into several ecotypes 生態種 [ecology]短語搭配 gradual ecospecies 漸進生態種 abrupt ecospecies 突發生態種 ; 突變生態種 ; 急轉生態種 ecospecies group 生態種組 a-ecospecies 突變生態種 g-ecospecies 漸進生態種 ...
the French operas carried over into the subsequent Italian ones, setting the stage for what later would be called operatic verismo. Drawing attention to the significance of the libretto for the development of nineteenth-century French and Italian opera, this 2008 text illustrates Verdi's gradual ...
(same as ancient form of 浸) to dip; to immerse; to soak, gradual; gradually, name of a place in today's Henan Province 古籍解釋 康熙字典 浸【巳集上】【水部】康熙筆畫:11畫部外筆畫:7畫 康熙字典 䆮 〔古文〕𥧲《唐韻》《集韻》《正韻》𠀤子鴆切,音祲。漬也。《詩·曹風》浸彼苞...
86。㴆字位於中日韓統一表意文字擴充A區(CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A)。English (same as 浸) to dip; to immerse; to soak; to permeate; to percolate, gradual; gradually 古籍釋義 康熙字典 㴆【巳集上】【水部】康熙筆畫:12畫部外筆畫:8畫 與浸同。《史記·王子侯年表》有扶㴆侯。
In the past twenty years, China has witnessed the flowering of an independent documentary cinema characterized by a particular verite aesthetic. Independent Chinese Documentary traces the roots of this style back to the 1980s, and the gradual abandonment of studio-based filmmaking, dominant during the...
㧨字位於中日韓統一表意文字擴充A區(CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A)。English (ancient form of U+624F) slow; gradual; tardy; leisurely, to delay; to put off; to defer 古籍解釋 康熙字典 㧨【卯集中】【手部】康熙筆畫:10畫部外筆畫:6畫 康熙字典 㧨 《玉篇》古文扏字。注詳二畫。