

《連續損傷力學及其數值分析套用》是浙江大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是Dr. Wohua Zhang。


  • 中文名:連續損傷力學及其數值分析套用
  • 別名:Continuum Damage Mechanics and Numerical Applications
  • 作者:Dr. Wohua Zhang
  • 出版社:浙江大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2010年5月1日
  • 頁數:923 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • ISBN:9787308065894, 7308065898
  • 叢書名:中國科技進展叢書


Dr. Wohua Zhang is a Professor at Engineering Mechanics ResearchCenter in Zhejiang University of China. Dr. Yuanqiang Cai is aProfessor at Department of Civil Engineering in Zhejiang Universityof China.


《連續損傷力學及其數值分析套用(英文版)》內容簡介:The progress of failure in metals, under various loading conditions, is as-sumed to involve the degradation of a structure due to nucleation and growthof defects, such as microvoids and microcracks, and their coalescence intomacrocracks. This process, generically termed damage, was first used to pre-dict material failure and rupture in-service in an elevated condition. Although damage mechanics provides a measure of material degradation on a microme-chanics scale, the damage variables are introduced to reflect average materialdegradation on a macromechanics scale and thus continuum damage mechan-ics (CDM) was developed. In the micro-cracking of materials under differentstress conditions, damage is regarded as the progressive degradation. This ma-terial degradation is reflected in the non-linear behaviour of the structures.Non-linear analysis based on CDM provides conservative and realistic results.Since the pioneering work of Kachanov in 1958, continuum damage mechan-ics has been widely accepted to describe progressive failure due to materialdegradation. The reason for its popularity is as much the intrinsic simplic-ity and versatility of the approach, as well as its consistency based on thetheory of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes. When the crack pro-files are not known a priori, the continuum damage mechanics approaches arecomputationally very attractive. CDM is a very applicable and rapidly de-veloping discipline. Now many papers are published and several internationalconferences, e.g., IUTAM-Symposia or EUROMECH-Colloquia, take place.Furthermore, a special International Journal of Damage Mechanics stressesthe importance of this branch of solid mechanics.


1 Introduction
2 Review of Damage Mechanics
2.1 Development of Damage Mechanics
2.2 Survey of Damage Phenomena
2.2.1 Different Damage Definitions due to Different Measurements
2.2.2 Damage Described by Micro-cracks and Macro-cracks
2.2.3 Damage Descriptions by Constrained Cavity Nucleation and Growth
2.2.4 Damage State Described by Continuum Cavity Growth
2.2.5 Damage State Described by Ductile Void Growth
2.3 Survey of Constitutive Relations for Damage
2.3.1 Constitutive Relations for Damaged Materials
2.3.2 Constitutive Models for Brittle Damage
2.3.3 Constitutive Models for Ductile Damage
2.3.4 Constitutive Models for Damage due to Super-Plastic Void Growth
2.3.5 Constitutive Models for Creep Damage
2.3.6 Constitutive Models for Anisotropic Damage
2.4 Survey of Kinetic Equations for Damaged Materials
2.4.1 Kinetic Behaviors due to Micro-Structural Changes
2.4.2 Creep Damage Growths
2.4.3 Damage Evolution due to Cavity Nucleation and Growth
2.4.4 Damage Evolution due to Super-Plastic Void Growth
2.4.5 Brittle and Ductile Damage Growth
2.4.6 Fatigue Damage Growths
X Contents
3 Basis of Isotropic Damage Mechanics
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Isotropic Damage Variable
3.3 Concept of Effective Stress
3.4 Different Basic Hypothesis of Damage Mechanics
3.4.1 Hypothesis of Strain Equivalence
3.4.2 Hypothesis of Stress Equivalence
3.4.3 Hypothesis of Elastic Energy Equivalence
3.4.4 Damage Variables Based on the Two Hypotheses
3.5 Thermodynamic Aspects
3.5.1 First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
3.5.2 Thermodynamic Potential and Dissipation Inequality
3.5.3 Dissipation Potential and Dual Relationship
3.6 Damage Strain Energy Release Rate
3.7 Isotropic Damage Model of Double Scalar Variables
3.7.1 Alternative Approach of Isotropic Damage Variables
3.7.2 Different Forms of Elastic Damaged Stress-Strain Relations
3.7.3 Isotropic Double Scalar Damage Variables
3.7.4 Strain Energy Release Rate with Double Scalar Damage Variables
3.7.5 Discussions of Characteristic of Double Scalars Damage Model
3.7.6 Modeling of Alternative Double Scalar Damage Theory
3.8 Generalized Theory of Isotropic Damage Mechanics
3.8.1 Modelling of Generalized Damage Constitutive
3.8.2 Discussion and Analysis of Generalized Damage Model
3.8.3 Aspects of Damage Effective Functions
3.8.4 Dissipative Potential and Damage Evolution for Generalized Theory
4 Isotropic Elasto-Plastic Damage Mechanics
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Associated Flow Rule Model
4.2.1 Re-expression of Lemaitre's Model
4.2.2 Damage Evolution Equations
4.2.3 Evaluated Damage Variables by Different HypothesisModels
4.3 Non-Associated Flow Rule Model
4.3.1 Basic Equations of Elasto-Plasticity for Isotropic Damaged Materials
4.3.2 Static Elasto-Plastic Damage Model without Damage Growth
4.3.3 Elasto-Plastic Model with Damage Growth
4.3.4 Nonlinear Kinetic Evolution Equations of Elasto-Plastic Damage
4.3.5 Model of Combined Dissipation Potential
4.4 Damage Plastic Criteria for Numerical Analysis
4.4.1 Damage-Plastic Potential Functions
4.4.2 Damage-Plastic Yield Function
4.4.3 Different Modeling of Damage Yield Criteria
4.4.4 Expression for Numerical Computation
4.5 Shakedown Upper Bound Model of Elasto-Plastic Damage
4.5.1 Simplified Damage Constitutive Model
4.5.2 Upper Bound on Damage of Structures
4.6 Gradual Analysis of Double Scale Elasto-Plastic Damage Mechanics
4.6.1 Gradual Constitutive Relation Coupled with Double Scale Damage
4.6.2 Damage Evolution Criterion Based on Double Scale of Damage
4.6.3 Damage Evolution Equation Time Type
4.6.4 Basic Equations and Boundary Conditions for Solving Problems
4.7 Analysis of Coupled Isotropic Damage and Fracture Mechanics
4.7.1 Gradual Analysis for Developing Crack under Monotonous Loading
4.7.2 Basic Equation of Gradual Field near Developing Crack
4.7.3 Boundary Condition and Solution Method of Studied Problem
4.8 Verify Isotropic Damage Mechanics Model by Numerical Examples
4.8.1 Example of Bar Specimen
4.8.2 Compression of Plastic Damage Behavior Based on Different Hypothesis
4.9 Numerical Application for Damaged Thick Walled Cylinder ...
4.9.1 Plastic Damage Analysis for Damaged Thick Walled Cylinder
4.9.2 Analysis for Local Damage Behaviors
4.9.3 Analysis for Damaged Thick Walled Cylinder Based on Shakedown Theory
4.9.4 Numerical Results of Gradual Analysis for Developing Crack under Monotonous Loading
5 Basis of Anisotropic Damage Mechanics
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Anisotropic Damage Tensor
5.2.1 Micro description of Damage on Geometry
5.2.2 Damage Tensor Associated with One Group of Cracks
5.2.3 Damage Tensor Associated with Multi-Groups ofCracks
5.3 Principal Anisotropic Damage Model
5.3.1 Three Dimensional Space
5.3.2 Two Dimensional Space
5.4 Decomposition Model of Anisotropic Damage Tensor
5.4.1 Review of Definition of Damage Variable
5.4.2 Decomposition of Damage Variable in One Dimension.
5.4.3 Decomposition of Symmetrized Anisotropic Damage Tensor in 3-D
5.5 Basic Relations of Anisotropic Damage Based on Thermodynamics
5.5.1 First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics of Anisotropic Materials
5.5.2 Thermodynamic Potential and Dissipation Inequality in Anisotropy
5.5.3 Dissipation Potential and Dual Relationship in Anisotropy
5.5.4 Damage Strain Energy Release Rate of Anisotropic Damage
5.6 Elastic Constitutive Model for Anisotropic Damaged Materials
5.6.1 Elastic Matrix of Damaged Materials in Three Dimensions
5.6.2 Elastic Matrix of Damaged Materials in Two Dimensions
5.6.3 Property of Anisotropic Damage Elastic Matrix
5.7 Different Models of Damage Effective Matrix
5.7.1 Principal Damage Effective Matrix in Different Symmetrization Schemes
5.7.2 Matrix Expressed by Second Order Damage Tensor in Different Schemes
5.8 Different Modeling of Damage Strain Energy Release Rate
5.8.1 Overview of the Topic
5.8.2 Modification of Based on Different Symmetrization Models
5.8.3 Different Forms of Damage Strain Energy Release Rate
5.8.4 Discussion and Conclusions
5.9 Effects of Symmetrization of Net-Stress Tensor in Anisotropic Damage Models
5.9.1 Review of Symmetrization Models
6 Brittle Damage Mechanics of Rock Mass
7 Anisotropic Elasto-plastic Damage Mechanics
8 Theory of Visco-elasto-plastic Damage Mechanics
9 Dynamic Damage Problems of Damaged Materials

