- 外文名:floodplain
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[ˈflʌdpleɪn]
- 釋義:泛濫平原
Phosphorus Dynamics in Trial Floodplain Soils of Bangladesh 《Phosphorus Dynamics in Trial Floodplain Soils of Bangladesh》是一本圖書,作者是Hoque, MD Fazlul。
驚悚片《洪泛區》(Floodplain),主演為本·福斯特、賈斯蒂斯·史密斯、凱瑟琳·沃特斯頓、瑪利亞·巴卡洛娃,蒂姆·薩頓(《最後之子》《拳打腳踢》)執導,Topic Studios出品。影片探討關於家庭創傷、環境正義和種族的主題,講述一個男人(福斯特飾)必須回到家鄉,幫助阻止一場災難性的洪水,並直面他過去犯下的錯誤。
)。在活躍的河道邊界內較乾燥區域之下的層帶是副流帶(parafluvial zone),而位於河岸邊界之外在鄰近邊岸帶之下的潛流帶稱為河漫灘潛流帶(floodplain hyporheic zone )。有關潛流帶的術語還比較含混,這是因為研究者的定位不同以及這一新興領域正處在快速發展時期的緣故。從概念上看,潛流帶的定義儘管較簡單。但...
河漫灘也叫泛濫平原(Overbank,Floodplain)是曲流河系中面積分布最廣的部分。在現代地貌學中,泛濫平原與沖積平原(Alluvial plain)可謂同意詞,但在沉積學中,沖積平原多是指從沖積扇上或辮狀河周圍的平原。因此,河漫灘是在洪水泛濫期間,河水溢出到曲流河兩岸平原中最低洼部分,故又稱河漫灘為泛濫盆地。這裡...
floodtime,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“漲潮期間”。短語搭配 rainy forward floodtime 前汛期降水 單詞釋義 漲潮期間 ...floodplain泛濫平原floodtime漲潮期間floodwater洪水...洪水季節 ...洪水季akhet洪水季節floodseason;floodtime洪水計算公式floodcalculatingformula... ...
riverside meadow 河邊低洼草地 [SCOTTISH][DIALECT]短語搭配 John Haugh 副導演 Haugh Nancy 名稱 Haugh Unint 哈夫單位 Haugh Chris 名稱 Jim Haugh 標籤 Thos Haugh 標籤 floodplain haugh 泛濫平原 Mary Haugh 已發布一項留言 T Haugh 標籤
2003.(75) Xinhua Zhang, Kuniyoshi Takeuchi and Hiroshi Ishidaira. “Simulate floodplain morphological variation due to sediment-laden inundation flows in the Lower Yellow River Basin”. The Sixth International Conference on Hydro-science and Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, May 30-June 3, 2004.
floodometer,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“水位測量儀;潮洪水位測量儀”。單詞釋義 水量計 ...floodingvalve溢流閥floodometer水量計floorairconditioner立式空調器...水位測量儀 ...floodmark滿潮標floodometer水位測量儀floodplain泛濫平原...洪水計 洪水計floodometer洪水量floodcapacity;flooddischarge;flood...
EcoCAR:Ecosystem Assessment and Capacity Building for Sustainable Management of Floodplains alo ng the Central Asian Rivers Tarim/China and Naryn/Kyrgyzstan,德國大眾基金會資助的國際合作項目, 起止時間:2015-2018, 資助經費:130萬元, 已結題, 主持;流域生態修復中德合作創新型人才培養, 國家留學基金委“...
5.Evaluation of Floodplain Function for Flood Control and Stream Restoration, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.6.Modeling Soil-Water-Vegetation Response to Climate Change, International Arid Lands Consortium (IALC).7.Wildfire impact on Virgin River water quality and fish population, Washington County ...
Forested wetlands occur in floodplains, flats, depressions, lacustrine fringe zones, with water inputs from both groundwater and precipitation. 森林濕地出現在衝擊平原、低濕灘地、凹窪地、湖沼地邊緣地帶,其水體來自地下水和降雨。Jiaxing area belongs to representative lacustrine plain zone. Its Quaternary ...
12 Liu Chao, Shan Yuqi, Liu Xingnian, Yang Kejun, Liao Huasheng. The effect of floodplain grass on the flow characteristics of meandering compound channels. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 542, 1-17.13 Liu Chao, Shan Yuqi, Liu Xingnian, Yang Kejun. Method for assessing discharge in meandering...
銆€9.4 floodplains 275 銆€9.5 control of combined sewer overflow 277 銆€9.6 computer applications 281 銆€9.7 chapter synopsis 283 銆€9.8 relevant web sites 284 銆€review questions 285 銆€practice problems 285 10 wastewater treatment and disposal 287 銆€10.1 legislation and ...
[1] Y. Chen, Y. Liu, Y. Liu, A. Lin, X. Kong, D. Liu, X. Li, Y. Zhang, Y. Gao, D. Wang, 2012. Mapping of Cu and Pb Contaminations in Soil Using Combined Geochemistry, Topography, and Remote Sensing: A Case Study in the Le’an River Floodplain, China. International ...
安徽沿江湖泊越冬水鳥群落結構研究Study on the community structure of waterbirds wintering at the lakes in Yangtze River floodplain in Anhui province,作者陳錦雲 副題名 外文題名 Study on the community structure of waterbirds wintering at the lakes in Yangtze River floodplain in Anhui province 論文作者 ...
Du, Shiqiang; He Chunyang* (通訊作者); Huang, Qingxu; Shi, Peijun. 2018. How did the urban land infloodplains distribute and expand in China from 1992–2015? EnvironmentalResearch Letters, 13 (3):034018.Du, Shiqiang; Shi, Peijun* (通訊作者); Van Rompaey, Anton; Wen, Jiahong. 2015. ...
長江中下游水鳥調查報告,馬克·巴特(Mark Barter),雷剛,曹壘等著,中國林業出版社出版。作者簡介 長江中下游水鳥調查報告 拼音題名 chang jiang zhong xia you shui niao diao cha bao gao 其它題名 [中英文本]並列題名 Waterbird survey of the middle and lower Yangtze river floodplain ISBN 7-5038-4146-X...
EcoCAR:Ecosystem Assessment and Capacity Building for Sustainable Management of Floodplains along the Central AsianRivers Tarim/China and Naryn/Kyrgyzstan,德國大眾基金會(Volkswagen Foundation)資助,2015-2018,參與 SuMaRiO: Sustainable Management of River Oases along the Tarim River, NW China 中德合作...
Analysis on Floodplain Wetlands and Ecological Water Demand of the Yellow River Huang Jinhui, Wang Ruiling and Chen Haoyuan etc.Water Pollution Reduction by the Industry in the Catchment Area of the Rhine River: Permitting and Enforcement Stefan Hill, Peter Diehl and Ben van de Wetering Wetland ...
Floodplain Avoidance Brownfield Redevelopment High Priority Brownfield Redevelopment Preferred Locations Reduced Oil-Fueled Automobile Dependence Bicycle Infrastructure Fantasy Island Local (VValking/Bicycle Scale) Housing and Jobs School Proximity Solar Radiation, Wind and Rainfall Back to the Plan Chapter ...
9.4 floodplains 275 9.5 control of combined sewer overflow 277 9.6 computer applications 281 9.7 chapter synopsis 283 9.8 relevant web sites 284 review questions 285 practice problems 285 10 wastewater treatment and disposal 287 10.1 legislation and standards 288 10.2 p...
Flores, B. M.*, Holmgren, M., Xu, C., van Nes, E.H., Jakovac, C.C., Mesquita, R.C.G. & Scheffer M. (2017). Floodplains as an Achilles’ heel of Amazonian forest resilience. PNAS . 201617988.Xu, C.* , Hantson, S., Holmgren, M., van Nes, E. H., Staal, A., & ...
Yang Xiangdong, Jone Anderson, Dong Xuhui, Shen Ji. Surface sediment diatom assemblages and epilimnetic total phosphorus in large, shallow lakes of the Yangtze floodplain: their relationships and implications for assessing long-term eutrophication. Freshwater Biology 科研項目 (1)中科院知識創新重要方向...
Analysis on Floodplain Wetlands and Ecological Water Demand of the Yellow River Huang Jinhui, Wang Ruiling and Chen Haoyuan etc.Water Pollution Reduction by the Industry in the Catchment Area of the Rhine River: Permitting and Enforcement Stefan Hill, Peter Diehl and Ben van de Wetering Wetland ...
Case study:Groundimprovement of Yangtze River floodplain soils with combined vacuum andsurcharge preloading method. ASCE InternationalJournal of Geomechanics, 2019, 19(12): 05019008 (SCI檢索)(20)Ding Jianwen, Feng Xusong,Cao Yupeng, Qian Sen, Ji Feng. Consolidated Undrained Triaxial CompressionTests...