2001-2003Visiting scientist, University of Georgia, U.S.
2003-2013Postdoctoral Fellow/Assistant Research Professor/Associate Research Professor
Desert Research Institute, U.S.
主要研究地表及近地表的水流運動及其引起的物質傳輸 過程,以及其帶來的環境和生態效應。在降雨-產流過程機理與模擬、河道水流動力學、侵蝕與泥沙輸移等方面做出深入研究。代表性成果包括:國際上首次建立坡 面入滲模型並闡明坡面入滲規律;發展雙層入滲加二維匯流的高精度降雨-產流模型;剖析產匯流過程與植物斑塊相互作用機理;建立融合流體力學及材料力學的水 流-植物相互作用模擬方法;發展細溝不平衡輸沙侵蝕模型;提出推移質輸沙的空間非均質性概念及其對輸沙不確定性的影響等。成果發表於 Water Resources Research、Advances in Water Resources、
Journal of Hydrology等國際權威水文期刊,
4.Collaborative Research: Predicting the Interactions between Flow, Sediment, and Riparian Vegetation, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
5.Evaluation of Floodplain Function for Flood Control and Stream Restoration, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
6.Modeling Soil-Water-Vegetation Response to Climate Change, International Arid Lands Consortium (IALC).
7.Wildfire impact on Virgin River water quality and fish population, Washington County Water Conservancy District
8.Rapid watershed characterization on Southwestern U.S.U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
9.Rawhide Watershed study, Flood Control District of Maricopa County
10.RainbowWashWatershed study, Flood Control District of Maricopa County
11.Post-Fire Debris Flow in the Southwestern US – An Increase in Risk due to Climate Change, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
12.Effect of sediment yield from tributary on sediment transport feature of mainstream Rio Grande. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
13.Estimation of short-duration volume-frequency relationships in arid/semi-arid watersheds- Phase IV,U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
14.Wildfire Impact on watershed hydrological processes. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
15.Assess and Improve Infiltration Analyses to Support Estimates of Recharge and Initial Abstraction. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
16.Guidance for sedimentation modeling in stream restorations, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
17.Soil heterogeneity and moisture distribution due to rainfall events in vegetated desert areas: Potential impact on soil recharge and ecosystems. U.S. Geological Survey
1.Chen, L., Xiang, L., Young, M.H., Yin, J., Yu, Z.B., van Genuchten, M.T. Optimal parameters for the Green-Ampt infiltration model under rainfall conditions.Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics(in press).
2.ChenX,ChenL,ZhaoJ,YuZ(2015)Modeling the hydrodynamic interactions between the main channel and the flood plain at Mc Carran Ranchinthelower Truckee River,Nevada.Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. (inpress)
3.Chen, L.,Acharya, K.,andStone, M. (2014). Using amechanicalapproach to quantify flow resistance by submerged, flexible vegetation - a revisit of Kouwen's approach.Advances in Water Resources.Vol.73, 198-202.
5.Sun, H., Chen, D., Zhang, Y., Chen, L. (2014).Understanding partial bed-load transport: experiments and stochastic model analysis.Journal of Hydrology. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.11.064
6.Zhang, Y., Chen, L., Reeves, D.M., Sun, H., (2014). A fractional-order tempered-stable continuity model to capture surface water runoff.Journal of Vibration and Control. doi:10.1177/1077546314557554.
7.Zhang, Y., Martin, R.L., Chen, D., Baeumer, B., Sun, H., Chen, L., (2014). A subordinated advection model for uniform bedload transport from local to regional scales.J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf.2014JF003145. doi:10.1002/2014JF003145.
8.Chen, X.,Zhao, J., and Chen, L. (2014). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Preferential Flow in Fractured Network with Clogging Process.Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 879189, 13 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/879189.
9.Thompson, S. E., Assouline, S., Chen, L., Trahktenbrot, A., Svoray, T., and Katul, G. G. (2014). Secondary dispersal driven by overland flow in drylands: Review and mechanistic model development.Movement Ecology, 2(1), 7.
10.Chen, L., S. Sela, T. Svoray, and S. Assouline, (2013) The role of soil surface sealing, microtopography and vegetation patches in rainfall-runoff processes in semiarid areas.Water Resources Research,49,5585–5599, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20360.
11. Chen, L.M. Berli and K. Chief (2013) Examining Modeling Approaches for the Rainfall-Runoff Process in Wildfire Affected Watersheds.Journal American Water ResourcesAssociation. DOI:10.1111/jawr.12043.
12.Stone, M.S., L. Chen, K. McKay, J. Goreham, K Acharya, C. Fischenich and A.B. Stone (2013). Bending of submerged woody riparian vegetation as a function of Hydraulic flow conditions.River Research and Application. 29(2), 195-205, DOI:10.1002/rra.1592.
13.Chen, L.R. Schumer, A. Knust and W. Forsee (2012) Impact of Temporal Resolution of Flow-Duration curve on Sediment Load Estimation.Journal American Water ResourcesAssociation, 48(1). DOI:10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00602.x.
14.Xiang L., Z. Yu, L. Chen, J. Mon, and H., Lü (2012) Evaluating coupled water, vapor and heat flows and their influence on the moisture dynamics in the arid region.Journal of Hydrological Engineering. 16(4), 565-577, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000474.
15.Chen, L. M.S. Stone, K. Acharya and K.A. Steinhaus (2011) Mechanical analysis for emergent vegetation in flowing fluids.Journal of Hydraulic Research,49(6), 766-774.
16.Chen, L.(2010),Anintegralapproach for large deflection cantilever beams.Int J. Nonlin Mech.10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2009.12.004.
17.Chen, L., Zhu, J.; Young, M.H., Susfalk, R.B. (2009),An integrated approach to modeling solute transport in streams and canals with applications.Journal of Hydrology.v.378. n.1-2. pp.128-136. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.09.012.
18.Chen, L.and M.C. Stone (2008) Heterogeneity of Bed Material Size Distribution and Bedload Transport Uncertainty.Water Resources Research, 44, W01405, doi:10.1029/2006WR005483.
19.Liu, Q.Q, L. Chen., J.C. Li, V.P. Singh (2007), A non-equilibrium sediment transport model for rill erosion.Hydrol. Process. 21, 1074-1084.
20.Chen, L. and M.H. Young (2006) Green-Ampt Infiltration Model on Sloping Surfaces.Water Resources Research, 42, W07420, doi:10.1029/2005WR004468.
21.Duan, J.G., L. Chen and S. Scott, (2006) Application of fractional bed load transport rate to a desert gravel-bed streams.Journal of Hydraulic Research, 44(5): 624-630.
22.Liu Q.Q., L. Chen., J.C. Li and V. P. Singh (2005) On roll waves in overland flow,Journal of Hydrological Engineering, 10(2): 110-117.
23. Liu Q.Q., L. Chen, J. C. Li and V. P. Singh. (2004) Two Dimensional Kinematic Wave Modeling of Overland flow,Journal of Hydrology, 291, 28-41.
24.Chen, L., Q.Q. Liu, J. C. Li, (2001) Runoff Generation Characteristics in Typical Erosion Regions on the Loess Plateau.International Journal of Sediment Research, 16(4). 473-485.
學術期刊審稿人:Water Resource Research, Advances in Water Resources, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Journal of Hydrology, Hydrologic Science Journal, Vadose Zone Journal, Soil Sciences Society of American Journal, Journal of American Water Resources Association, Journal of Hydrological Engineering,International Journal of Wildland Fire等
評審委員:George B. and Jane C. Maxey Research Paper Award;Judge of AGU Hydrology Session’s Outstanding Student Paper Award (OSPA)