- 外文名:decoction
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[dɪˈkɒkʃn]
- 美式發音:[dɪˈkɑːkʃn]
METHOD the effect of the decoction of Fructus Corni Officinalis and the extraction at different locations on the breathing time of mice after their decollation was observed.方法觀察山茱萸水煎液及各提取部位對小鼠斷頭後喘氣...
通竅活血湯(Tongqiao Huoxue Decoction)是以通竅(主要是頭面七竅)為主的活血散結方。通竅活血湯主要材料有赤芍、川芎、桃仁、紅棗、紅花、老蔥、鮮姜、 麝香等。簡介 【來源】弘《醫林改錯》卷上。 【組成】赤芍3克、 川芎3克、...
stringy 纖維的 stringy milk 膠黏乳 stringy floopy 串狀磁帶 stringy sentence 串聯句問題 stringy selvedge 木耳邊 stringy decoction 粘性的湯藥散 stringy curd 發粘的凝塊 ; 發黏凝塊 stringy wool 繩狀毛 ; 鋼絲毛 ; 氈制毛 ...
中藥煎汁的次數[decoction]。如:頭煎;二煎 常用詞組 煎熬、煎餅、煎迫、煎心 古籍釋義 康熙字典 《廣韻》《集韻》子仙切《韻會》將仙切,𠀤音湔。《說文》熬也。《玉篇》火去汁也。《廣韻》熟煑也。《揚子·方言》火乾也...
真武山(zhenwu decoction),別名北武當山,是山西呂梁市叢羅峪鎮境內的一座山。叢羅峪真武山地處晉陝古蹟之旅黃金線路的中心位置,西接陝西白雲山、東連方山縣武當山,區位條件非常優越,歷來又是仙道棲隱修真之地。真武山位於叢羅峪...
ⅩⅥ Materia Medica of Decoction ⅩⅦ Supplement to Amplification on Compendium of Materia Medica ⅩⅧ Detailed Materia Medica ⅩⅨ Essentials of a Collection of Materia Medica ⅩⅩ Dietary Materia Medica ⅩⅪ Meng Quan ...
canalization,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“運河網;開運河;[外科] 造管術”。短語搭配 canalization project[水運] 渠化工程 canalization communication 渠化 canalization decoction 穿通湯 field canalization 農田溝渠化 river ...
Now our company has already passed the ISO9001 international quality system certification and the ISO14001 international environment system certification, the traditional Chinese medicine tablets ready for decoction GMP certification,...
steaming and drip-washing with drug decoction (21) Xun Zheng Fa:steaming muscles and skin with hot drug vapor (22) Yan Fa:compress with drug (23) Zuo Yao Fa:sitting on drug (24) Guan Chang Fa:enema with drug ...
New Extrauterine Pregnancy decoction 新宮外孕方 extrauterine growth restriction 宮外生長發育遲緩 ; 早產兒宮外發育遲緩 ; 宮外生長遲緩 ; 早產兒宮外生長遲緩 extrauterine contraceptive device signs 節育環外游徵象 Unruptured Extra...
Caihong Wang, Caisheng Wu, Hailin Qin, et al., Rapid discovery and identification of 68 compounds in the active fraction from Xiao-Xu-Ming decoction (XXMD) by HPLC-HRMS and MTSF technique, Chinese Chemical Letters 吳彩...
Because medical congee has decoction, fluidity, pappy characteristic, this is, not only sweet and goluptious, facilitate absorb, and can raise gastric spirit, remedial chronic.這是因為藥粥具有湯劑、流質、半流質的特點,不僅...
Kuikeling decoction (KKL) was summarized for the treatment of UC effective Chinese herbal compound in Gastro enterology of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital on the basis years of clinical experience.潰克靈(KKL)是在南京市鼓樓醫院...
Objective: To investigate Tangshenbao Decoction's influence on the oxidation irritable reaction and plasma thromboxane level in kidneys of diabetic rats.目的:研究糖腎保煎劑對糖尿病大鼠腎臟氧化應激反應和血漿血栓素水平的影響。P...
Methods: 60 cases were selected and divided randomly into control group and treatment group, the latter by bigeminy therapy with the decoction and Omeprazole ECT, the former by Omeprazole ECT only.方法選擇60例患者,隨機分...
2.The Effect of Jieduquban Decoction on Arthus Reaction in Rat 解毒祛斑湯對大鼠Arthus反應的影響 3.A Case of Arthus Reaction Induced by Injecting of Tetanus Antitoxi 注射破傷風抗毒素髮生Arthus反應1例 ...
Objective: To compare the pharmacological action of mango leave decoction, demangiferin mango leave decoction and mangiferin anti-tussive and expectorant drugs.目的:比較芒果葉水煎液、去芒果苷芒果葉水煎液和芒果苷鎮咳祛痰的藥理...
Objective To observe the clinical effects of "Yijiehe Decoction" in treating climacteric depressionand its mechanisms.目的觀察一解合方治療更年期抑鬱症的臨床療效及其作用機制。Objective To improve the quality of life of patients ...