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  • 外文名:chaotic
  • 性質:英文單詞
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式音標:[keɪˈɒtɪk]
  • 美式音標:[keɪˈɑːtɪk]


英 [keɪˈɒtɪk] 美 [keɪˈɑːtɪk]
adj. 混亂的,無秩序的;(與)……混沌(有關)的


chaotic dynamics 混沌動力學
chaotic oscillator 混沌振盪器
Chaotic Evil 混亂邪惡 ; 叛逆邪惡 ; 無序邪惡 ; 叛逆的邪惡
Chaotic oscillation 混沌振盪
Helpless and chaotic 剪不斷理還亂
chaotic system 混沌系統 ; 渾沌系統
Chaotic Good 混亂善良 ;叛逆善良
chaotic eclipse 撕裂重罪


  • 1The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour.在上下班尖峰時間,城市的交通混亂不堪。《牛津詞典》
  • 2My own house feels as filthy and chaotic as a bus terminal.我自己的房子感覺和公共汽車總站一樣污濁混亂。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3"Traditional construction, is chaotic," he says.他說:“傳統的建設過程是混亂的。”
  • 4So, the echoes from a tree are going to a mass of chaotic acoustic reflections, not like the echo from a moth.所以,樹的回聲會是一團混亂的聲波反射,而不像飛蛾的回聲那樣。
  • 5Dwight Eisenhower had led a fractious alliance—you didn't tell Winston Churchill what to do—in a massive, chaotic war.在一場大規模的、混亂的戰爭中,德懷特·艾森豪領導了一個難以駕馭的聯盟——你不必告訴溫斯頓·邱吉爾該做什麼。
  • 6So it was easier to discern the order in the sky than farther north or farther south, where everything would seem more chaotic.因此,這裡更容易辨別出天空中的某種順序;而在比這裡更北或更南的地方,似乎一切都顯得雜亂無章。
  • 7Their son, Baal, is a storm god. He's depicted in mythological literature Mot as defeating both the chaotic sea god, Yam, and the god of death, Mot.他們的兒子Baal是風暴之神,在神話文學的描述中,他打敗了混亂的海神 Yam 和死神 Mot 。
  • 8Mars, in contrast, has a wildly oscillating tilt and chaotic seasonality, while Venus, rotating slowly backward, has virtually no seasonality at all.相比之下,火星有著劇烈的傾斜和混亂的季節性,而金星則緩慢地向後旋轉,幾乎沒有實質上的任何季節性。
  • 9Later, between 1909 and 1915 sediments in Mammoth Cave that contained fossils were hauled out and examined in a chaotic manner that no scientist today would approve.後來,在1909年到1915年之間,猛獁象洞穴里含有化石的沉積物被拖出,並以一種今天的科學家都不會同意的混亂的方式進行了檢測。
  • 10These factors include the chaotic fluctuations of the atmosphere, the slower but equally erratic behavior of the oceans, changes in the land surfaces, and the extent of ice and snow.這些因素包括混亂的大氣波動、相對較慢但同樣不穩定的海洋活動、地表變化,以及冰雪的覆蓋範圍。
  • 11On New Year's Eve I usually give a party, which is always chaotic.除夕日,我通常舉辦一個聚會,總是一片狼藉。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 12In a chaotic two days of flying, the rescue team flew 3,000 miles round-trip from the British station Rothera to pick up the workers in the U.S. Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole.救援隊從英國的羅瑟拉站出發,在狀況百出的兩天中飛行往返3000英里,接回了南極美國阿蒙森-斯考特站的工作人員。
  • 13While Graz'zt focused on the chaotic lust of the soul, and Demogorgon on the corruption of matter and the mind.其中格拉茲特凝聚了靈魂中的混亂欲望,狄摩高根司掌心靈與物質的腐化。
  • 14It is in short a bit chaotic.總之,情況有點混亂。
  • 15The universe is a chaotic place.宇宙本是一片混沌之所。
  • 16The process can be chaotic.整個過程可能會一團亂。
  • 17It could be quite chaotic.它是很混沌的。
  • 18Still a chaotic mess in most ways.在大多數方面仍然是一團亂麻。
  • 19Busy isn't synonymous with chaotic.忙碌並不是混亂的同義詞。
  • 20It was chaotic, but organized chaos.那裡非常混亂,但是是有組織的混亂。
  • 21It was an emotionally chaotic period.那段時間,我心裡亂透了。
  • 22Daily life can feel so chaotic and frenetic.日常生活會讓你覺得非常混亂,抓狂。
  • 23The scene in Paris on Monday was chaotic.周一發生在巴黎的一幕顯得有些混亂。
  • 24Entrepreneurs have chaotic personal lives.企業家個人生活一塌糊塗。
  • 25Our third assumption is that the world is chaotic.我們的第三個假設是,世界是混亂的。
  • 26A sensible compromise, or a chaotic climbdown?是理智地妥協,還是無條件地屈服?
  • 27The situation on the ground often looked chaotic.地面的戰局看起來總是糾結的。
  • 28If it was chaotic, each avalanche could swamp the brain.如果大腦是混沌的,每一次雪崩都能使大腦變成沼澤。


