n. 集中化;中央集權管理
While centralization ensures that all students are equipped with roughly the same resources and perform at roughly the same level, it also discourages experimentation. 雖然集中化可以確保所有學生擁有大致相同的資源,達到大致相同的表現,但它也對實驗不利。
Centralization is an important growing trend for corporate. 集中化管理是企業重要的發展趨勢。
The latter contains the three centralization adoption phases. 接下來的部分包含了三個集中式採用階段。
With economic growth has come centralization: fully 76 percent of. 隨著經濟的增長,出現了集中化:全國1.19億公民,其中整整76%的。
Tending or directed away from centralization, as of authority. 如在權威上傾向於或從中央分離的。
Unfortunately we are now seeing the consequences of this centralization. 不幸的是,現在我們看到了高度集中帶來的苦果。
This is not simply a problem of financial centralization or decentralization. 這不是個簡單的財政集中分散的問題。
Industry centralization is the developing trend in international industry market. 產業集中化是當前國際產業市場的發展趨勢。
Centralization and decentralization are in constant contradiction with each other. 集中與分散是經常矛盾的。
In addition, the regional sites participating in the centralization area are identified. 另外,參與集中式區域的區域性站點會得到識別。
It presents a typical Centralization ventilating and cooling structure in this article. 文中就幾種典型的通風冷卻結構進行了介紹。
Two of the most important dimensions of structure are centralization and departmentalization. 在組織結構中最關鍵的兩個維度是集中化和部門化。
the introduction of redundant service logic, which runs contrary to Logic Centralization (136) 冗餘服務邏輯的引入,這和邏輯集中(Logic Centralization,136)相違背
Moral belief has the features of sanctification, centralization and integration in its practice. 道德信仰在其實踐活動中具有神聖化、元化和整體化的特徵。
The test system not only implement the test centralization but also the test opening and network. 該測試系統既實現集中化,同時又實現了開放化和網路化。
Ironically, centralization of services is being accompanied by increasing interest in mobile computing. 諷刺的是,伴隨著服務的集中化是不斷攀升的移動電腦帶來的利益。
The centralization of workflow logic into the abstract superclass is an example of inversion of control. 使工作流的邏輯集中到抽象類是控制反轉的例子。
The emerging IT paradigm enables them to achieve these objectives through a different mechanism: centralization. 新興的IT模式使得他們可以通過一種不同的機制達到這些目的:那就是集中化。
The conclusion also explains the positive correlativity between excess land centralization and land reform. 該結論能夠用來解釋土地集中與土地改革的正相關關係。
Lisp would be Zen Buddhism - there is no syntax, there is no centralization of dogma, there are no deities to worship. LISP是佛教的禪宗——沒有語法,沒有集中的教條,沒有神性崇拜。
The low comprehensive cost will enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in Jiang Nan Industrial Centralization Area. 綜合成本下來了,企業的競爭力就增強了。
The crux of this scenario is the virtualization and centralization of information to create a set of consistent, reliable data. 這一場景的關鍵在於對信息進行虛擬化和集中化,以創建一組一致的、可靠的數據。
Unlike many security agencies or entities in the human world, the most adaptable and successful organisms avoid centralization. 不同於人類世界中許多安全機構或實體,適應性最強最成功的生物體往往避免集中化。
The information center contains details about the phases. In phase one, the following centralization activities are performed. 信息中心包含了關於階段的具體信息。
Centralization, Sub urbanization, Counter urbanization and Re urbanization are the main phases in the life cycle of metropolis. 向心城市化、城郊化、逆城市化和再城市化四個連續的變質階段構成大都市的生命周期。
Essential differences exist between re-centralization and original centralization on the life cycle chain of industry location. 產業區位周期鏈上的再集中與初始集中是有本質區別的。
Jiang Nan Industrial Centralization Area is located close to Yangtze River Golden Waterway, helping enterprises to reduce transport cost. 江南區緊靠長江黃金水道,可以減輕企業的運輸成本;
Its standard substantive consist of three essential elements: related market, degree of centralization of the related product market, other factors. 實質標準由相關市場、相關產品市場的集中度和其他相關因素三個要件構成。
Centralization of access to all of the enterprise data through specialized data services requires business services to use them for all of the data access. 通過專門的數據服務集中化所有企業數據的存取要求業務服務的所有數據存取也通過這些數據服務完成。