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  • 中文名:商務英語基礎教程
  • 作者:李德榮,余麗華主編
  • 出版社:華東理工大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787562841579




Chapter 1 Business and Society(企業與社會)
Ⅰ.The Social Responsibility of Business(企業的社會責任)
Ⅲ.Business Ethics(商業道德)
Chapter 2 Forms of Business Ownership(1)(企業所有制形式)(1)
Ⅰ.Sole Proprietorships(個體企業)
Chapter 3 Forms of Business Ownership(2)(企業所有制形式)(2)
Ⅰ.What Is a Corporation?(什麼是有限責任公司?)
Ⅱ.How Corporations Are Created and Managed?(有限責任公司如何創立和管理?)
Ⅲ.Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporations(有限責任公司的利弊)
Chapter 4 Management Principles(管理原則)
Ⅰ.Nature of Management(管理的本義)
Ⅱ.Levels of Management(管理的層次)
Ⅲ.Functions of Management(管理的功能)
Chapter 5 Managerial Skills and Managers(管理技能和管理人員)
Ⅰ.Styles of Leadership(領導風格)
Ⅱ.Managerial Skills(管理技能)
Ⅲ.Where Do Managers Come From?(管理人員從何而來?)
Ⅳ.Better Communication(加強溝通)
Chapter 6 Corporate Culture(企業文化)
Ⅰ.What Is Corporate Culture?(什麼是企業文化?)
Ⅱ.Elements of Corporate Culture(企業文化的組成部分)
Ⅲ.Creating a Corporate Culture(創造企業文化)
Chapter 7 Business Organization and Structure(企業的組織和結構)
Ⅱ.Delegation of Authority(授權)
Ⅲ.Degree of Centralization(集權程度)
Chapter 8 Products(產品)
Ⅰ.Nature of Products(產品的本義)
Ⅱ.Research and Development(研究與開發)
Ⅲ.Product Life Cycle(產品的生命周期)
Chapter 9 Pricing(定價)
Ⅰ.Nature of Pricing(定價的本義)
Ⅱ.Pricing Objectives(定價目標)
111.Pricing Policies(定價策略)
Chapter 10 Production Management(生產管理)
Ⅰ.Facility Location(廠址選擇)
Ⅱ.Product Design(產品設計)
Ⅲ.QuaIity Control(質量控制)
Chapter 11 Human Resources Management(1)(人力資源管理)
Ⅰ.Maslow’S Hierarchy of Needs(馬斯洛的需求層次理論)
Ⅱ.Herzberg’S Two-Factor Theory(赫茲伯格的雙因素理論)
Ⅲ.McGregor’S Theory X and Theory Y(麥格雷戈的X理論和Y理論)
Ⅳ.Job Enrichment(工作豐富化)
Chapter 12 Human Resources Management(2)(人力資源管理)(2)
Ⅰ.The Selection Process(人員選擇過程)
Ⅱ.Financial Compensation(經濟補償)
Ⅲ.Promotions,Transfers,and Separations(提升、調動和離職)
Chapter 13 Business Communication sKilIs(1)(商務溝通技能)(1)
Ⅰ.Good Communication Works(良好溝通行之有效)
Ⅱ.Nonverbal Communication Skills(非語言溝通技能)
Ⅲ.Listening Skills(聆聽技能)
Chapter 14 Business Communication Skills(2)(商務溝通技能)(2)
Ⅰ.Resolving Conflict(解決衝突)
Ⅱ.Work Team Communication(團隊溝通)
Ⅲ.Public Speaking Skills(演講技能)
Chapter 15 Marketing(1)(行銷)(1)
Ⅰ.The Marketing Concept(行銷的概念)
Ⅱ.Functions of Marketing(行銷的職能)
Ⅲ.The Marketing Mix(行銷組合)
Ⅳ.Marketing Research(市場調查)
Chapter 16 Marketing(2)(行銷)(2)
Ⅰ.Sales Promotion(促銷)
Chapter 17 Financial Management(財務管理)
Ⅰ.Objective of Financial Management(財務管理的目標)
Ⅱ.Sources of Funds(資金來源)
Ⅲ.Uses of Funds(資金使用)
Chapter 18 Accounting and Financial Statements(會計和財務報表)
Ⅰ.Accounting and Accountants(會計和會計人員)
Ⅱ.The Income Statement(收益表)
Ⅲ.The BalanceSheet(資產負債表)
Chapter 19 Business Law
Ⅰ.Types and Sources of Law(法律的種類和來源)
Ⅱ.The Contract Law(契約法)
Ⅲ.The Law of Property(財產法)
Ⅳ.The Law of Torts(民事侵權行為法)
Chapter 20 Risk Management and Insurance(風險管理和保險)
Ⅰ.Risk and Risk Management Technique(風險和風險管理技術)
Ⅱ.Basics of Insurance(保險基礎知識)
Ⅲ.Types of Insurance and Crisis in the Insurance Industry(保險的種類和保險業的危機)
Chapter 21 Computers and Information Systems(計算機和信息系統)
Ⅰ.The Management Information System(管理信息系統)
Ⅱ.The Intemet,Intranets,and Extranets in Business(商務中的網際網路、內聯網和外聯網)
Ⅲ.Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce(企業對客戶的電子商務)
Chapter 22 International Business(國際商務)
Ⅰ.Theories of Absolute and Comparative Advantage(絕對利益和比較利益理論)
Ⅱ.Fornls of International Trade(國際貿易的形式)
Ⅲ.Multinational Business(跨國公司)
Ⅳ.Trade Barriers(貿易壁壘)
Appendix Ⅰ Glossary(商務術語表)
Appendix Ⅱ Key to Exercises(練習參考答案)


