



  • 書名:劍橋標準商務英語教程初級教師用書
  • 作者:懷特比
  • ISBN:9787560529752
  • 頁數:152
  • 定價:28.00元
  • 出版社:西安交大
  • 出版時間:2008-10


《新東方·劍橋標準商務英語教程(初級·教師用書)》是初級教師用書,《劍橋標準商務英語教程》(Business Benchmark)是一套由劍橋資深英語教學專家編著的全新商務英語教程,有初、中、高三個級別,每個級別都包含學生用書和教師用書各一冊,互為補充。本教程圍繞當前職場中常見的主題設定學習單元。兼顧商務英語知識的拓展與聽、說、讀、寫能力的提高,通過有針對性的指導和反覆練習幫助學生迅速提高商務環境中的英語實際運用能力。本教程各級別包含一套BEC考題及大量與BEC/BULATS難度相當的模擬練習,幫助學生熟悉考試的形式及要求,是備考BEC/BLULATS考試的理想複習資料。本教程既可用於商務英語課堂教學,也適合那些即將踏入職場或已工作的學習者使用。


AcknowledgementsIntroductionCompany profilesUnit 1 The working day Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity 1: Personal information Photocopiable activity 2: The hotel manager Answer key TranscriptUnit 2: Corporate culture Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity 1: Using your dictionary Photocopiable activity 2: Describing companies Answer key TranscriptUnit 3: Company history Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity 1: Talking about companies Photocopiable activity 2: National Book Store Answer key TranscriptUnit 4: The Internet Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Online banking Answer key TranscriptProduction and sellingUnit 5: Describing equipment Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: An advertisement Answer key TranscriptUnit 6: Processes and procedures Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Dairy produce Answer key TranscriptsUnit 7: Distribution and delivery Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity 1: Mobile phones Photocopiable activity 2: Placing an order Answer key TranscriptsUnit 8: Advertising and marketing Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Online advertising Answer key TranscriptBusiness travelUnit 9: Making arrangements Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Business news Answer key TranscriptsUnit 10: Transport Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Coping with stress Answer key TranscriptsUnit 11: Business accommodation Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Jet Hotel Answer key TranscriptUnit 12: Out of the office Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Comparing jobs Answer key TranscriptsBusiness relationshipsUnit 13: Developing contacts Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity 1: Networking Photocopiable activity 2: Business Women's Networks Answer key TranscriptUnit 14: Cultural .issues Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Names Answer key TranscriptsUnit 15: Teamwork Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Nidec Answer key TranscriptUnit 16: Entertaining clients Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Corporate entertainers Answer key TranscriptFinanceUnit 17: Describing statistics Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity 1: Comparing figures Photocopiable,activity 2: Describing trends Answer key TranscriptUnit 18: Company finances Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Company mergers Answer key TranscriptUnit 19: Investments Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Newspaper headlines Answer key TranscriptUnit 20: Starting up Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Dragons' den Answer key TranscriptHuman resourcesUnit 21: Job applications Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Job applications Answer keyUnit 22: Recruitment Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity 1: Body language Photocopiable activity 2: Interviewing skills Answer key TranscriptUnit 23: Staff development Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Sabbaticals Answer key TranscriptUnit 24: Staff facts and figures Exam reference and unit notes Photocopiable activity: Types of contract Answer keyExam skills and Exam practice Answer key TranscriptsAppendix: The Common European Framework


