



  • 中文名:世紀商務英語閱讀教程Ⅰ:基礎篇
  • 作者:王洗薇,任奎艷,劉傑英
  • 出版社:大連理工大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2021年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787568530453




Unit 1 Western Cultures
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus: Context Clues(1)
Part 3 Practical Reading: Invitation Letters
Part 4 Comprehensive Reading: American Culture
Unit 2 Making Introductions
Part l Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus: Context Clues(2)
Part 3 Practical Reading: Business Cards
Part 4 Comprehensive Reading: Introductions, Greetings, and Titles in Business
Unit 3 Telephone Etiquette & Netiquette
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus: Context Clues(3)
Part 3 Practical Reading: Contact Information
Part 4 Comprehensive Reading: Tips for Getting People to Slow Down
Unit 4 Business Invitation & Entertainment
Part I Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus: Context Clues(4)
Part 3 Practical Reading Business Invitation
Part 4 Comprehensive Reading The Canal Museum-An Ideal Place for Business Receptions
Unit 5 Business Travel
Part I Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus: Finding the Main Idea(1)
Part 3 Practical Reading Facilities and Services Guide
Part 4 Co mprehensive Reading Hotel Review: Courtyard
Unit 6 Dining Culture
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus: Finding the Main Idea(2)
Part 3 Practical Reading: Menus
Part 4 Comprehensive Reading: How Americans Eat and Drink
Unit 7 Manners
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus: Finding the Main Idea(3)
Part 3 Practical Reading:Q & A
Part 4 Comprehensive Reading: Body Language Speaks Louder Than Words
Unit 8 Communication Skills
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus: Patterns of Paragraph Development(1)
Part 3 Practical Reading: Lists
Part 4 Comprehensive Reading: Various Styles of Communication
Unit 9 Intercultural Communication
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus: Patterns of Paragraph Development(2)
Part 3 Practical Reading: Tables & Graphs
Part 4 Comprehensive Reading: Intercultural Communication Tips
Unit 10 Being a Smart Customer
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus: Patterns of Paragraph Development(3)
Part 3 Practical Reading: Online Catalogues
Part 4 Comprehensive Reading: Tips for Spending Your Money Wise


