



  • 外文名:centerpiece
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:['sentəpi:s]
  • 釋義:中心裝飾品;放在餐桌中央的擺飾
  • 美式發音:[ˈsentərpiːs]


英 [ˈsentəpiːs] 美 [ˈsentərpiːs]
n. 中心裝飾品;放在餐桌中央的擺飾


floral centerpiece 餐桌的插花 ; 插花
tailpipe centerpiece 尾管中心件
Centerpiece display in rotation 旋轉中的主燈
Centerpiece Elegance 典雅的桌上裝飾
Called Centerpiece Display 車名


  • The reconstructed boat, as a symbol of the maritime connections that bound together the communities either side of the Channel, was the centerpiece. 重造的船隻作為航海聯絡的象徵,把海峽兩岸的群體聯結到一起,這便是它的核心意義所在。
  • He said that manufacturers of crisps and candies could play a central role in the Change4life campaign, the centerpiece of government efforts to boost healthy eating and fitness. 他說,薯片和糖果製造商可以在“改變生命”運動中發揮核心作用,這是政府努力促進健康飲食和健身的核心。
  • Gardens are the centerpiece of the pavilion. 展館的核心展品是法國的花園。
  • Health care for children is the centerpiece of our program. 兒童的健康保健是我們計畫的主軸。
  • The Blue Room is the centerpiece of the White House decorations. 藍屋歷來是白宮聖誕裝點的中心。
  • The centerpiece was an ornate model rocket on a green fauna launching pad. 餐桌中心的綠色火箭發射場模型上擺著一座精美的火箭模型。
  • The left wall centerpiece is the Ikea range hood, a must for a tiny apartment. 左邊的牆最重要的就是宜家的抽油煙機,這對我們的小公寓來說是必不可少的。
  • When the soup - the centerpiece of the meal - was set down before me, I ate it. 當這頓飯的主菜魚翅羹擺在我面前時,我還是把它吃了。
  • TC here is a centerpiece of the method, as it helps to track environment factors. 這裡的TC是方法的核心,因為它可以幫助跟蹤環境因素。
  • The centerpiece of the DNA study is a Denisovan fossil finger bone discovered in 2008. 這項DNA研究的關鍵物證就是於2008年發現的丹尼索萬人的指骨化石。
  • Turkey is the big centerpiece of most Thanksgiving celebrations across the United States. 對於如今全美大多數家庭的感恩節大餐來說,火雞絕對是重頭戲,但想知道在遙遠的1621年,感恩節大餐上到底吃沒吃火雞,實在是太難了。
  • Learning to pilot the space shuttle was in many ways the centerpiece of past astronauts' training. 學習駕駛太空梭在許多方面是過去太空人訓練的中心內容。
  • We settled in at a cosy table set with fine China and featuring a ceramic piggy bank centerpiece. 我們在一個舒適的餐桌上的精美瓷器,並設有一個陶瓷儲蓄罐核心落戶。
  • The fight was the centerpiece of a 2005 documentary entitled Ring of Fire: The Emile Griffith Story. 這場比賽是2005年一部名為“烈火拳擊台:埃米爾·格里菲斯的故事”的紀錄片的中心事件。
  • Use Shallow Depth-of-Field Isolate a centerpiece or other main subject with a shallow depth of field. 使用淺景深能分離餐桌擺飾和其它主體。
  • Each and every table had a unique centerpiece, filled with potions, candles, and other wizardly decor. 每張桌上都有一個獨特的中心裝飾品,裡面裝滿了藥水,蠟燭,和其他奇異的裝飾。
  • A formalization of the de-facto standard XMLHttpRequest object, the centerpiece of Ajax communication. 事實標準XMLHttpRequest對象的正式化,它是Ajax通信的核心。
  • Punch already had satirical drawings that were a centerpiece of the magazine but they weren't called cartoons. 《笨拙》曾經在雜誌的顯要位置刊登了一幅諷刺圖片,但是它們卻不叫漫畫。
  • The neo-Classical-influenced old town in Xanthi, the centerpiece city in the northeastern Greek region of Thrace. 這個受新古典風潮影響的小鎮,位於色雷斯地區里希臘東北的中心城市薩丁。
  • The photo has been enlarged to be the centerpiece of her funeral, but Chen doesn't know when that will be allowed to happen. 這張照片被放大作為她葬禮的遺照,但是老陳不知道什麼時候能夠舉行葬禮。
  • Over the past three years especially, JIRA has evolved considerably to become a centerpiece for high-performance development teams. 特別是過去3年,JIRA已經演變成高強度開發團隊的核心。
  • The centerpiece of this plan was the group of sixty-story skyscrapers built on steel frames and encased in huge curtain walls of glass. 這個計畫的核心在於六十層由玻璃幕牆所包裹的鋼框架摩天大樓。
  • It was to be the capital's most important and impressive building in terms of its size and symbolism and the architectural centerpiece of Berlin. 它差點成為柏林的核心建築物,就它的尺寸和形象而言,也會是柏林最重要且最令人印象深刻的建築物。


