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  • 外文名:neo-classical
  • 類型:英語單詞


neoclassical /ˌniːəʊˈklæsɪkəl/ TEM8
1.ADJ Neoclassical architecture or art is from the late 18th century and uses designs from Roman and Greek architecture and art. (18世紀晚期)新古典主義的; 側重於對古羅馬和古希臘的建築和藝術風格的使用


Neo-Classical Metal 新古典金屬 ; 新古典主義金屬
Neo-classical Mansion Des 新古典豪宅設計
neo-classical distribution 新古典分配理論
Neo-classical style 新古典風格 ; 古典風格 ; 新古典作風
Riverside Mansion-Neo Classical 江岸公館新古典
Neo-Classical Jazz 新古典爵士樂
Neo-classical tearing mode 新經典撕裂模
Neo-classical transport 新經典輸運
Neo-Classical Music 新古典


  • So "Neo-classical synthesis", a model composed by Keynesian economics and Neo-cla… 最後楊小凱又創立了“新興古典經濟學”綜合的思路。
  • It is the development, revision and even the subversion of the neo-classical economics. 女性主義經濟學對新古典經濟學進行了拓展與修正,甚至顛覆。
  • A couple of urn-shaped neo-Classical lovelies (French, 1820) are even made of papier-m? 幾個瓮狀新古典主義風格的可愛包包(法國,1820年)甚至是用紙漿製成的。
  • To some extent, "new economic man" has revived neo-classical economics and made it full of vitality. “新經濟人”的產生在一定程度上復興了新古典經濟學,使經濟學煥發出前所未有的生機和活力。
  • Alfred Marshall, one of the fathers of neo-classical economics, distrusted mathematics for this very reason. 這也正是新古典經濟學奠基人之一馬歇爾對這些數學模型不信任的原因。
  • The neo-Classical-influenced old town in Xanthi, the centerpiece city in the northeastern Greek region of Thrace. 這個受新古典風潮影響的小鎮,位於色雷斯地區里希臘東北的中心城市薩丁。
  • The Skopje 2014 project would erect 20 new buildings in the Neo-classical style, in addition to nearly 40 statues. 2014年斯科普里將新建20座新古典主義風格的建築以及將近40座雕塑。
  • Emphasis on streamlining the soft lines. the neo-classical and modern home to the ultimate integration of sublimation. 強調精簡柔美線條,將新古典主義與現代家居相融合升華到極致。
  • Simple and symmetrical European lawns, neo-classical feature pavilion and arched trellis form typical major landscape area. 簡約對稱的歐式草地景觀與新古典風格的景觀亭、弧線連廊構成經典主空間;
  • When you've quite finished talking among yourselves, I'll continue to tell you about subtleties of neo-classical architecture. 當你們靜下來後,我將繼續為你們講解新古典主義建築精美之處。
  • There are three different economics paradigms, neo-classical economics, new institutional economics and evolutionary economics. 新古典經濟學、新制度經濟學和演化經濟學是三種不同的經濟學範式,對經濟選擇有著不同的看法。
  • Earthworks combined with neo-classical elements render people to experience the royal nobles' affection of respecting the nature. 大地藝術與新古典元素的結合,更讓人體會到歐洲皇家貴族崇尚的自然情懷。
  • Stravinsky's Soldier's tale is an important piece of work during his transition from the Russian Period to the Neo-Classical Period. 斯特拉文斯基的《士兵的故事》是作曲家從俄羅斯時期向新古典主義時期過渡的重要作品。
  • During that era Shanghai was under the influence of the modern Architecture Movement, gradually switching from neo-classical to modern. 在那個時代,上海受現代建築運動的影響,正逐漸從新古典主義向現代風格轉變。
  • In Zhang Yang emotional life, while neo-classical poetry is to look back to the way local frame build a bridge leading to the classical culture. 在張揚感性生命的同時,它正以回望鄉土的方式架築起通向古典文化的橋樑。
  • Section II pointed out that the neo-classical poetry to show the world of nature's kind and affectionate, eager to live on the mountain and river. 第二節指出新古典主義詩歌流露出對自然萬物的親厚,對依山傍水生活的渴望。
  • A neo-Classical representation of folk music and simplicity, this small work was written in honor of Enesco and Jora on their 60th and 50th birthdays. 民間音樂和簡約風格的新古典主義表現手法,寫這個小作品是用來祝賀埃乃斯庫和約納的60歲和50歲生日。
  • Combination with other different Gefei solid foundation of classical piano string, so that "milk coffee," emitting a distinctive neo-classical romantic. 與其它組合不同,格非紮實的古典鋼琴和弦樂基礎,讓“牛奶咖啡”散發出與眾不同的新古典浪漫氣息。
  • Proceeded to the Western neo-classical model of the impact of regional economic growth, less developed regions of the formation mechanism of by-examined. 接著借鑑西方新古典模型中影響區域經濟成長的要素,對欠發達地區的形成機理進行探討。
  • This paper conducts an empirical analysis on the economic growth in West China through establishing a simple neo-classical economic growth accounting model. 本文通過建立一簡單的新古典經濟成長核算模型,對西部地區經濟成長績效進行了實證分析。
  • Neo-classical poetry creators of classical poetry from the Arts draw nutrients for modern poetry, embodied in the form of poetry, rhythm, technique and so on. 新古典主義詩歌的創作者們從古典詩藝中為現代詩汲取養分,具體體現在詩歌的形式、節奏韻律、技法等方面。
  • Solid wood, metal and glass a Scottish traditional diamond with the totems of modern life for functional design, is a neo-classical style of representative works. 實木、金屬和玻璃構成的蘇格蘭傳統的菱形圖騰加上符合現代生活所需的功能設計,便是一新古典風格的代表性作品。
  • For a time Klimt was allowed to work on the public edifices of a society at its cultural height, creating allegorical panels in a neo-classical, neo - Baroque vein. 有一段時間,克里姆特被允許在社會的文化圈中公開地工作,創作新古典主義的、新巴洛克風格的寓言式油畫。
  • By using the Neo-classical period, Monster and Minotaur and Painter - Sculptor, this article discusses Picassos classical tendency and the influence from ancient Greek art. 本文通過“畢卡索的新古典主義”、“怪物和米諾陶”和“畫家——雕塑家”三個部分論述了畢卡索的古典傾向及受到的來自希臘藝術的影響。
  • This essay tries to analyze the attitude of the rational value of neo-classical literature in the 17th century in French based on the relationship between man and the world. 文章立足於人與世界關係的維度,分析了17世紀法國新古典主義文學的理性價值立場及其藝術得失。
  • The primary conclusions of the paper are as follows: Under the analytical framework of neo-classical theory, the optimum provision of public good is decided by Samuelson Rule. 本文的主要結論是:在新古典的理論框架下,公共物品的最優供給由薩繆爾森規則決定。
  • New institution economics is based on the study of people, system and economic activities and their relationship with the help of the logic and methods of neo-classical economy. 新制度經濟學是運用新古典經濟學的邏輯和方法來研究人、制度與經濟活動以及它們之間的相互關係的經濟學。
  • "Legitimacy" theory, with the neo-classical exogenous growth theory, explains that physical capital promotes the growth, and introduces the technology progress into the analyses. “正統”的具有新古典傳統的外生增長理論解釋了實質資本對增長的促進作用,並把技術進步引入到分析之中。


