Fabrizio Paterlini

Fabrizio Paterlini

Fabrizio Paterlini出生於古義大利北部城市曼托瓦。他六歲開始學習鋼琴,後於Campiani’s Academy系統地學習了五年音樂理論。在二十世紀九十年代,帕特里尼開始在當地的樂隊演奏前衛搖滾、流行、爵士等風格的音樂,同時他開始作曲。十多年之後,帕特里尼做出了一個重要的決定:專注於鋼琴——“最能表達出他的內心世界”的樂器。2006年之後,他開始潛心創作鋼琴獨奏音樂。他的第一張EP《Viandanze》於2008年正式發行。


  • 中文名:法布里奇奧·帕特里尼
  • 外文名:Fabrizio Paterlini
  • 國籍義大利
  • 出生日期:1973年02月22日
  • 星座雙魚座
  • 畢業院校:Campiani’s Academy
  • 職業:音樂人
  • 代表作品:《Veloma》、《Primi passi》、《RuedesTroisFrères》、Viandanze、Viaggi in aeromobile


It is fitting that composer and pianist Fabrizio Paterlini was born and lives in the ancient northern Italian city of Mantua. A romantic and historically significant centre of musical and artistic excellence, the city’s elegance and cultural depth permeate Paterlini’s exquisite original solo piano compositions. Yet despite Mantua’s unavoidable influence in informing the composer’s work, his cinematic music is far from localized, or even recognizably Italian, instead tapping directly into universal human emotions.
Listeners and critics alike are torn as to how best label Paterlini’s beautiful sound. Neo-classical, Ambient, Minimalist and New Age have all been considered, but it is more pertinent to note some of the adjectives regularly used in appreciation of his sonic palette. Ethereal, soulful, lush, emotive, dreamy, delicate and, tellingly, passionate, all appear with unerring frequency. The composer himself describes his work as “like a glass of red wine on a summer evening,” in awareness of the calming effect of his reflective melodies on the listener.
Paterlini began playing piano at six-years-old. From the first moment he stroked the keys his life irrevocably changed, music becoming “a choice made every day...explored in all its aspects.” And so music and his life’s path became, and remain, inextricably linked; while he progresses as a musician and composer, so his development as a human being runs parallel. Formal study in his chosen artistic endeavour came with five years at Campiani’s Academy, Mantua’s Academy of Arts, from where he graduated in Music Theory.
The 1990s saw Paterlini extensively cutting his teeth as a gigging musician by performing rock classics, pop and jazz in local bands. While playing with these outfits he began to compose music, at this stage principally material of a progressive rock persuasion. As the decade and century drew to a close Paterlini reached an important decision, being to concentrate exclusively on the piano – the instrument that, in his own words, “best expresses his inner world.” Yet it was not until 2006 that he began composing music for solo piano.
In the following year his life’s musical journey took a momentous step with the release of his debut CD, Viaggi in Aeromobile (Travel in Aircraft) on the Music Center label. A collection of beautifully structured, graceful mood pieces displaying Paterlini’s natural touch and seemingly effortless talents, the release was warmly received in Italian specialist press.
2008 saw the issue of an EP previewing Paterlini’s sophomore full-length, Viandanze, which was to follow on his new Fabrizio Paterlini Records imprint in December, 2009. In the interim the 8-track Remixed collection, offered as a free download on his website, presented the composer’s material as subtly reworked soundscapes, comfortably easing them into cogent chillout territory. Viandanze was partially funded by donations from Paterlini’s burgeoning fanbase, and performed in 2010 at Teatro Verdi in Mantua.
Prestige festival appearances then preceded the 2010 release of the flawless Fragments Found CD, again on Paterlini’s own label, drawing comparisons with luminaries such as Ludovico Einaudi, Erik Satie and George Winston.
2011 saw the issue of the double CD set “Fragments Found + Viandanze”, published under the Japanese label Inpairtment/P*DIS.
During the Fall of the same year, he started working to his “Autumn Stories” project, by composing, recording and releasing on-line one song for each week of the Autumn season. The project resulted in the CD “Autumn Stories”, published in February 2012.
The increasing number of fans sharing his music on the net, led him to “Piano_Anders #3” Festival in Hasselt (BE) in the month of February 2013. Two months later, he released his new full album “Now”, followed by an exclusive release in Japan (P*DIS). This release, acclaimed by specialized magazines as Headphone Commute (US) and A Closer Listen (UK), brought him to tour Russia in the month of November 2013 and Japan in the month of January 2014.


Fabrizio Paterlini
Viandanze (EP)(2008)
  1. Profondo Blu
  2. Viandanze
  3. Lontana,dolcelcemente sospesa
  4. Veloma
Fabrizio Paterlini
  1. Forever blue(March Rosetta re-imagined version)
  2. Veloma(Lost comsonaut rmx)
  3. Viandance(12 Theory adagietto)
  4. Far away from here(Ales//Musiques d'images rmx)
  5. Lontana,dolcemente sospesa(Lunchtray rmx)
  6. Viandanze(Wilhelms desolate/Code rmx)
  7. Passeggiata al tramonto(F.Paterlini)
  8. Passeggiata al tramonto(Piano Solo version)
Fabrizio Paterlini
  1. Profondo blu
  2. Nuovi orizzonti(free)
  3. Esoterica virtu
  4. Primi passi
  5. Viandanze
  6. La polvere e l'incanto
  7. L'attesa
  8. Sottovoce
  9. In cerchio
  10. Lontana,dolcemente sospesa
  11. Continua metamorfosi
  12. Veloma
Fabrizio Paterlini
Viaggi in aeromobile
Viaggi in aeromobile(2010)
  1. L'airone
  2. Soffia la notte
  3. Passaggi
  4. Ti parlo
  5. Colori
  6. ll segreto rivelato
  7. Due passi
  8. Torna da me
  9. Con queste mani
  10. Far Away from Here
  11. Pensieri confusi
  12. Barari
Fabrizio Paterlini
Viandanze re-imagined
Viandanze re-imagined(2010)
  1. Forever Blue
  2. Viandanze(re-imagined)
  3. Lontana,dolcemente sospesa(re-imagined)
  4. Veloma(re-imagined)
Fabrizio Paterlini
Fragments Found
Fragments Found(2010)
  1. Girasoli e lavanda
  2. Frozen river(Part II)
  3. Fragments Found
  4. Pensiero notturno
  5. II gigante e la balena
  6. Five-thirty_am
  7. Deja vu
  8. Rue des Trois Freres
  9. Controvento,senz'olio
  10. Still traveling
Fabrizio Paterlini
  1. After the rain there will always be the sun
  2. Not from the past,not for the future
  3. Summer nights
  4. Darkness is not the opposite of light
  5. Iceland
  6. My perfect time
  7. Silent syes
  8. Unrequited #4
  9. Harmattan
  10. Behind the sky
  11. Finale


