



  • 外文名:maritime
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈmærɪtaɪm]
  • 美式發音:[ˈmærɪtaɪm]


maritime /ˈmærɪˌtaɪm/ CET6+ TEM4
1.ADJMaritime is used to describe things relating to the sea and to ships. 海事的 [ADJ n]


Maritime Alps 濱海阿爾卑斯山脈 ; 濱海阿爾卑斯山
maritime engineering[海洋] 海洋工程 ; 海事工程學 ; 海洋工學
maritime territory 沿海州 ; 領海 ; 內地州
maritime distress 船舶遇難 ; [水運] 海難
maritime proceedings 海事訴訟程式
Maritime Studies 海事研究 ; 海事管理
Maritime English 航海英語 ; 海事英語 ; 海事英文 ; 航海類專業英語
maritime jurisdiction 海事管轄 ; 海事法院管轄 ; 海事法院管轄海事管轄
maritime industry 海事業 ; 航運業


  • 1The reason for this swirl of maritime outlawry can be found on the nearest shore.造成這種海上流亡者漩渦的原因可以在最近的岸上找到。
  • 2Today, China is trying to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.今天,中國正在努力建設“絲綢之路經濟帶”和“21世紀海上絲綢之路”。
  • 3The tiny island nation has set aside 500,000 square kilometres—80 percent—of its maritime territory, for full protection.這個小小的島國已經留出了占其海洋領土80%的50萬平方公里用於全面保護。
  • 4The shortage of crews proved to be a greater and greater problem, despite continuous appeal to Venic's tradition of maritime greatness.儘管一再強調威尼斯那海事之偉大的傳統,但是船員的短缺被證明是一個日益嚴重的問題
  • 5The reconstructed boat, as a symbol of the maritime connections that bound together the communities either side of the Channel, was the centerpiece.重造的船隻作為航海聯絡的象徵,把海峽兩岸的群體聯結到一起,這便是它的核心意義所在。
  • 6Both of these activities were based on seafaring, an ability the Phoenicians developed from the example of their maritime predecessors, the Minoans of Crete.這兩項活動都以航海為基礎,這是腓尼基人從他們的海上前輩——克里特島的米諾斯人那裡發展出來的一種能力。
  • 7It was the worst tragedy in maritime history, six times more deadly than the Titanic.這是海商史上最嚴重的悲劇,比鐵達尼號的死亡人數多六倍。
  • 8Recent Indians who were more familiar with broad-based, interior-maritime adaptation, intensified this strategy to cope with the Dorset.近代印度人更熟悉廣泛的內海適應性,加強了應對多塞特郡的戰略。
  • 9Anti-dated B/L and Advanced B/L are common kinds of fraud in today's maritime shipping trade.倒簽、預借提單是當今航運貿易中常見的幾種海事欺詐行為。
  • 10A regional maritime group confirmed the release.一個地區海事小組證實了油輪和船員已獲釋。
  • 11Poland has no interest in being a maritime power.波蘭對成為海上強權沒甚興趣。
  • 12Improve States' maritime situational awareness; and.增加各國對海上局勢認知。
  • 13The Pacific northwest is favored with a maritime climate.太平洋西北岸為海洋性氣候。
  • 14Like us, Sicilians are islanders - tough and maritime.同我們一樣,頑強的西西里人也是島民——沿海而居。
  • 15The two countries are at odds over their maritime boundary.這兩個國家在它們的海洋分界線問題上一直爭執不休。
  • 16The spill remains the most costly maritime accident in the world.這是世界上代價最昂貴的海事事故。
  • 17The story of Asia’s post-war miracle is above all a maritime one.戰後亞洲的奇蹟是一個關於海洋的故事。
  • 18Asia needs rules to help prevent maritime disputes from escalating.亞洲需制定規則,以幫助預防海上爭端升級。
  • 19One principal area will be maritime cooperation, the official added.其中一個主要領域將是海上合作。
  • 20The Netherlands Maritime Institute of Technology is already in Educity.而荷蘭海事技術學院已經在教育之城駐紮。
  • 21The Chinese have maritime border disputes with several of their neighbours.中國同其一些鄰國有海洋邊境爭端。
  • 22Local maritime bureau sent rescue ships and helicopters to search for them.當地海事局隨後派出救助船及直升機前往事故水域搜救。
  • 23Ships steaming along maritime corridors in convoys are safer than they were.船舶在護航下通過海運線比從前無護航時要安全的多。
  • 24The reason, of course, will be China, which has become a pushy maritime power.中國當然將是其原因之所在,該國已經成為了一個咄咄逼人的海上強國。
  • 25There have been maritime incidents between Chinese and Vietnamese survey boats.中越勘測船在海上發生過衝突。
  • 26Other maritime traffic accidents which cause losses in property and human lives.其他引起財產損失和人身傷亡的海上交通事故。
  • 27Japan's Maritime Self Defense Force has dispatched a destroyer and helicopters.日本海軍自衛隊排出了一艘驅逐艦和數個直升機。
  • 28Britain has a maritime climate-winters are not too cold and summers are not too hot.英國屬於海洋性氣候:冬季不過於寒冷,夏季不過於炎熱。
  • 29The African Union this week asserted maritime security as a priority for the continent.這周,非盟聲稱將把海上安全作為非洲大陸的優先事務。
  • 30The Netherlands has given up maritime reconnaissance; Denmark has abandoned submarines.荷蘭已經放棄了進行海洋巡邏;丹麥也不再建造任何潛水艇。

