awe-inspiring adj. 使人畏懼的...... awe-inspiring adj. 使人畏懼的使人畏懼的詞條圖冊 更多圖冊 V百科往期回顧 詞條統計 瀏覽次數:次 編輯次數:2次歷史版本...
森然,漢語辭彙。拼音:sēn rán基本解釋:(1) [(of tall trees) dense;luxuriant;thick]∶形容繁密古木森然(2) [ghastly and silent;awe-inspiring]∶形容陰沉...
But I heard no one in Jiangxi has awe-inspiring name of this wild, is ignorant.詞條標籤: 食品, 生活 圖集 涼拌穿心蓮圖冊 V百科往期回顧 詞條統計 ...
This is a journey that builds in pace and tempo, progressively revealing some of the most awe-inspiring vocal performances and instrumentation imaginable. ...
編輯 have awe-inspiring fame;be held in good repute;be illustrious;gain a high reputation參考資料 1. 聲名赫赫 .中華詞庫[引用日期2019-07-21] 詞條...
(1) 威勢 [awe-inspiring] 威稜憺乎鄰國。——《漢書·李廣傳》 剛稜疾惡。——《後漢書·王允傳》。注:“威稜也。” (2) 又如:棱光(威嚴的目光);棱...
宣威獎章(Medal of Awe-Inspiring)是中華民國時期設定、頒發的一種獎章,主要頒發給作戰有功的空軍將士。宣威獎章的中心圖案為白色橢圓形(其中三等獎章為白色正圓形...
(2) [awe-inspiring]∶威武出眾的氣概老將軍雄風不減當年4. 雄豪xióngháo(1) [outstanding figures]∶英雄豪傑雄豪儘是無雙士...
Money always the hand one brandish, camera lens is pulled open, the awe-inspiring gong and drum ofalloverthemountainsandplainsside crock port is knocked...
WHO BUILT THAT——Awe-Inspiring Stories of American Tinkerpreneurs 譯者 黃筱莉 譯 ISBN 978-7-5086-4929-0 類別 經濟讀物 頁數 312頁 定價 45.00...
【awe-inspiring appearance;pomp and circumstance】 形容十分神氣、威風的樣子 方顯出大將軍八面威風。――《元曲選·無名氏·馬陵道》 八旗bāqí 【the “Eight...
Unit 11 The Forbidden City: Glorious and Awe-inspiringPart III Art and AestheticsUnit 12 Music: Govern the Country. Nourish the Mind...
functional and construction aspects of landscape architecture to demonstrate how powerful design features can transform thematic ideas into awe-inspiring built rea...
release. Videos of three songs from a 2003 performance at Brooklyn's Northsix provides a welcome glimpse of the awe-inspiring Les Savy Fav live ...
凜然 外文名 awe-inspiring;stern 拼音 lǐn rán 詞性 形容詞 出處 《宋史·李芾傳》 目錄 1 基本解釋 2 引證詳解 凜然基本解釋 編輯 凜然[...
〖ghastlyandsilent;awe-inspiring〗∶形容陰沉可怕 森然可怖 大石側立千尺,如猛獸奇鬼,森然欲搏人。——宋·蘇軾《石鐘山記》 〖towering〗∶形容高聳林立的樣...
Don't miss this unforgettable, stunning film that reveals the dramatic, savage and awe-inspiring lives of these fascinating [1] 參考資料 1. 蟲子:熱帶...
Repressed since childhood, these fantasies now break out with awe-inspiring force. The more doggedly Jakob tries to maintain his moral armour and uphold ...
of fighters based on legends from world mythology: the Minotaur, a powerful Gladiator, a mighty Valkyrie and other well known and awe-inspiring characters...
Dive in for an awe-inspiring view of a world few of us have experienced. A beautiful visual essay celebrates the drama of the sea, while stunning ...