nitin sawhney


  • 中文名:nitin sawhney
  • 屬性印度樂隊
  • 旋律:呈現出波浪形與曲線形
  • 風格:極為獨特


Nitin Sawhney。 Nitin Sawhney具有太多的元素。最為醒目的就是他們的印度風格。電子,英倫爵士,trip-hop,Nitin Sawhney將這些元素統統融入其中。當這些元素與印度曲風融合在一起的時候,居然有意想不到的奇異效果。非常動聽,也非常的迷幻。
Nitin Sawhney用特色鮮明的印度風格做為所有專輯的核心,具有印度歌曲最明顯的特點。。並且大量運用了拉格和塔拉曲調。你可以感受到古老的異國情調卻又不失現代感。(拉格和塔拉為印度教的一種傳統曲調,拉格是發展得很高的旋律體系,塔拉是很複雜的節奏節拍體系。) 由於這種多元化曲風,使旋律及具高度的彈性和可讓音樂家有即興發揮的巨大空間。在這空間裡可以自由伸展與暢想。正如印度當代音樂大師拉維香卡也說的: “在我們的音樂中,從一個音進行到另一個音常常不是直線式的,而是一種精緻巧妙的運動。” 更重要的是Nitin Sawhney將印度曲風與電子,英倫,爵士,trip-hop這些元素的結合的如此天衣無縫。電子在專輯中也占到了重要的因素。各式各樣的裝飾音,給你充分發揮想像的空間。為專輯蒙上了一層更神秘的色彩。呈現出一種古老與未來結合的完美。如同在時空自由穿梭。而專輯中的爵士元素也已經被完全電子化,成為了專輯中印度曲風的奠基與靈魂要素。由此看來,Nitin Sawhney已經把歐洲音樂與印度文化同化為一體了。達到了互相融入的的狀態。而那些認為電子樂是沒有感情的人,在領略過Nitin Sawhney之後就會知道電子樂是如何創造感情的。樂隊有男女兩個主唱。男聲的音色高亢圓潤,女聲的音色溫和流暢。時而印度風情洋溢時而憂傷的情緒泛濫。兩種音色很好的融合在一起。把樂隊自身的特色表現到極致。專輯中運用了很多自然的聲音,雨聲,海浪聲……這些聲音讓你閉上眼睛時就能在頭腦中呈現美妙的畫面。


Nitin Sawhney,他是英國著名的電子音樂製作人,同時也是才華橫溢的演員、作家和編劇。新片比以前的更完整更有滋味,和1999年那張獲得Mercury音樂獎提名的專輯《Beyond Skin》一樣吸引。從慢拍憂鬱的“Everything”開始,唱片就開始利用每個時機呈現出糾纏的音調,收集著懶散,脈動的嘻哈,妖魅的劃弦吉他,電影式弦樂,文雅的鼓與貝司,西班牙弗拉門科風情,高超的唱盤技巧,以及將所有這些融合成為一個又一個旋渦。而在唱片後半段,融進了更多有趣的瞬間,比如醇和的R&B和清淡的放客。這些都使唱片傳遞出迷人的異國氣息。


《Introducing Nitin Sawhney》UK compilation for the James Taylor Quartet, Talvin Singh collaborator who fuses elements of jazz, world music, electronica and drum & bass to create his own unique hybrid. 12 tracks hand chosen by the artist from his first 2 LPs for Outcaste, 'Migration' (1995) and 'Displacing The Priest' (1996). Guests include Natacha Atlas on 'Hope'. 1999 release. Standard jewel case.
《Philtre M》Over the last two years, multi award-winning Nitin Sawhney has gigged extensively with his live band, DJed for some of the hottest clubnights on the planet, scored numerous films across Europe, Asia, and America, and written/performed for internationally acclaimed orchestras. Ultimately Sawhney comes back to his first love - to present the workings of his deepest thoughts and feelings in the context of his most exciting album to date, Philtre. Philtre is a radical departure and movement on from his previous work. This is a journey that builds in pace and tempo, progressively revealing some of the most awe-inspiring vocal performances and instrumentation imaginable. From the dark, moody, and evocative opening tracks Everything and Spark, through the rich vocal textures of Mausam and Journey, to the rhythmic and emotionally charged sounds of Ojos de Brujo and R&B vocalist Taio, Sawhney expertly navigates the most volatile musical territories to create an unprecedented mixture of sonic brilliance. Inspired by the energy that comes from countless nights of performing in front of vast and varied crowds around the world, Philtre reaches deep into the soul - to challenge, inspire, and provoke. Featured artists include: Reena Bhardwaj, Jacob Golden, Tina Grace, Fink, Sharon Duncan, Saroj Sawhney, Vikter Duplaix, Taio, Ojos de Brujo, and Jayanta Bose.Search and deploy. V2. 2005.
發行時間: 2005 出版者: V2 Int'l
《Beyond Skin》是一張評價很高的唱片,在主題上表達了反對種族主義和戰爭的思想,Nitin Sawhney成功的糅合了各種音樂元素,熔古典、drum'n'bass、爵士、hip-hop甚至一些南美部落的印第安音樂元素於一爐,配以曼妙的vocal,具有極強的感染力。
發行時間: 1999-09-20 出版者: Outcaste UK
《Human》Sixth album from world fusion maestro follows 2001's 'Prophesy'. Forging ahead with his trademark collision of disparate styles including jazz, blues, soul, funk, Indian classical & drum 'n' bass, 'Human' showcases a deeper sense of spirituality & peace than before & features vocals by previously unknown young singers, most of them discovered by Sawhney himself. Includes the single 'Falling'. V2. 2003.
發行時間: 2003 出版者: V2 Int'l


1.Broken Skin
2. Letting Go
3. Homelands
4. Pilgrim
5. Tides
6. Nadia
7. Immigrant
8. Serpents
9. Anthem Without Nation
10. Nostalgia
11. Conference
12. Beyond Skin
1 Everything (Instrumental) 03:57
2 Spark (Instrumental) 03:42
3 Dead Man (Instrumental) 04:19
4 Rag Doll (Instrumental) 01:27
5 Mausam (Instrumental) 04:01
6 Journey (Instrumental) 05:07
7 Void (Instrumental) 02:16
8 Koyal (Songbird) (Instrumental) 03:04
9 Noches En Vela (Part 2) (Instrumental) 04:21
10 Mirage (Instrumental) 00:43
11 Throw (Instrumental) 04:48
12 Flipside (Instrumental) 03:29
13 Brainwaves (Instrumental) 00:45
14 Footprints (Instrumental) 05:20
15 The Search (Instrumental) 05:51
16 Sanctuary (Instrumental) 02:01
1.The River
2.Eastern Eyes - Natacha Atlas
3.Say Hello - Jayanta Bose
4.Falling Angels - Reena Bhardwaj
5.Falling - Aqualung
6.Fragile Wind - Jayanta Bose
7.Promisse - Jacob Golden
8.Chetan Jeevan (Conscious Life) - Reena Bhardwaj
10.Waiting (O Mistress Mine)


