《Verilog HDL高級數字設計(第2版)(英文版)》是2010年4月1日電子工業出版社出版的圖書,作者是西勒提。
- 書名:Verilog HDL高級數字設計
- 作者:西勒提(Michael D.Ciletti)
- ISBN:9787121104770
- 頁數:965頁
- 出版社:電子工業出版社
- 出版時間:2010年4月1日
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:16
內容包括:積體電路晶片系統的建模、電路結構權衡、流水、多核微處理器、功能驗證、時序分析、測試平台、故障模擬、可測性設計、邏輯綜合、后綜合驗證等積體電路系統的前後端工程設計與實現中的關鍵技術及設計案例。書中以大量設計實例敘述了積體電路系統工程開發需遵循的原則、基本方法、實用技術、設計經驗與技巧。依據數字積體電路系統工程開發的要求與特點,利用Verilog HDL對數字系統進行建模、設計與驗證,對ASIC/FPGA系統晶片工程設計開發的關鍵技術與流程進行了深入講解。
《Verilog HDL高級數字設計(第2版)(英文版)》既可作為電子與通信、電子科學與技術、自動控制、計算機等專業領域的高年級本科生和研究生的教材或參考資料,也可用於電子系統設計及數字積體電路設計工程師的專業技術培訓。
西勒提(Michael D.Ciletti),科羅拉多大學電氣與計算機工程系教授。研究方向包括通過硬體描述語言進行數字系統的建模、綜合與驗證、系統級設計語言和FPGA嵌入式系統。其著作還有Digital Design,Fourth Edition(其翻譯版和影印版均由電子工業出版社出版)。作者曾在惠普、福特微電子和Prisma等公司進行VLSI電路設計的研發工作,在數字系統和嵌入式系統研究、設計等領域有豐富的研發和教學經歷。
1 Introduction to Digital Design Methodology
1.1 Design Methodology-An Introduction
1.1.1 Design Specification
1.1.2 Design Partition
1.1.3 Design Entry
1.1.4 Simulation and Functional Verification
1.1.5 Design Integration and Verification
1.1.6 Presynthesis Sign-Off
1.1.7 Gate-Level Synthesis and Technology Mapping
1.1.8 Postsynthesis Design Validation
1.1.9 Postsynthesis Timing Verification
1.1.10 Test Generation and Fault Simulation
1.1.11 Placement and Routing
1.1.12 Physical and Electrical Design Rule Checks
1.1.13 Parasitic Extraction
1.1.14 Design Sign-Off
1.2 IC Technology Options
1.3 Overview
2 Review of Combinational Logic Design
2.1 Combinational Logic and Boolean Algebra
2.1.1 ASIC Library Cells
2.1.2 Boolean Algebra
2.1.3 DeMorgan s Laws
2.2 Theorems for Boolean Algebraic Minimization
2.3 Representation of Combinational Logic
2.3.1 Sum-of-Products Representation
2.3.2 Product-of-Sums Representation
2.4 Simplification of Boolean Expressions
2.4.1 Simplification with Exclusive-Or
2.4.2 Karnaugh Maps (SOP Form)
2.4.3 Karnaugh Maps (POS Form)
2.4.4 Karnaugh Maps and Don t-Cares
2.4.5 Extended Karnaugh Maps
2.5 Glitches and Hazards
2.5.1 Elimination of Static Hazards (SOP Form)
2.5.2 Summary: Elimination of Static Hazards in Two-Level Circuits
2.5.3 Static Hazards in Multilevel Circuits
2.5.4 Summary: Elimination of Static Hazards in Multilevel Circuits
2.5.5 Dynamic Hazards
2.6 Building Blocks for Logic Design
2.6.1 NAND-NOR Structures
2.6.2 Multiplexers
2.6.3 Demultiplexers
2.6.4 Encoders
2.6.5 Priority Encoder
2.6.6 Decoder
2.6.7 Priority Decoder
3 Fundamentals of Sequential Logic Design
3.1 Storage Elements
3.1.1 Latches
3.1.2 Transparent Latches
3.2 Flip-Flops
3.2.1 D-Type Flip-Flop
3.2.2 Master-Slave Flip-Flop
3.2.3 J-K Flip-Flops
3.2.4 T Flip-Flop
3.3 Busses and Three-State Devices
3.4 Design of Sequential Machines
3.5 State-Transition Graphs
3.6 Design Example: BCD to Excess-3 Code Converter
3.7 Serial-Line Code Converter for Data Transmission
3.7.1 Design Example: A Mealy-Type FSM for Serial Line-Code Conversion
3.7.2 Design Example: A Moore-Type FSM for Serial Line-Code Conversion
3.8 State Reduction and Equivalent States
4 Introduction to Logic Design with Verilog
4.1 Structural Models of Combinational Logic
4.1.1 Verilog Primitives and Design Encapsulation
4.1.2 Verilog Structural Models
4.1.3 Module Ports
4.1.4 Some Language Rules
4.1.5 Top-Down Design and Nested Modules
4.1.6 Design Hierarchy and Source-Code Organization
4.1.7 Vectors in Verilog
4.1.8 Structural Connectivity
4.2 Logic System, Design Verification, and Test Methodology
4.2.1 Four-Value Logic and Signal Resolution in Verilog
4.2.2 Test Methodology
4.2.3 Signal Generators for Testbenches
4.2.4 Event-Driven Simulation
4.2.5 Testbench Template
4.2.6 Sized Numbers
4.3 Propagation Delay
4.3.1 Inertial Delay
4.3.2 Transport Delay
4.4 Truth Table Models of Combinational and Sequential Logic with Verilog
5 Logic Design with Behavioral Models of Combinational and Sequential Logic
5.1 Behavioral Modeling
5.2 A Brief Look at Data Types for Behavioral Modeling
5.3 Boolean Equation-Based Behavioral Models of Combinational Logic
5.4 Propagation Delay and Continuous Assignments
5.5 Latches and Level-Sensitive Circuits in Verilog
5.6 Cyclic Behavioral Models of Flip-Flops and Latches
5.7 Cyclic Behavior and Edge Detection
5.8 A Comparison of Styles for Behavioral Modeling
5.8.1 Continuous Assignment Models
5.8.2 Dataflow/RTL Models
5.8.3 Algorithm-Based Models
5.8.4 Naming Conventions: A Matter of Style
5.8.5 Simulation with Behavioral Models
5.9 Behavioral Models of Multiplexers, Encoders, and Decoders
5.10 Dataflow Models of a Linear-Feedback Shift Register
5.11 Modeling Digital Machines with Repetitive Algorithms
5.11.1 Intellectual Property Reuse and Parameterized Models
5.11.2 Clock Generators
5.12 Machines with Multicycle Operations
5.13 Design Documentation with Functions and Tasks: Legacy or Lunacy?
5.13.1 Tasks
5.13.2 Functions
5.14 Algorithmic State Machine Charts for Behavioral Modeling
5.15 ASMD Charts
5.16 Behavioral Models of Counters, Shift Registers, and Register Files
5.16.1 Counters
5.16.2 Shift Registers
5.16.3 Register Files and Arrays of Registers (Memories)
5.17 Switch Debounce, Metastability, and Synchronizers for Asynchronous Signals
5.18 Design Example: Keypad Scanner and Encoder
6 Synthesis of Combinational and Sequential Logic
6.1 Introduction to Synthesis
6.1.1 Logic Synthesis
6.1.2 RTL Synthesis
6.1.3 High-Level Synthesis
6.2 Synthesis of Combinational Logic
6.2.1 Synthesis of Priority Structures
6.2.2 Exploiting Logical Don t-Care Conditions
6.2.3 ASIC Cells and Resource Sharing
6.3 Synthesis of Sequential Logic with Latches
6.3.1 Accidental Synthesis of Latches
6.3.2 Intentional Synthesis of Latches
6.4 Synthesis of Three-State Devices and Bus Interfaces
6.5 Synthesis of Sequential Logic with Flip-Flops
6.6 Synthesis of Explicit State Machines
6.6.1 Synthesis of a BCD-to-Excess-3 Code Converter
6.6.2 Design Example: Synthesis of a Mealy-Type NRZ-to-Manchester Line Code Converter
6.6.3 Design Example: Synthesis of a Moore-Type NRZ-to-Manchester Line Code Converter
6.6.4 Design Example: Synthesis of a Sequence Recognizer
6.7 Registered Logic
6.8 State Encoding
7 Design and Synthesis of Datapath Controllers
8 Programmable Logic and Storage Devices
9 Algorithms and Architectures for Digital Processors
10 Architectures for Arithmetic Processors
11 Postsynthesis Design Tasks
A Verilog Primitives
B Verilog Keywords
C Verilog Data Types
D Verilog Operators
E Verilog Language Formal Syntax
F Verilog Language Formal Syntax
G Additional Features of Verilog
H Flip-Flop and Latch Types
I Verilog-2001, 2005
J Programming Language Interface
K Web sites
L Web-Based Resources