The Sutra of Terra-Treasure 地藏經 (英漢對照)

The Sutra of Terra-Treasure 地藏經 (英漢對照)

《The Sutra of Terra-Treasure 地藏經 (英漢對照)》是一本圖書。


  • 中文名:The Sutra of Terra-Treasure 地藏經 (英漢對照) 
  • 譯者:釋成觀法師、Venerable Cheng Kuan
  • 出版時間:2009年6月
  • 頁數:320 頁
  • ISBN:9789579373296
  • 裝幀:精裝
An Introduction to The Sutra of Terra-Treasure I. The meaning of “Terra-Treasure Pusa” “Terra-Treasure” in the original Sanskrit is “Ksiti-garbha.” Due to the difficulty in pronunciation, as well as for easy comprehension and ready absorption of the word for the Chinese reader, the translator in the Tang Dynasty (7th century) ingeniously chose to translate the name by meaning...(展開全部) An Introduction to The Sutra of Terra-Treasure I. The meaning of “Terra-Treasure Pusa” “Terra-Treasure” in the original Sanskrit is “Ksiti-garbha.” Due to the difficulty in pronunciation, as well as for easy comprehension and ready absorption of the word for the Chinese reader, the translator in the Tang Dynasty (7th century) ingeniously chose to translate the name by meaning rather than by sound, and so he translated it as “Di-Dzang” (meaning “Earth-Treasure” or “Terra-Treasure”), which is promptly meaningful to the Chinese people. And the name of “Di-Dzang” has been adopted and become a household term in the Chinese language. And, furthermore, ever since that time, through history, this Sutra has become one of the most popular, most powerful and most read and chanted Sutra, in the midst of hundreds of Mahayana Holy Scriptures. “Terra” means Earth or Ground, but here it esoterically works as a metaphor for the Ground of Mind, or the Mental Ground. And “the Mental Ground” now is linked to the most predominant principium both in ’Chan Buddhism specifically, and in Mahayana Buddhism in general; that is, the Buddha Nature. And so we are cognizant that the Mental Ground implies the Buddha Nature which all Multibeings share in common; and this is the underlying Tenet, the most profound and majestic import in Mahayana Buddhism; without it, the edifice of Mahayana would be impossible. Hence, “Terra-Treasure” signifies Buddha Nature in that the Mind (or Heart) is precious, for it contains and can generate all the Treasure just like


