Consummate-Enlightenment Sutra 圓覺經 (英漢對照)

Consummate-Enlightenment Sutra 圓覺經 (英漢對照)

《Consummate-Enlightenment Sutra 圓覺經 (英漢對照)》是一本圖書


  • 中文名:Consummate-Enlightenment Sutra 圓覺經 (英漢對照)
  • 出版時間:2009年2月
  • 頁數:256 頁
  • ISBN:9789579373289
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 譯者:Venerable Cheng Kuan
The Translator’s Foreword This Sutra is one of the most unique Scriptures among the Mahayana Sutras. Generally speaking, there are two main branches, or two Pillars, in the Mahayana Teachings: one of them is called the School of Essenceism; the other, the School of Morphism. The former deals with the Noumenon or Entelechy(i.e., the Ontology, or the fundamental reality, or...展開全部) The Translator’s Foreword This Sutra is one of the most unique Scriptures among the Mahayana Sutras. Generally speaking, there are two main branches, or two Pillars, in the Mahayana Teachings: one of them is called the School of Essenceism; the other, the School of Morphism. The former deals with the Noumenon or Entelechy (i.e., the Ontology, or the fundamental reality, or “Body”) of all living beings, and as such, it is also called “Nature,” or “Quintessence,” or “Innate Nature,” or “Buddha Nature,” or “Veracious Thusness.” The second branch of Mahayana Buddhism, the School of Morphism, is more or less the counterpart of the Essence School; for instead of dealing with Nature or Reality and so on, it treats the subject close to that of Phenomenology, in that it surveys, delineates, classifies in great detail all aspects of phenomena, especially the mental ones and those which have great bearing on the practice of Buddhism, such as the Cause, Effect, Functioning, Arising, Transformation, Mutation and Expiration of a given Dharma, or a mental activity. And as such, the Buddhist Morphism has a close affinity to the western Metaphysics and Psychology combined. Hence, it is evident that the Buddhist Morphism School could be very helpful both in the completeness of the Doctrine and in the individual practice on the Dharma. But somehow, during the evolution of Buddhism in China throughout history, the Morphism School became gradually neglected, and eventually it was reduced to all but an abstruse antiquity. Although there was some effort devot

