Diamond Sutra & Heart Sutra 金剛經、心經 (英漢對照)

Diamond Sutra & Heart Sutra 金剛經、心經 (英漢對照)

《Diamond Sutra & Heart Sutra 金剛經、心經 (英漢對照)》是一本圖書


  • 中文名:Diamond Sutra & Heart Sutra 金剛經、心經 (英漢對照)
  • 出版時間:2009年12月
  • 頁數:158 頁
  • ISBN:9789579373203
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 譯者: Venerable Cheng Kuan / 釋成觀法師 
A Preface to the Third Edition Ever since the publication of this Sutra in 2005, it has been about four years now, and it has undergone a revision for the Second Edition wherein some minor improvement in the diction has been made. Now, as necessitated by occasions, a typographically totally new edition is being released, in that the original Chinese Text and the English trans...(展開全部) A Preface to the Third Edition Ever since the publication of this Sutra in 2005, it has been about four years now, and it has undergone a revision for the Second Edition wherein some minor improvement in the diction has been made. Now, as necessitated by occasions, a typographically totally new edition is being released, in that the original Chinese Text and the English translation will interpose each other for the bilingual reader’s easy reference and comparison, whereby some abstruse meanings might be elicited and rendered palpable. In addition to this rearrangement of the printing, and some more minor improvements, the reader can find that there is a major addition in the English Text: that is, the subtitle for each Segment has been provided. The reason why this was not done in previous editions is that these Subtitles are not the Original Texts, either the Chinese translation or the Sanskrit original—they were composed and inserted therein by some unidentifiable great master in the past. On account of this, I did not deem it fit to translate it in the English Text, for fear that they may be considered as an “official” portion of the Sutra itself by future readers, or by contemporary readers unawares. Nevertheless, now that both the Texts of the original and translation are juxtaposed, it might elicit doubts as to why the Subtitles fail to be translated, for this reason the English renditions are attached. If the reader is aware that this part is actually an adventitious addition, not only would it not do any harm, but it would also enh


