《Social Media in Disaster Response》是2013年出版的圖書,作者是Potts, Liza。
- 外文名:Social Media in Disaster Response
- 作者:Potts, Liza
- 出版時間:2013年9月
- 頁數:184 頁
- ISBN:9780415817424
- 定價:141.25 美元
《Social Media in Disaster Response》是2013年出版的圖書,作者是Potts, Liza。
to human health. Hurricane Katrina was an unprecedented disaster for the United States. During the first weeks, the enormity of the event and the sheer response needs for public health became apparent. The tragic loss of human life overshadowed the ongoing social and economic disruption in a ...
a multifaceted portrait of the social implications of the disaster. The book covers the response to the disaster and the roles that race and class played, its impact on housing and redevelopment, the historical context of urban disasters in America and the future of economic development in the ...
Liu, C., & Shi, Q*. (2023). Inter-Organizational Partnering Strategies in Disaster Response: A Complex Network Perspective. Systems, 11(8), 420. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems11080420.Shi, Q., Gu, C.-J., & Xiao, C. (2023). Multiple Scenarios Analysis on Land Use Simulation by...
J4. Liu X, Tu, YL, Zhang, WJ, Li, W, Chai, C-L, and Deters, R, A disaster response process management system based on control system technology, International Journal of Critical Infrastructures , 2008, Vol. 4, No. 3, p274-295.J5. Liu, X, Zhang, WJ, Tu, YL, and Radhakrishnan...
the attack on the World Trade Center. All cities in the United States will have to have a mass fatality disaster plan in effect by the end of 1999. Mr. Jensen is a leading authority in this area and provides training for police, fire and hospital personnel (including EMTs and social ...
13In regard to disaster response, this is ideal.關於災難反應,這是理想的。14In this regard, China also plays a central role.在這方面,中國也發揮著核心作用。15Regard each failure as a stimulus to further efforts.把每次失利看成對進一步努力的激勵。《新英漢大辭典》16In this regard, the ...
8. Li T, Wang Q, Xie Z. Disaster response knowledge and its social determinants: A cross-sectional study in Beijing, China. PLOS One, 2019 Mar 26;14(3):e0214367. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0214367.9. Meng Q, Xie Z, Zhang T. A single-item self-rated health measure correlates with...
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Masoud Hamedi, AliHaghani, Saini Yang. Reliable Transportation of Humanitarian Supplies inDisaster Response: Model and Heuristic. Proceeding of EWGT 2012, 15th Meetingof the Euro Working Group on Transportation. Paris, France.Liu, Hao, Xiao-BingHu, Saini Yang, Ke Zhang, Ezequiel Di Paolo, ...
The Extent of Violent Delinquency in the United States...Page 209 Explanations for Violent Delinquency...Page 210 Public Policy Responses...Page 211 Affirmative Process...Page 212 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, RESPONSE TO BATTERED IMMIGRANTS AND IMMIGRANT VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN...Page...
2010. Terry Lum, Xiying Wang, & Kofi Danso, The 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in China: Reflections on the role of social workers in disaster intervention (in press, second author). In D. F. Gillespie, & K. Danso (Eds.), Disaster concepts and issues: A guide for social work education and ...
2015, APPAM Annual Conference, Paper Presentation, Community Resilience and Social Media, Albuquerque, New Mexico.2014,Building Community Resilience to Global Hazards: A Sociotechnical Approach, Guest Speaker, Building A Research Network on Risk, Disaster, and Crisis in China, University of Pittsburgh....
55. International Disaster Response Law and Policy in China: Evolution, Problem and Resolution, 12 Chinese Journal of International Law(2013), 455–465; (SSCI)56. 條約的動態解釋方法研究[A].法律方法,2013(2), 314-336; (CSSCI集刊)57. 國際救災法中的人道主義與主權原則之衝突與協調[J],科學·...
一個謙遜的人可能是你的理想伴侶。In regard to disaster response, this is ideal. 關於災難反應,這是理想的。The arrangements, if not ideal, are fairly satisfactory. 安排雖不算理想,但也相當滿意。The arrangements, though not ideal, are fairly satisfactory. 安排雖不算理想,但也相當令人滿意。
[10] Kimuli J.B., Di B*., Zhang R., Wu S., Li J., YinW. 2021. A Multisource Trend Analysis of Floods in Asia-Pacific 1990–2018:Implications for Climate Change in Sustainable Development Goals. InternationalJournal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102237.[11] Di B., Li J., Dandou...
Zheng,Z., Zhong, Y., Wang, J., Ma, A., Zhang, L., 2021, Building damage assessmentfor rapid disaster response with a deep object-based semantic change detectionframework: From natural disasters to man-made disasters, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol.265,112636.Xu,Y., Du, B., Zhang...
[35]Peng Tao* and Chunliang Chen. Towards a politics of disaster response: presidential disaster instructions in China, 1998–2012. Disasters,2018(2):275-293. (SSCI)[34]“災害管理的政治理論建構”,《北京行政學院學報》,2017年第5期。(獨撰)(被《新華文摘》網刊2018年第3期全文轉載)[33]“...
[66] Y. Tao, R. Jiang, E. Coltey, C. Yang, X. Song, R. Shibasaki, M.-L. Shyu, and S.-C. Chen, “Data-driven in-crisis community identification for disaster response and management,” in 2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC), 2021, ...
risk assessment. The book offers an essential reference guide for engineeringtechnicians and researchers in a wide range of fields, including emergency manage-ment, safety science and engineering, disaster relief engineering, and transportationoptimization, as well as graduate students in related ...
seismic hazard and risk management, the creation and implementation of building codes, and new practices used in rescue,relief and reconstruction. It will be of significant interest to researchers and practitioners engaged in seismology, geophysics, engineering, the social sciences, and disaster managemen...
Chapter 9: The Ideal Response: Getting Agreement Chapter 10: Meeting Adjourned: The After-Party Chapter 11: Recovering from Disaster Chapter 12: For Non-Designers Chapter 13: Designing for Vision 作者簡介 Tom Greever has been designing websites and interfaces since 1999 in a variety of ...
in response to these disasters. This invaluable resource arms readers with the tools to address all phases of emergency management. It covers everything from the social and environmental processes that generate hazards to vulnerability analysis, hazard mitigation, emergency response, and disaster recovery...
infection. He explains how checklists actually work to prompt striking and immediate improvements. And he follows the checklist revolution into fields well beyond medicine, from disaster response to investment banking, skyscraper construction, and businesses of all kinds. An intellectual adventure in ...
Song, J., & Peng, B.* (2017). Should We Leave? Attitudes towards Relocation in Response to Sea Level Rise. Water, 9(12), 941. Wan, G., Sun, J., Peng, B., Mao, X., (2024). Risk Assessment of Urban Transportation Complex Hub from Resilience Perspective: An Empirical Study on ...
Improving Disaster Response Mechanisms: Detecting Transport NetworkObstructions Using LiDAR Data Guoxiang Ding 博士研究生 Deriving Activity Patterns from Individual Travel Diary Data: A Spatiotemporal Data Mining Approach Suzanna Klaf The Critical Geographies of Educational Reform: Policy, Power, and Pedagogy...
Jinzhou Cao, Wei Tu, Qingquan LI, Meng ZHOU, Rui CAO. Exploring the distribution and dynamics of functional regions using mobile phone data and social media data. 14th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management. 2015. MIT, Boston, USA.Meng ZHOU, Wei Tu, ...
[15]Jiuchang Wei, Fei Wang, Dingtao Zhao. (2012). A risk perception model: simulating public response to news reports in China. Information Research, 17(2),paper519.[16]Jiuchang Wei, Dingtao Zhao, Dora Marinova. (2013). Disaster relief drivers:China and U.S. in comparative perspective...
(5)Bingquan Jiao, Jicheng Zhang, Lin Wang. Study on the Chalcopyrite tailings Bioleaching Intensifying through Citric Acid. Disaster Advances,2012.(通訊作者,SCI)(6)Wang Lin, Zhao Baoqiang, Zheng Xiaoman. Intervention Standards、Time Series and Strength of Multi-agencies' Response in Emergency...