- 中文名:第寶鋒
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:中國科學院水利部成都山地災害與環境研究所
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:四川大學災後重建與管理學院副院長
- 職稱:教授
2017—至今: 災後重建與管理學院教師(副院長),
2007—至今: 四川大學建築與環境學院教師;
2012(3個月): 德國亞琛工業大學(RWTH Aachen)高級訪問學者
2011(3個月): 尼泊爾國際山地中心(ICIMOD)高級訪問學者
2008—2009: 加州大學戴維斯分校(UC Davis)訪問學者
2005—2007: 水利部水土保持司實習並參與“中國水土流失與生態安全綜合科學考察”及日常管理工作;
2004—2007: 中國科學院水利部成都山地災害與環境研究所攻讀博士學位;
2001—2004: 四川大學建築與環境學院攻讀碩士學位;
1997—2001: 西北師範大學地理與環境學院攻讀學士學位。
環境與地理信息系統(Environment & Geographic Information System)
地理信息系統實驗(The Experiment of Geographical Information System)
3S技術與套用(Technology& Application of 3S (GIS.RS.GPS))
流域管理(Watershed Management)
- DI Bao-feng*, HongjuanZeng, Minghua Zhang, Susan L. Ustin, Ya Tang, Zhaoyin Wang, Ningsheng Chen, Bin Zhang, Quantifying Spatial Distribution of Soil Mass Wasting Processes after the 2008 Earthquake in Wenchuan, China -A case study of the Longmenshan area, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2010, 114:761–771.
- Zhan, Y., Luo, Y., Deng, X., Zhang, K., Zhang, M., Grieneisen, M. L., & Di, B*. (2018). Satellite-Based Estimates of Daily NO2 Exposure in China Using Hybrid Random Forest and Spatiotemporal Kriging Model. Environmental science & technology, 52(7), 4180-4189.
- Y. Zhan, Y. Luo, X. Deng, M. Grieneisen, M. Zhang,B. Di*. Spatiotemporal prediction of daily ambient ozone levels across china using random forest for human exposure assessment, Environmental Pollution,2018,233:464-473.
- Baofeng Di,Constantine A. Stamatopoulos*, Miranda Dandoulaki, Eleni Stavrogiannopoulou, Meng Zhang, Persefoni Bampina. A method predicting the earthquake-induced landslide risk by back analyses of past landslides and its application in the region of the Wenchuan 12/5/2008 earthquake. Nat Hazards,2017, 85(2):903-927.
- Kai Shi, Baofeng Di*,Kaishan Zhang, ChaoyangFeng, Laurence Svirchev,Detrended Cross-correlation Analysis of Urban Traffic Congestion and NO2Concentrations in Chengdu. Transportation Research Part D, 2017.
- Di B.F., Shi K*., Zhang K.S., Svirchev L., & Hu X. X., Long-Term Correlations and Multifractality of Traffic Flow Measured by GIS for Congested and Free-Flow Roads. Fractals. 24, 2016, 1650012.
- Stamatopoulos C A,Di B. Analytical and approximate expressions predicting post-failure landslide displacement using the multi-block model and energy methods[J]. Landslides, 2015, 12(6):1207-1213.
- Constantine Stamatopoulos, Baofeng Di*, Simplified multi-block constitutive model predicting earthquake-induced slide triggering and displacement along slip surfaces of saturated sand, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014, 67:16-29.
- DI Bao-feng*, ZHANG Kai-shan, TANG Ya, ZHANG Ming-hua, Susan L. USTIN, The Development of a Geographic Information System (GIS) Database for Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve and Its Application, Journal of Mountain Science, 2013, 10(3):398-409.
- Di, B. F*.,Chen, N. S.,Cui, P.,Li, Z. L.,He, Y. P.,Gao, Y.C., GIS-Based Risk Analysis of Debris Flows: an Application in Sichuan, southwest China. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2008, 23(2),138-148.
- 熊軻,詹宇,Issaak Parcharidis, 杜傑, 第寶鋒∗.九寨溝震區地表形變監測及震損物源估算, 長江流域資源與環境, 2019,28(1):184-191
- 劉永垚、第寶鋒*、詹宇、Constantine A. Stamatopoulos. 基於隨機森林模型的土石流易發性評價, 山地學報,2018: 36(5):765-773.
- 胡曉曦, 第寶鋒*, 袁媛, 黃靖, 張夢. 長江上游生態建設工程與植被覆蓋時空變化的回響特徵研究,長江流域資源與環境, 2016, 25 (8): 1264-1272.
- 張夢,第寶鋒*, 宋微曦, &王雅潞. 災變山地環境影響下小流域脆弱性評價研究. 長江流域資源與環境, 2015, 24(06), 1072-1078.
- 宋微曦, 第寶鋒*,左進, 羅文鋒, 張夢. 聚落應對山地災害環境的適應性分析——以彭州市銀廠溝為例,山地學報, 2014,32(2):212-218.
- 第寶鋒*,崔鵬, 艾南山. 中國水土保持生態修復分區治理措施,四川大學學報(工程科學版)2009, 41(2):64-69.
- 第寶鋒*,崔鵬,艾南山. 中國水土保持生態修復分區,四川大學學報(工程科學版), 2008, 40(5):32- 37.
- 第寶鋒*,寧堆虎, 魯勝力. 中國水土流失與貧困的關係分析.水土保持通報, 2006, 26(3):67-72.
- 第寶鋒*,崔鵬, 黃勝等. 近50年金沙江乾熱河谷區雲南省元謀縣泥沙變化及影響分析.中國水土保持科學,2006,4(5):20-24.
- 第寶鋒*,楊忠, 艾南山, 張建平. 基於RS與GIS的金沙江乾熱河谷區退化生態系統評價――以雲南省元謀縣為例,地理科學, 2005, 25(4):484-489.