《Real Estate Economics》是2013年2月出版的圖書,作者是Pirounakis, Nicholas G.。
- 中文名:Real Estate Economics
- 作者:Pirounakis, Nicholas G.
- 語言:國語
- 出版時間:2013年2月
- ISBN:9780415676342
- 類別:經濟類
《Real Estate Economics》是2013年2月出版的圖書,作者是Pirounakis, Nicholas G.。
《Real Estate Economics》是2013年2月出版的圖書,作者是Pirounakis, Nicholas G.。內容簡介 Real Estate Economics: A point-to-point handbook introduces the main tools and concepts of real estate (RE) economics. It covers areas such as the relation between RE and the macro-economy, RE finance, ...
在《Urban Studies》、《China Economic Review》、《Real Estate Economics》、《Land Use Policy》、《財貿經濟》、《公共管理學報》、《中國土地科學》、《經濟地理》和《自然資源學報》等刊物上發表SSCI、CSSCI以上論文30餘篇,其中以或通訊作者發表SSCI論文14篇,JCR一區SSCI論文10篇。博士論文《信貸約束、房地產...
2020年,學院共發表論文14篇,包含10篇英文論文、4篇中文論文,其中部分論文發表在《南開管理評論》、《財經問題研究》等CSSCI期刊和“Transport Reviews”、“Real Estate Economics”等SSCI高水平刊物上,獲批省部級科研項目5項,校級科研項目3項,出版教材1部,並有2項資政建議被相關領導部門採納。校園生活 薩里國際...
Ph.D. Programs: Public Finance, Taxation, Investment Economics, National Economics, Technical Economics and Management, Real Estate Economics, and Public Economics Policies.Laboratory: Finance, Taxation &Public Administration Simulation Lab, Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modeling Lab, Geographic ...
王龍博士的論文發表於國際期刊Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Real Estate Economics等。教育經歷 2013.8-2018.6,獲得新加坡國立大學房地產金融博士學位 2010.9-2013.7,獲得西南財經大學經濟學碩士學位 ...
音樂Music,音樂教學Music Education,音樂歷史和音樂學Music History and Musicology,音樂演出Music Performance,音樂喜劇Musical Theatre,音樂理論Music Theory,供應鏈管理Operations/Supply Chain Management,組織行為及人力資源管理Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,房地產Real Estate,哲學Philosophy,...
。研究領域包括房地產金融、房地產經濟和城市經濟。在Real Estate Economics、《經濟研究》等期刊發表論文五十餘篇,2019年獲第八屆高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(人文社會科學)三等獎,出版專著兩部、研究生教材一部,主持三項國家自然科學基金課題,多次接受中央廣播電台和人民日報等主流媒體採訪。
finance at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Worked at the National Bureau of Economic Research as a research assistant and at JP Morgan as a summer associate.Research and teaching:heterogeneity and asset pricing in financial markets,optimal asset allocation and real estate economics....
Real Estate Economics 編委(2020年 - )Journal of Housing Economics 編委(2022年 - )Journal of Housing Economics、Small Business Economics、Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 客座主編 科研項目 1、基於多維度大數據的城鎮家庭住房升級行為規律研究 (國家自然科學基金面上項目,2025~2028,項目負責...
1、 “Housing Preferences of Asian and Hispanic Immigrants in the United States: A Melting Pot or Salad Bowl”, with Vivek Sah, Alan Tidwell, Real Estate Economics, 2016,10 (SSCI核心)2、 “Inflation-hedging properties of regional Chinese real estate market: evidence from 35 cities in C...
聖塔克拉拉大學、杜蘭大學等大學的經濟學系工作。其研究領域是城市經濟學、房地產、套用計量經濟學,在Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics,theReview of Economics and Statistics, Real Estate Economics,theJournal of Business and Economic Statistics等期刊發表論文100多篇。
Economics (經濟學)Business Law (商業法)Finance (金融)Human Resource Management(人力資源管理)Information Systems (信息系統)International Business(國際貿易)Management(管理學)Marketing(市場行銷)Real Estate Studies(地產管理)Taxation(稅務學)新南威爾斯大學商學院環境圖如圖《新南威爾斯大學商學院》...
10、Hong Zhang, Yang Zhang, Incorporation of Experimental Methods into Teaching Real Estate Economics: Process, Practice and Development,New Educational Review, 29:121-133(2012).獲獎記錄 1、教學獲獎:北京林業大學經濟管理學院2015年度“魅力教學之星”2、科研獲獎:北京林業大學經濟管理學院2015、2016年度“...
.” Real Estate Economics 48 (2): 373–405. doi:10.1111/1540-6229.12245. (2020年度ISI高被引論文)16. Chen, Jie, Mingzhi Hu, and Zhenguo Lin. (2019). “Does Housing Unaffordability Crowd out Elites in Chinese Superstar Cities?” Journal of Housing Economics 45(1):101571. doi:10....
Real Estate Finance I (房地產金融 I)Real Estate Finance II(房地產金融 II) Dubai Debt Crisis(杜拜債務危機) Micro-Economic Analysis (微觀經濟分析) Macroeconomic Analysis (巨觀經濟分析)Game Theory (博弈論)【字幕】Understanding the financial crisis and what it means to you (金融經濟危機及...
不動產(Real Estate)零售業(Retailing)統計學(Statistics)戰略管理(Strategic Management)媒體和傳媒管理(Media and Communications Management)國際經濟學(International Economics)藝術管理(Arts Management)健康信息技術(Health Information Technology)創新與科技管理(Innovation and Technology Management)商業數據...
Emphases包括:Entrepreneurship,International Studies,Real Estate MBA招生統計數據 招生年份 招生人數 平均年齡 年齡範圍 女生比例 國際學生比例 已婚比例 平均工作經驗 本科平均GPA 本科GPA範圍(80%) GMAT均分 GMAT範圍(80%) TOEFL均分 2016 175 28 21-40 30% 29% 24% 5.3年 3.4 3.3-3.5 691 616-720 107 ...
Dr. Fisher has published numerous articles in journals such as The Journal of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, The Journal of Urban Economics, The Journal of Real Estate Research, Journal of Portfolio Management, National Tax ...
5.Liu, Ming, Chiang, R., Chow, Y., 2002, How Do Mortgage Spreads Vary with Individual Characteristics . Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 6.Chow, Ying Foon, Chiang, R., Liu, Ming, 2002, Residential Mortgage Lending and Borrower Risk: The Relationship Between Mortgage Spreads ...
1.1 Applications in Business and Economics 3 Accounting 3 Finance 4 Marketing 4 Production 4 Economics 4 Information Systems 5 1.2 Data 5 Elements, Variables, and Observations 5 Scales of Measurement 7 Categorical and Quantitative Data 8 Cross-Sectional and Time Series Data 8 1.3 Data Sources ...
2及命題5.1的證明 參考文獻 作者簡介 陳昌志,現為文瀾學院副教授。已在 Journal of Real-Estate Finance and Economics,Economic Modelling,African Journal of Business Management,International Review of Economics and Finance 等雜誌發表文章十餘篇。研究領域:公司金融最佳化、保險金融、財務經濟、風險管理。
Business Administration & Real Estate Business Chemistry Child Study Communication Studies Community Education Computer Applications Computer Arts Computer Information Systems Court Reporting and Related Technology Economics Engineering English English as a Second Language Fashion Design and Apparel Technology Fine ...
Business Economics 金融 Finance 保險與管理 Insurance & Risk Management 國際貿易 International Business 管理 Management 管理科學 Management Science 市場 Marketing 房地產 Real Estate 教育學院 早期兒童教育 Early Childhood Education 基礎教育 Elementary Education 中層教育 Middle Level Education 體育教育 Physical Edu...
[41] Impact of urban economic openness on real estate prices: Evidence from thirty-five cities in China,China Economic Review,**(2010) ***-***.[42] Towards a System of Open Cities in China: Home Prices,FDI Flows and Air Quality in 35 Major Cities. Regional Science and Urban Economic...
The earlier volume was by no means entirely concerned with theoretical research and this one is by no means entirely concerned with applied research.作者簡介 Dean's Chair in Real Estate Professor Chair, Real Estate Department Real Estate Department Wharton School University of Pennsylvania ...