- 中文名:陳杰
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 畢業院校:瑞典烏普薩拉大學;復旦大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:城市發展、公共政策、房地產經濟、住房保障
- 2017.01-2019.12,主持國家自然科學基金委員會(NSFC)與英國經濟和社會研究理事會(ESRC)聯合資助項目“中國城市發展的金融化趨勢及金融風險”(基金批准號:NSF7161101095),批准金額:200萬元。英方合作單位首席專家:倫敦大學學院(UCL)講座教授吳縛龍教授。英國經濟和社會研究理事會給予英方承擔單位40萬英鎊的資助。
- 2016.01-2019.12,主持國家自然科學基金(面上)“中國城市住房供應模式變遷對居民住房選擇行為的影響及經濟社會效應”(項目批准號:NSF71573166)。
- 2012.01-2015.12,主持國家自然科學基金(面上)“快速城市化進程與住房公共政策:互動性與協調性發展研究”(項目批准號:NSF71173045)。
- 2008.01-2008.10,主持國家自然科學基金(應急項目-主任基金)“國際經驗與中國住房公積金制度改進”。項目批准號:NSF70741022。
- 2007.09-2011.2,主持國家哲學社會科學基金(青年)“資產價格波動對居民消費的影響效應:巨觀計量分析”。項目批准號:07CJL006。
- 2007.01-2009.12,主持國家自然科學基金(青年)“住宅房地產價格形成機制的特徵法研究—新方法和基於上海的實證分析”。項目批准號:NSF7060100。
- Chen, Jie,WillamHardin, Mingzhi Hu. 2018.“Housing, Wealth, Income and Consumption: China and Homeownership Heterogeneity”.Real Estate Economics(SSCI),doi: 10.1111/1540-6229.12245.
- Chen, Jie,Mingzhi Hu, and Zhenguo Lin. 2018. “Does Housing Unaffordability Crowd out Elites in Chinese Superstar Cities?”Journal of Housing Economics(SSCI)forthcoming
- Chen, Jie*;Wang, Wei (2018)."Economic incentive and settlement intentions of rural migrants: evidence from China".Journal of Urban Affairs, 40.(SSCI)forthcoming
- Deng, Lan;Chen, Jie(2018).“Market Development, State Intervention and the Dynamics of New Housing Investment in China.”Journal of Urban Affairs, 40.(SSCI)forthcoming
- Chen, Jie. and Hu, Mingzhi*. (2018) “What types of homeowners are more likely to be entrepreneurs? The Evidence from China,”Small Business Economics, 50.(SSCI)forthcoming,doi: 10.1007/s11187-017-9976-1
- Liu, Cathy Yang,Chen, Jie*. and Li, Huiping. (2018) “Linking Migrant Enclave Residence to Employment in Urban China: The Case of Shanghai,”Journal of Urban Affairs, 39.(SSCI)forthcoming, doi: 10.1080/07352166.2017.1413286
- Chen, Jie., Hao, Qianjin. and Yoon, Chamna*. (2018) “Measuring the Welfare Cost of Air Pollution in Shanghai: Evidence from the Housing Market,”Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61(10):1744-1757.(SSCI)doi: 10.1080/09640568.2017.1371581
- Zhang, Muyang, andChen, Jie*.(2018).“Unequal School Enrollment Rights, Rent Yields Gap, and Increased Inequality: The Case of Shanghai,”China Economic Review,49(3):229-240.(SSCI),doi:10.1016/j.chieco.2017.04.007
- Zhang, Li;Chen, Jie*;Hao, Qianjin;Li, Chuan-Zhong.(2018).“Measuring the NIMBY effect in urban China: the case of waste transfer stations in metropolis Shanghai”.Journal of Housing and the Built Environment,33(1):1-18.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie., & Zhou, Qian*. (2017). “City Size, Industrial Structure and Urban Labor Productivity in China: Evidence from Spatial City-level Panel Data Analysis”.Economic Systems, 41(2):165-178.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie*., Yao, Lingzhen,& Wang, Hongwei. (2017). “The Development of Public Housing in Post-Reform Urban China”.China & World Economy, 25(4):60-77.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie*;Zan Yang (2017). “What Do Young Adults on the Edges of Homeownership Look Like in Big Cities in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from Shanghai”.Urban Studies,54(10): 2322-2341.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie;Danglun Luo*,Guoman She, Qianwei Ying (2017). "Incentive or Selection? A New Investigation of the Local Leaders’Political Turnover in China".Social Science Quarterly,98(1): 341–59.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie*., & Nong, Huifu. (2016). The Heterogeneity of Crowding Effect of Public Housing on Market Housing: Empirical evidence from China.Journal of Housing Economics, 31(1): 115-127.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie.(2016). J. Doling and R. Ronald (eds): Housing East Asia: socioeconomic and demographic challenges.Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 31(3), 581–583.(SSCI)(Book Review)
- Shi, Wei.,Chen, Jie*., & Wang, Hongwei.(2016).Affordable housing policy in China: New developments and new challenges.Habitat International,54(3): 224-233.(SSCI)
- Zhang, Yina&Chen, Jie*. (2015). “Housing Poverty in Post-Reform Shanghai: Profiles in 2010 and Decompositions”.Open House International40(1):12-17.(SSCI)WOS:000363092800003
- Chen, Jie*;Den, Lang (2014).“Financing Affordable Housing through Compulsory Saving: the Two-decade Experience of Housing Provident Fund in China”.Housing Studies, 29(7):937-958.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie; Yang, Zan*; Wang, Yaping. (2014). “The New Chinese Model of Public Housing: a step forward or backward?”Housing Studies,29(4):534-550.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie;Han, Xuehui*(2014).“The Evolution of Housing Market and Its Socio-economic Impacts in Post-Reform China: A Survey of the Literature”.Journal of Economic Surveys,28(4):652–670.(SSCI)
- Zhang, Yina, &Chen, Jie*(2014).“The Changing Prevalence of Housing Overcrowding in Post-Reform China: The case of Shanghai, 2000-2010”.Habitat International,42(2), 214–223.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie*& Jin, Minzhou. (2014). Income Elasticity of Housing Demand in China: micro-data evidence from Shanghai.Journal of Contemporary China,23(85), 68–85.(SSCI)
- Ying, Qianwei; Luo, Danlun;Chen, Jie*(2013).“The determinants of sandwich class’s homeownership affordability in a new emerging economy——Empirical findings from Guangzhou, China”.Urban Studies, 50(9): 1870-1888(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie.2013. “Housing Tenure, Residential Mobility and Adolescents’ Education Achievement: Evidence from Sweden”.The Annals of Regional Science, 50(1): 275–294.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie, Feng Guo*, and Aiyong Zhu. 2011. “The Housing-led Growth Hypothesis Revisited: Evidence from the Chinese Provincial Panel Data.”Urban Studies48(10):2049–2067.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie, Qianjin Hao, and Mark Stephens*. 2010. “Assessing Housing Affordability in Post-reform China: A Case Study of Shanghai.”Housing Studies25(6):877–901.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie*, Feng Guo, and Aiyong Zhu. 2009. “Housing Wealth, Financial Wealth and Consumption in China.”ChinaandWorld Economy17(3):57–74.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie. 2008. “The Effects of Housing Allowance Benefit Levels on Recipient Duration: Evidence from the Swedish 1997 Reform.”Urban Studies45(2):347–366.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie. 2006. “Re-evaluating the Association between Housing Wealth and Aggregate Consumption: New Evidence from Sweden.”Journal of Housing Economics15(4):321–348.(SSCI)
- Chen, Jie*, and Cecilia Enström Öst. 2005. “Housing Allowance and the Recipient’s Homeownership: Evidence from a Panel Data Study in Sweden.”Housing Studies20(4):605–625.(SSCI)
- 陳卓、陳杰*.租住家庭占比、租房供應主體與房價[J]統計研究,2018(7):28-37.(CSSCI權威)
- 范子英、張航、陳杰.公共運輸對住房市場的溢出效應與虹吸效應:以捷運為例[J]中國工業經濟,2018(5):99-117(CSSCI權威)
- 徐升艷、陳杰*、趙剛.土地出讓市場化如何影響經濟成長[J]中國工業經濟,2018(3):176-193.(CSSCI權威)
- 魏瑋、陳杰*.加槓桿是否一定會成為房價上漲的助推器?——來自省際面板門檻模型的證據[J]金融研究,2017(12):51-66.(CSSCI權威)
- 陳杰.經濟新常態下的中國城鎮化發展模式轉型[J].城市規劃學刊,2016(3):30-35(CSSCI來源)
- 張牧揚、陳杰*、石薇.租金率折價視角的學區價值測度——來自上海二手房市場的證據[J]金融研究,2016(6):98-112.(CSSCI權威)
- 陳杰、農匯福.保障房擠出效應的存在性及其時空異質性:基於省級面板門限模型的證據[J].統計研究,2016, 33(4):27-35.(CSSCI權威)
- 張牧揚、陳杰*、石薇.交易環節稅率差別對房價的影響——來自上海二手房數據的實證研究證據[J]財政研究,2016(2):79-93. (CSSCI權威)
- 羅黨論、佘國滿、陳杰*.“經濟成長業績與地方官員晉升的關聯性再審視——新理論和基於地級市數據新證據”[J].經濟學季刊,2015, 13(3):1145-1172. (CSSCI權威A)
- 楊贊、張歡、陳杰*.再購房潛在動機如何影響住房的財富效應?——基於城鎮住戶大樣本調查數據的微觀層面分析[J].財經研究,2014(7): 54-64.(CSSCI權威)
- 陳杰、郝前進.快速城市化進程中的居住隔離——來自上海的實證研究[J].學術月刊,2014(5): 17-28. (CSSCI權威)(人大報刊複印資料—人口學[F107]2014年第5期全文轉載)
- 楊贊、趙麗清、陳杰*.中國城鎮老年家庭的消費行為特徵研究[J].統計研究,2013(12): 83-88. (CSSCI權威)
- 陳健,陳杰*,高波.信貸約束、房價與居民消費率——基於面板門檻模型的研究[J].金融研究,2012(4): 45-57 (CSSCI權威)
- 陳杰.中國住房公積金的制度困境與改革出路分析[J].公共行政評論2010(3): 91-119.(CSSCI來源)(人大報刊複印資料—社會保障制度[C41]2010年第12期全文轉載: 91-119)
- 芮明傑、詹文靜、陳杰.跨區域發展戰略對房地產企業績效的影響——基於房地產上市公司的實證研究[J].中國工業經濟,2008(8):56-64.(CSSCI權威)
- 陳杰、陸銘、黃益平、潘英麗(2017).《房地產與城市發展:問題與對策》.中信出版集團:北京. 2017年4月.ISBN:9787508673264
- 陳杰、[英]馬克.史蒂芬斯,[美]滿燕雲編著,陳杰(譯)(2015).公共住房的未來:東西方的現狀與趨勢.中信出版社:北京. 2015年9月。ISBN: 978-7-5086-5350-1.
- 胡怡建、陳杰(編著).《邁向全球城市的公共政策挑戰與治理創新——上海能從世界學習到什麼》.經濟科學出版社:北京; 2014年12月。ISBN: 978-7-5141-5218-0
- Chen, Jie; Man, Yanyun; Mark Stephens (2014): The Future of Public Housing: Ongoing Trends in the East and the West. Springer. 325pp. ISBN 978-3-642-41621-7;
- Yang, Zan & Chen, Jie. (2014). Housing Affordability and Housing Policy in Urban China. Berlin and New York: Springer.141pp. ISBN:978-3-642-54044-8.
- 陳杰(2009).城市居民住房解決方案:理論與國際經驗.上海財經大學出版社:上海,2009年1月,ISBN: 978-7-5642-0369-6/F.0369,23萬字, 246頁(該書獲得2010年上海市第八屆鄧小平理論研究和宣傳優秀成果獎著作三等獎)
- Chen, Jie (2005): Empirical Essays on Housing Allowance, Housing Wealth and Aggregate Consumption; Economic Studies 91. Uppsala: Uppsala University Press. 196 pp,ISBN 91-87268-98-1.
- 陳杰、陳卓.北京房價暴漲,什麼樣的長效機制才能實現“房子不是用來炒的”.《探索與爭鳴》公眾號,2017-03-18
- 陳杰德國是如何確保“房子是用來住的”[N].解放日報2017-02-21(A10版新論)
- 陳杰.產權式社會房,滿足“夾心層”需求[N].解放日報,2016-06-07(A9版觀點)
- 陳杰.新常態下中國城鎮化如何轉型[N].解放日報,2016-01-01(A07版-思想者專欄)
- 陳杰.推進棚改融資機制的創新加強PPP模式在棚戶區改造中的套用.中國政府網2015年9月2日
- 陳杰.考核教師,怎能沿用考核服務員的方式[J].解放日報,2015-07-09(A7版科教文衛)
- 陳杰.住房公積金,可望還得可及[N]解放日報,2015-03-26(A06).
- 陳杰.科研還是教學?這不是問題[N].解放日報,2014-08-08(A05)
- 陳杰.改革住房供應體系回歸住房基本生活屬性[N].中國社會科學報. 2014-07-28(A08)
- 陳杰.公共住房銀行,彰顯“政府之手”[N].人民日報,2014-06-11(第23版國際版,整版篇幅)
- 陳杰.從改革大視野看共有產權房[N].解放日報,2014-04-11(A11版,新論版)
- 陳杰.加快立法為“德政工程”護航[N].文匯報2013年11月01日第05版文匯時評
- 陳杰.解讀以房養老深意[N].解放日報2013年10月14日第A05版(視線.縱深)
- 陳杰.房地產調控政策不可放鬆[N].文匯報2013-05-20版10
- 陳杰.不轉型的教訓[N].人民日報2013-04-02B021
- 陳杰.以怎樣的心態看待底特律樓市[N].解放日報2013-03-28版10
- 陳杰.合理估算中國居民資產[J]財經2012-09-09
- 陳杰.房地產調控不能無功而返[N].人民日報(海外版),2010-08-30
- 陳杰.住房保障是一種社會投資——《解放日報》2008年3月29日,並被《新華文摘》2008年第11期全文收錄(文化-視點,第119頁)