- 中文名:區域和城市經濟學手冊:第-B卷
- 作者:(美)吉勒斯·杜蘭頓,(美)約翰·享德森,(美)威廉·斯特蘭主編
- 出版時間:2018年
- 出版社:經濟科學出版社
- ISBN:9787514186833
- 類別:區域經濟類圖書
- 裝幀:平裝
This volume is a follow-up to the earlier Urban Economics, Volume 2 of Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, edited by Edwin Mills. The earlier volume, published in 1987, focussed on urban economic theory. This new handbook, in contrast, focuses on applied urban research. The difference is of course in emphasis. The earlier volume was by no means entirely concerned with theoretical research and this one is by no means entirely concerned with applied research.
Dean's Chair in Real Estate Professor Chair, Real Estate Department Real Estate Department Wharton School University of Pennsylvania