(Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.or PCCP)是一個科學類的期刊,被英國皇家化學會所收錄,它所涉及的內容為化學物理以及物理化學。
- 外文名稱:Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
- 類別:化學物理以及物理化學
- 編輯單位:英國皇家化學會所
- 創刊時間:1999 年


(Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.or PCCP)是一個科學類的期刊,被英國皇家化學會所收錄,它所涉及的內容為化學物理以及物理化學。
Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases (1972-1989),Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics (1972-1989); Jour...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2010,DOI:10.1039/B921435F. 3.Bin Zhang, Xudong Chen*, Shaohua Ma, Yujie Chen, Jin Yang, Mingqiu Zhang*; The ...
Remarkably improving microwave absorption by cloaking micro-scaled tetrapod hollow with helical carbon nanofibers,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2015, 17: 302...
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Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2011,13, (13), 5798-5816.(被致謝). Barnes, P. R. F.; O’regan, B. C., Electron Recombination Kinetics and the...
Theoretical study on low-lying states of Ga2X (X = P, As) with coupled-cluster approaches, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2013, 15, 17929-17937...
11. Surface basicity on bulk modified phosphorus alumina through different synthesis methods[J], Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011, 13(34): 15589-...
CO2 with H2O to CH4 on the Cu(I) supported TiO2 nanosheets with defective {001} facets”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, 9761-9770. ...
Growth and Termination of C–C Chain in Syngas Conversion on Co(0001) Surface: A Theoretical Study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2016, 18: 27272–...
Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Nanoscale Research Letters, Chemical Physics Letters等發表被SCI...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2012, 14,6584-6595.13.Haijun Yu, Yarong Wang , Daisuke Asakura , Eiji Hosono, Tao Zhang and Haoshen Zhou*. ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011, 13(14), 6471-6483.15. Y.Q. He, Y. Xue*, Theoretical Investigations on the Mechanism of Benzoin Condensation...
Sun, Oxygenation mediating the valence density-of-states and work function of Ti(0001) skin, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17(15): 9867-...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2011,13(23): 11193-11198.15. Sun,Y.Q.,Wu,Q. and Shi,G.Q.,Supercapacitors based on self-assembled graphene ...
Superlattices and Microstructures, Physics Letters A, Journal of Applied Physics, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics等高水平SCI期刊審稿人,現為Nature出版社旗下...
Cao*. Nanoscale thermal cloaking in graphene by chemical functionalization. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18: 32952 - 32961 [25]Y.C. Hua, ...
獲國家和省部級科技獎勵5項;在Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Chemosphere、Journal Physical Chemistry C、Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics等...
O2 activation by the Au7-cluster on Mg(OH)2: roles of surface hydroxyls and hydroxyl defects,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015,17: 30736-30743...
WSe2 nanoribbons: new high-performance thermoelectric materials[J], Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016. 18(24): 16337-16344.(共同通訊作者)...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2010, 12, 5156The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2009, 113, 14022Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 468, 1...
Journal of Physical Chemistry C、Inorganic Chemistry、Crystal Growth & Design...Chemical Physics Letters、Journal of Solid State Chemistry、Solid State ...
Weiliang Wangand Liming Wang*, Theoretical Assessment of Wettability on Silane Coatings: from Hydrophilic to Hydrophobic,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011, 13, 17825-17830.27. Bufeng Zhang, Zhonggang Wang*Microporous thermosetting film constructed from hyperbranched poly...
Chinese Physics Letters、Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer、Journal of Luminescence、Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 等國際學術期刊以及多種國內中文學術...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2008,10, 4584-4593.[11] Zhong-jie Jiang, Chun-yan Liu*, Lu-Wei Sun, Catalytic Properties of Silver Nanoparticles ...
Effects of CO and CO2 on the desulfurization of H2S using a ZnO sorbent: a density functional theory study, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 2016...