- 中文名:王寶俊
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生日期:1964年
- 職業:太原理工大學煤科學與技術教育部和山西省重點實驗室教授
- 畢業院校:太原理工大學
- 性別:男
1. 煤的微觀結構與反應性
2. 煤化工一碳反應的多相催化基礎理論及催化劑設計
3. 熱解和氣化煤氣中污染物的轉化和脫除的理論研究
4. 分子篩催化性能的理論計算
2. 中國科學院山西煤炭化學研究所合作項目(橫向),分子篩催化甲醇制芳烴反應的微觀機理研究,經費:60萬
3. 大連理工大學精細化工國家重點實驗室開放基金,氧化亞銅表面炔烴反應的計算化學研究,經費:5萬
4. 中國科學院山西煤炭化學研究所合作項目,一碳化學催化劑結構調變與性能調控的量化計算研究,經費:90萬
5. 國家自然科學基金,Ni基催化劑作用下CH4/CO2重整反應體系中的積碳問題,經費:82萬
6. 國家科技重大專項任務,煤層氣與煤炭協調開發關鍵技術(二期),經費:40.57萬
7. 國家自然科學基金·重點項目子課題,中國煤礦瓦斯災害地質控制機理研究-構造煤微觀結構與表面性質研究,經費:10萬
8. 教育部博士點基金,煤氣脫硫機理的量子化學研究,經費:6萬
9. 國家自然科學基金,熱解和氣化煤氣中含硫化合物的轉化和脫除,經費:34萬
10. 國家自然科學基金,煤熱解反應中的分子內氫原子轉移過程,經費:30萬
11. 國家自然科學基金,煤熱解過程中化學鍵斷裂的熱力學和動力學,經費:26萬
12. 山西省自然科學基金,煤熱解基本問題的理論研究,經費:3萬
13. 國家自然科學基金,用第一原理量子化學計算方法研究煤的熱解反應機理,經費:8萬
14. 山西省自然科學基金,煤分子網路結構模型的定量關係研究,經費:3.5萬
- Yongwu Lu, Riguang Zhang, Baobao Cao, Binghui Ge, Franklin Feng Tao, Junjun Shan, Luan Nguyen, Zhenghong Bao, Tianpin Wu, Jonathan W. Pote, Baojun Wang, Fei Yu. Elucidating the copper−hägg iron carbide synergistic interactions for selective CO hydrogenation to higher alcohols. ACS Catalysis, 2017, 7: 5500-5512
- Lixia Ling, Lili Fan, Xue Feng, Baojun Wang, Riguang Zhang. Effects of the size and Cu modulation of Pdn (n≤38) clusters on Hg0 adsorption. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 308: 289-298.
- Lixia Ling, Zhongbei Zhao, Senpeng Zhao, Qiang Wang,Baojun Wang*. Riguang Zhang, Debao Li. Effects of metals doping on the removal of Hg and H2S over ceria, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 403: 500-508.
- Lixia Ling, Zhongbei Zhao, Xue Feng, Qiang Wang, Baojun Wang*. Riguang Zhang, Debao Li. Insight into the reduction of NO by H2 on the stepped Pd(211) surface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121(30): 16399-16414
- Li*, Baojun Wang*.an Fe-decorated Cu-based catalyst: insight into the role of Fe as a promoter, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2017, 19: 30883-30894.
- Riguang Zhang, Xiaobin Hao, Tian Duan, Baojun Wang∗Adsorption and activation of CO and H2, the corresponding equilibrium phase diagrams under different temperature and partial pressures over Cu(100) surface: Insights into the effects of coverage and solvent effect, Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 156: 253–264
- Riguang Zhang, Mao Peng, Tian Duan,Baojun Wang∗.Insight into size dependence of C2 oxygenate synthesis from syngas on Cu cluster: the effect of cluster size on the selectivity, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 407: 282–296
- Riguang Zhang, Mao Peng, Baojun Wang∗.Catalytic selectivity of Rh/TiO2 catalyst in syngas conversion to ethanol: probing into the mechanism and functions of TiO2 support and promoter, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7: 1073–1085.
- Cuimei Zhi, Riguang Zhang, Baojun Wang*.Comparative studies about CO methanation over Ni(211) and Zr-modified Ni(211) surfaces: Qualitative insight into the effect of surface structure and composition, Molecular Catalysis, 2017, 438: 1–14
- Jin Zhang, Miaoqing Liu, Riguang Zhang*, Baojun Wang, Zaixin Huang. Insight into the properties of stoichiometric, reduced and sulfurized CuO surfaces: Structure sensitivity for H2S adsorption and dissociation, Molecular Catalysis, 2017, 438: 130–142.
- Bo Zhao, Riguang Zhang, Zaixing Huang,Baojun Wang. Effect of the size of Cu clusters on selectivity and activity of acetylene selective hydrogenation, Applied Catalysis A, General, 2017,546, 111–121
- Hongxia Liu, Riguang Zhang, Lixia Ling, Qiang Wang, Baojun Wang, Debao Li. Insight into the preferred formation mechanism of long-chain hydrocarbons in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis on Hcp Co(10−11) surfaces from DFT and microkinetic modeling, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2017, 7, 3758–3776
- Hongyan Liu, Qiaoyun Qin, Riguang Zhang, Lixia Ling, Baojun Wang. Insights into the mechanism of the capture of CO2 by K2CO3 sorbent: a DFT study, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 24357-24368
- Hongyan Liu, Kai Li, Riguang Zhang, Lixia Ling,Baojun Wang. Insight into carbon deposition associated with NiCo/MgO catalyzed CH4/CO2 reforming by using density functional theory, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 423: 1080-1089.
- Hongyan Liu, Kai Li, Riguang Zhang, Lixia Ling, Baojun Wang. Insight into the influence of addition of a second metal Fe and supports with different morphology on H2 dissociation over Ni/MgO catalysts, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 426: 827- 832
- Yan Liu, Qiang Wang, Hongyan Liu, Kai Li, Litao Jia, Debao Li, Bo Hou,Baojun Wang. Insights into the metal-support interaction between NiCu cluster and MgO as well as its effect on H adsorption and H2 dissociation
- Lixia Ling, Zhongbei Zhao,Baojun Wang*, Maohong Fan, Riguang Zhang. Effects of CO and CO2 on the desulfurization of H2S using a ZnO sorbent: a density functional theory study, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 2016, 18: 11150–11156.
- Kai Li, Hongyan Liu, Riguang Zhang, Lixia Ling,Baojun Wang*. Interaction between bimetal cluster Ni2Co2 and MgO and its effect on H adsorption and H2 dissociation: A DFT study. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 390: 7–16.
- Jin Zhang, Riguang Zhang*, Baojun Wang, Lixia Ling. Insight into the adsorption and dissociation of water over different CuO(111) surfaces: the effect of surface structures, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 364: 758–768.
- Zhiping Chen, Lixia Ling,Baojun Wang*, Huiling Fan*, Ju Shangguan, Jie Mi. Adsorptive desulfurization with metal-organic frameworks: A density functional theory investigation. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 387: 483–490.
- Tian Duan, Riguang Zhang*, Lixia Ling, Baojun Wang*. Insights into the effect of Pt atomic ensemble on HCOOH oxidation over Pt-decorated Au bimetallic catalyst to maximize Pt utilization, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120(4): 2234–2246.
- Riguang Zhang, Tian Duan, Baojun Wang∗, Lixia Ling. Unraveling the role of support surface hydroxyls and its effect on the selectivity of C2 species over Rh/γ-Al2O3 catalyst in syngas conversion: a theoretical study, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 379: 384–394.
- Lili Fan, Lixia Ling, Baojun Wang*, Riguang Zhang. The adsorption of mercury species and catalytic oxidation of Hg0 on the metal-loaded activated carbon, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016, 520: 13–23.
- Congbiao Chen, Qiang Wang, Riguang Zhang, Bo Hou*, Debao Li, Litao Jia, Baojun Wang. High coverage CO adsorption and dissociation on the Co(0001) and Co(100) surfaces from DFT and thermodynamics. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016, 523: 209–220.
- Jianbing Wu, Guozhang Ma, Lixia Ling, Baojun Wang∗. Grafting of hyperbranched polymer onto the nanosilica surface and their effect on the properties of UV-curable coatings, Polymer Bulletin, 2016, 73(3): 859–873.
- 王寶俊∗,章麗娜,凌麗霞,章日光. 煤分子結構對煤層氣吸附與擴散行為的影響, 化工學報, 2016, 67(6): 2548–2557.
- Lixia Ling, Maohong Fan∗, Baojun Wang∗, Riguang Zhang. Application of computational chemistry in understanding the mechanisms of mercury removal technologies: a review, Energy Environmental Science, 2015, 8: 3109–3133
- Senpeng Zhao, Lixia Ling, Baojun Wang*, Riguang Zhang, Debao Li, Qiang Wang, Jiancheng Wang. Theoretic Insight into the Desulfurization Mechanism: Removal of H2S by Ceria (110), Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119: 7678–7688.
- Riguang Zhang, Fu Liu, Xiaojun Zhao, Baojun Wang*, Lixia Ling. First-Principles Study about the Effect of Coverage on H2 Adsorption and Dissociation over a Rh(100) Surface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119: 10355–10364.
- Riguang Zhang, Tian Duan, Lixia Ling, Baojun Wang∗. CH4 dehydrogenation on Cu(111), Cu@Cu(111), Rh@Cu(111) and RhCu(111) surfaces: A comparison studies of catalytic activity, Applied Surface Science, 2015, 341: 100–108.
- Riguang Zhang, Xiaoqiang Guo, Baojun Wang∗, Lixia Ling. Insight into the effect of CuNi(111) and FeNi(111) surface structure and second metal composition on surface carbon elimination by O or OH: a comparison study with Ni(111) surface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119: 14135–14144.
- Xiaoqiang Guo, Hongyan Liu,Baojun Wang*, Qiang Wang, Riguang Zhang*. Insight into C + O(OH) reaction for carbon elimination on different types of CoNi(111) surfaces: a DFT study, RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 19970–19982.
- Huayan Zheng, Riguang Zhang∗, Zhong Li, Baojun Wang. Insight into the mechanism and possibility of ethanol formation from syngas on Cu(100) surface, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 2015, 404: 115–130.
- Riguang Zhang , Zhixue Liu, Lixia Ling,Baojun Wang∗.The effect of anatase TiO2 surface structure on the behavior of ethanol adsorption and its initial dissociation step: A DFT study, Applied Surface Science, 2015, 353: 150–157.
- Cuimei Zhi, Qiang Wang,Baojun Wang∗, Debao Li, Riguang Zhang. Insight into the mechanism of methane synthesis from syngas on a Ni(111) surface: a theoretical study,RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 66742–66756.
- Lixia Ling, Senpeng Zhao, Peide Han, Baojun Wang*, Riguang Zhang, Maohong Fan. Toward predicting the mercury removal by chlorine on the ZnO surface, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 244: 364–371.
- Hongyan Liu, Botao Teng, Maohong Fan*, Baojun Wang*, Yulong Zhang, H.Gordon Harris. CH4 dissociation on the perfect and defective MgO(001) supported Ni4, Fuel, 2014, 123: 285–292.
- Jianbing Wu, Lixia Ling, Junbao Xie, Guozhang Ma,Baojun Wang*. Surface modification of nanosilica with 3-mercaptopropyl trimethoxysilane: Experimental and theoretical study on the surface interaction, Chemical Physics Letters, 2014, 591: 227–232.
- Riguang Zhang, Guiru Wang, Baojun Wang*. Insights into the mechanism of ethanol formation from syngas on Cu and an expanded prediction of improved Cu-based catalysts. Journal of Catalysis, 2013, 305: 238–255.
- Riguang Zhang, Hongyan Liu, Baojun Wang*, Lixia Ling. Insights into the Effect of Surface Hydroxyls on CO2 Hydrogenation over Pd/γ-Al2O3 Catalyst: A Computational Study. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2012, 126: 108–120.
Baojun Wang, Riguang Zhang, Lixia Ling. Rate Constant Calculation for Thermal Reactions: Methods and Applications. Chapter 8. Quantum Chemistry Study on the Pyrolysis Mechanisms of Coal-Related Model Compounds, John Wiley & Sons Press, 2012.2