- 中文名:蔣仲傑
- 畢業院校:中國科學院理化技術研究所
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:新能源材料與器件
- 任職院校:華南理工大學
2005.10-2006.10在德國開姆尼茨工業大學 (Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany)開展博士後研究工作。期間與歐洲最大的化學公司巴斯夫(BASF)合作開展防偽材料技術的研究。
2006.10-2008.04受德國洪堡研究獎學金資助在德國開姆尼茨工業大學(Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany)做洪堡研究學者。
2008.5-2013.5在美國加州大學默賽德分校(University of California, Merced)自然科學系從事研究工作。
擔任國家自然科學基金通訊評審專家,廣東省科技項目評審專家,國際雜誌ISRN Nanomaterials編委,美國ACS Petroleum Research Fund基金委評審專家,Adv. Mater., Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., Energy & Environ. Sci., ACS Nano, J. Mater. Chem.A, Chem. Comm., J. Power Sources等國際權威學術期刊審稿人。
已發表各類研究論文近60餘篇,SCI收錄論文51篇,封面文章3篇,其中第一作者和通訊作者SCI論文41篇,平均影響因子>5,包括Nano Lett., ACS Nano, Nano Energy, J. Mater. Chem. A, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, J. Power sources, J. Membrane Sci., J. Phys.Chem. C等。SCI總引用近1504次,5篇SCI論文入選全球Top 1%“ESI”高被引論文,單篇引用次數最高437餘次。受邀為3部外文書專籍撰寫章節,申請發明專利16項,已經授權7項。多次在重要學術會議上做特邀報告。多次受邀為國際科學期刊撰寫專題或綜述文章。
1.Zhong-Jie Jiang* and Zhongqing Jiang. Interaction Induced High Catalytic Activities of CoO Nanoparticles Grown on Nitrogen-Doped Hollow Graphene Microspheres for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions.Scientific Reports6, 27081; doi: 10.1038/srep27081 (2016).
2. Zhongqing Jiang,Zhong-Jie Jiang*,Thandavarayan Maiyalagan, and Arumugam Manthiram*, Cobalt Oxide-coated N- and B-doped Graphene Hollow Spheres as a Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction and Oxygen Evolution Reactions.Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4, 5877–5889 (2016).
3.Yu Jiang,Zhong-Jie Jiang∗, Bohong Chen, Zhongqing Jiang, Si Cheng, Haibo Rong, Jianlin Huang, Meilin Liu*, Morphology and crystal phase evolution induced performance enhancement of MnO2 grown on reduced graphene oxide for lithium ion batteries.Journal of Materials Chemistry A4 (7), 2643-2650 (2016).
4. Zhongqing Jiang, Xinsheng Zhao, Xiaoning Tian, Lijuan Luo, Jianghua Fang, Haoqi Gao, and Zhong-Jie Jiang*. Hydrothermal Synthesis of Boron and Nitrogen Codoped Hollow Graphene Microspheres with Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction Reaction.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7, 19398−19407(2015).
5. Yu Jiang, Zhong-Jie Jiang,* Lufeng Yang, Shuang Cheng, and Meilin Liu*. A high-performance anode for lithium ion batteries: Fe3O4 microspheres encapsulated in hollow graphene shells.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3, 11847-11856 (2015).
6.Zhong-Jie Jiang*, Zhongqing Jiang, Fabrication of Nitrogen-Doped Holey Graphene Hollow Microspheres and Their Use as an Active Electrode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6, 19082−19091 (2014).
7.Zhong-Jie Jiang*, Zhongqing Jiang, Reduction of Oxygen Reduction Reaction Overpotential of Nitrogen-Doped Graphene by Designing It to a Microspherical Hollow Shape,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2, 14071–14081 (2014).
8. Zhongqing Jiang, Yilei Shi, Zhong-Jie Jiang*, Xiaoning Tian, Lijuan Luo, Weiheng Chen, High Performance of Free-Standing Sulfonic Acid Functionalized Holey Graphene Oxide Paper as a Proton Conducting Polymer Electrolyte for Air-Breathing Direct Methanol Fuel Cells,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2, 6494–6503 (2014).
9. Zhongqing Jiang, Zhong-Jie Jiang*, Xiaoning Tian, Weiheng Chen, Amine-functionalized holey graphene as a highly active metal-free catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2(2), 441-450 (2014).
10. Zhongqing Jiang, Zhong-Jie Jiang*, Plasma techniques for the fabrication of polymer electrolyte membranes for fuel cells,Journal of Membrane Science, 456, 85-106 (2014).
11. Zhong-Jie Jiang*, Zhongqing Jiang, Weiheng Chen, The role of holes in improving the performance of nitrogen-doped holey graphene as an active electrode material for supercapacitor and oxygen reduction reaction,Journal of Power Sources, 251, 55-65 (2014).
12.Zhong-Jie Jiang, and David F. Kelley*, Stranski-Krastanov Shell Growth in ZnTe/CdSe Core/Shell Nanocrystals.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117(13), 6826–6834, (2013).
13. Zhong-Jie Jiang, and David F. Kelley*,Effects of Inhomogeneous Shell Thickness in the Charge Transfer Dynamics of ZnTe/CdSe Nanocrystals.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116, 12958–12968 (2012).
14. Zhong-Jie Jiang, and David F. Kelley*, Surface charge and piezoelectric fields control Auger recombination in semiconductor nanocrystals.Nano Letters11, 4067–4073 (2011).
15. Zhong-Jie Jiang and David F. Kelley*, Hot and Relaxed Electron Transfer from the CdSe Core and Core/Shell Nanorods,Journal of Physical Chemistry C1154594–4602 (2011).
16.Zhongqing Jiang, Zhong-jie Jiang*, Yuedong Meng, Optimization and synthesis of plasma polymerized proton exchange membranes for direct methanol fuel cells,Journal of Membrane Science372, 303–313 (2011).
17. Jie Liu,Zhongqing Jiang, Zhong-jie Jiang*, Yuedong Meng, Improvement of the catalytic activity of PtRu bimetallic nanoparticles by a plasma treatment in their application of the ethanol electrooxidation.Journal of Materials Chemistry21, 5565–5568 (2011).
18. Zhong-Jie Jiang, David F. Kelley*,Role of Magic-Sized Clusters in the Synthesis of CdSe Nanorods.ACS Nano 4, 1561–1572 (2010).
19.Zhong-Jie Jiang, David F. Kelley*, Role of Surface States in the Exciton Dynamics in CdSe Core and Core/Shell Nanorods.Journal of Physical Chemistry C114,17519–17528 (2010).
20.Zhong-Jie Jiang, Valerie Leppert, and David F. Kelley*, Static and Dynamic Emission Quenching in Core/Shell Nanorod Quantum Dots with Hole Acceptors.Journal of Physical Chemistry C113,19161–19171(2009).