One World One Dream(譚晶演唱歌曲)

One World One Dream(譚晶演唱歌曲)

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《One World One Dream》是美國音樂家Frank Mayor作詞、作曲,譚晶演唱的歌曲,於2007年12月31日在“喜迎奧運·祝福北京——迎接2008奧運年大型主題活動”中面世,後收錄於2008年8月專輯《北京2008年奧運會歌曲專輯·譚晶版》中。


  • 中文名:同一個世界,同一個夢想
  • 外文名:One World One Dream
  • 所屬專輯北京2008年奧運會歌曲專輯·譚晶版
  • 歌曲時長:4分53秒
  • 歌曲原唱譚晶
  • 填詞:Frank Mayor(美國)
  • 譜曲:Frank Mayor(美國)
  • 音樂風格:流行
  • 發行日期:2008年8月16日
  • 歌曲語言:英語


《One World One Dream》的詞曲作者Frank Mayor曾為多部影片製作過電影音樂,微宙與肯尼·基等音樂人合作過,並且一直致力於將中國音樂推狼海連向世界舞台。


Lanterns light up the night sky
In celebration as the nations of the world
All come together for a brief moment
There is peace and harmony
Beijing beijing
The whole world hears your call
Welcome one and all to beijing
In every lifetime there's a moment
When every heart fills up with pride
And you feel such a feeling deep inside
One world one dream
Is our shared hope
Is our shared expectation
One world one dream
The time has come
To start the celebration
One world one dream
One world one dream
One world one dream
People fill up the stadium
Children are laughing as the time has come to see
Who is the strongest who is the fastest
Who's the finest of them all
God speed good luck
And may your fortunes soar
And know that it's you we're cheering for
In every contest there's a winner
Who gets the glory fair and square
But together there's a victory we can share
One world one dream
Is our shared hope
Is our shared expectation
One world one dream
Is all it takes
To make a winner of us all
One world one dream
One world one dream
One world one dream
From every dream we must awaken
For every journey there's an end
But perhaps there lies an answer round the bend
One world one dream
Is our shared hope
Is our shared expectation
One world one dream
The time has come
To be a global nation
One world one dream
Is our shared hope
Is our shared expectation
One world one dream
The time has come
To be a global nation
One world one dream
One world one dream
To be a global nation
One world one dream


歌曲《One World One Dream》的前定擔戀奏部分採用了中國傳統的絲竹演奏,整首歌曲的曲風非常國際化,旋律也非常昂芝嫌講揚。


Who gets the glory fair and square
But together there's a victory we can share
One world one dream
Is our shared hope
Is our shared expectation
One world one dream
Is all it takes
To make a winner of us all
One world one dream
One world one dream
One world one dream
From every dream we must awaken
For every journey there's an end
But perhaps there lies an answer round the bend
One world one dream
Is our shared hope
Is our shared expectation
One world one dream
The time has come
To be a global nation
One world one dream
Is our shared hope
Is our shared expectation
One world one dream
The time has come
To be a global nation
One world one dream
One world one dream
To be a global nation
One world one dream


歌曲《One World One Dream》的前奏部分採用了中國傳統的絲竹演奏,整首歌曲的曲風非常國際化,旋律也非常昂揚。




