- 書名:Knowledge and Language
- 又名:Volume III: Metaphor and Knowledge
- 作者:Ankersmit, F. R.; Mooij, J. J.; Ankersmit, F. R
- 頁數:228
- 出版社:Springer
- 出版時間:1993-4
KB知識庫(knowledgebase) KIF知識交換格式(knowledgeinterchangeformat) KM知識管理(knowledgemanagement) KQML知識查詢及操作語言(knowledgequeryandmanipulationlanguage) PDC...
Collocation Extraction Using Square Mutual Information Approaches, Huarui Zhang, Yongwei Zhang and Jingsong Yu, International Journal of Knowledge and Language ...
and Cungen Cao., Mining Commonsensical Semantic Relations from Noun-Noun Phrases., International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, Vol.3,No.1,...
2017,Activation of Weak Grammatical Feature and Its Activator (Co-authored Ying Zhang),International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, Vol. 8, ...
2.Feng Min-xuan,Qu Wei-guang,Bilingual Words Sense Disambiguation in English-Chinese Parallel Corpus,International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing...
and Knowledge for Life – the swimming skills, the essential knowledge, ...Language Immersion ProgramsSydney-Gym is extremely proud to offer our youngest...
Knowledge of language: Its nature, origin, and use. 外研社引進Chomsky, N. New horizons in the study of language and mind. 外研社引進...
knowledge of Chinese and foreign literatures and cultures, international ...* English Language, Literature and Culture* Cross-Cultural Communication...
9.Development and Applicaiton of“Lexicon - syntactic Semantics Linking knowledge Base ”,International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing,2015 Volume6...
A Study on Cognitive Identity Crisis in Dubliners from the Perspective of Lexical Iconicity, International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, 5(2)...