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  • 中文名:蘇祺
  • 畢業院校:北京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:外國語言學及套用語言學
  • 職務:博士生導師
  • 教學職稱:副教授


2007年1月-2009年1月 北京大學外國語學院 博士後
2009年1月-2013年7月 北京大學外國語學院 講師
2013年8月 至今 北京大學外國語學院 副教授




2012年 北京大學 黃廷方/信和青年傑出學者獎
2012年 北京大學 第12屆青年教師教學基本功比賽二等獎
2012-2013學年 北京大學外國語學院 教學優秀獎
2018年 北京大學 王選青年學者獎


Qi Su. Information Quality: Linguistic cues and automatic judgments, In Chu-Ren Huang, Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, and Barbara Meisterernst (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Applied Linguistics (To appear)
Yao Yao and Qi Su. Chinese, Food, and Menu, In Chu-Ren Huang, Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, and Barbara Meisterernst (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Applied Linguistics (To appear)
Chu-Ren Huang, and Qi Su. Chinese Computational Linguistics. In Rint Sybesma (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Brill, 2016


Junyang Lin, Xu Sun, Shuming Ma and Qi Su. Global Encoding for Abstractive Summarization. ACL 2018.
Junyang Lin, Xu Sun, Xuancheng Ren, Shuming Ma, Jinsong Su, Qi Su. Deconvolution-Based Global Decoding for Neural Machine Translation, COLING 2018.
Ji Wen, Xu Sun, Xuancheng Ren, and Qi Su, Structure Regularized Neural Network for Entity Relation Classification for Chinese Literature Text, NAACL HLT 2018.
Shuming Ma, Xu Sun, Jingjing Xu, Houfeng Wang, Wenjie Li, Qi Su, Improving Semantic Relevance for Sequence-to-Sequence Learning of Chinese Social Media Text Summarization, ACL 2017.
Qi Su, A Multi-dimensional Analysis of Deception, IALP2017.
Qi Su, On the Lexical Characteristics of Deception, Lecture Notes in Artifical Intelligence, Vol. 10085, 2016
Qi Su and Pengyuan Liu, A Psycho-lexical Approach to the Assessment of Information Quality on Wikipedia, Proceedings of 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Workshops, 2015
Wei Shuang and Su Qi, A Study on Cognitive Identity Crisis in Dubliners from the Perspective of Lexical Iconicity, International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, 5(2), 2014
Qi Su, Pengyuan Liu, A tentative study on the annotation of evidentiality, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 7717 LNAI, 2013
Qi Su, Huanqing Lou, Pengyuan Liu, Hedge Detection with Latent Features, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.8229, 2013
Qi Su, Helen Kai-yun Chen and Chu-Ren Huang. A Research on the Text Reliability Based on Evidentiality. International Journal of Computer Processing of Languages, 2011
Qi Su, Chu-Ren Huang and Helen Kai-yun Chen. An Ensemble Framework for the Prediction of Best Community Answers, Proceedings of the SIGIR 2011 Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Information Retrieval, 2011, Beijing, China
Qi Su, Chu-Ren Huang and Helen Kai-yun Chen. Evidentiality for Text Trustworthiness Detection. Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground, ACL 2010, Uppsala, Sweden
Qi Su, Helen Kai-yun Chen and Chu-Ren Huang. Incorporate Credibility into Context for the Best Social Media Answers. Proceedings of 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC-2010), Sendai, Japan.
Qi Su, Ying Zheng, Bin Swen, A Combined Approach of Web Mining and Semantic Annotation for Identifying Product Features in Customer Reviews, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2008, Vol.4, Issue3
Qi Su, Xinying Xu, Honglei Guo, Zhili Guo, Xian Wu, Xiaoxun Zhang, Bin Swen, Zhong Su: Hidden sentiment association in Chinese web opinion mining. Proceedings of the 17th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'08), 2008
Qi Su, Kun Xiang, Houfeng Wang, Bin Sun, Shiwen Yu: Using Pointwise Mutual Information to Identify Implicit Features in Customer Reviews. Proceedings of 21st International Conference on the Computer Processing of Oriental Language (ICCPOL 2006), Springer, 2006
呂學強、蘇祺、孫斌、俞士汶,搜尋引擎用短語詞典建設,《清華大學學報》,2004, 45(S1)


Yunfang Wu, Jia-Fei Hong, Qi Su: Chinese Lexical Semantics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10709, Springer, 2018



2014年1月-2016年12月 國家自然科學基金項目 “基於多維度文本特徵的社區問答答案質量評估研究”(61305089)
2014年1月-2016年12月 北京高等學校青年英才計畫項目 “言據性語料庫的研製與言據表達研究”(YETP0027)
2014年7月- 北京市社會科學基金項目 “語料庫語言學視野下的網路文學研究”(14WYC041)
2015年1月至2017年12月. 國家高技術研究發展計畫(863計畫)“基於大數據的類人智慧型關鍵技術與系統”(2015AA015404)子課題


2006年1月-2012年6月 國家社會科學基金重點項目 “當代外國文學紀事資料庫(線上版/光碟版)”
2009年12月-2013年12月 國家社會科學基金重大項目 “新中國外國文學研究60年”





2009年6月 – 2011年7月,香港理工大學訪問學者/博士後


Zhuang Qiu, Qi Su, Capturing Poe in the Gothic Tales —— Exploring Allan Poe’s Stylistic Distinctiveness from a Computational Stylistic Approach, Corpus Linguistics 2017 Conference, University of Birmingham, 25-28 July 2017


