First Times

First Times

《First Times》是由艾德·希蘭演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《=》。


  • 外文名:First Times
  • 所屬專輯:=
  • 歌曲原唱:艾德·希蘭
I thought it would feel different, playing Wembley
在我看來 在英格蘭國家足球場演出 將會不同凡響
80,000 singing with me
It’s what I’ve been chasing, ‘coz this is the dream
When it was all over I cleared out the room
當演出結束後 我整理清掃了房間
Grabbed a couple beers for just me and you
Then we start talking the way that we do
Ain’t it funny how the simplest things in life can make a man
生活平凡的點滴 塑造出個成功男人 豈不是很有趣
Little moments that pass us by
縱使無數瞬間 擦肩而過
Oh but I remember
The first kiss, the first night, the first song that made you cry
初吻和初夜 令你動容落淚的第一首歌
The first drink, red wine, on a step in Brooklyn
故事開始時 我們在布魯克林某層台階上 飲下紅酒
I still feel the first fight, but we both made it out alive
首次爭執仍歷歷在目 但我們最終是圓滿
And I can’t wait to make a million more first times
我迫不及待 心生期許 盼望未來更多的第一次
The greatest thing that I have achieved
Is four little worlds down on one knee
虔誠下跪 將千言萬語道盡
You said ‘darling are you joking?’
你說道 親愛的 你在開玩笑吧
And I just said please
而我說 還請多多關照
Ain’t it funny how the simplest things in life can make a man
生活平凡的點滴 塑造出個成功男人 豈不是很有趣
Little moments that pass us by
縱使無數瞬間 擦肩而過
Oh but I remember
The first kiss, the first night, the first song that made you cry
初吻和初夜 令你動容落淚的第一首歌
The first look in your eyes when I said I love you
當我首次凝望你的眼眸 向你表白
I can still feel the butterflies from when we stumbled home that night
那晚我們踉蹌回家的激動心情 此刻我仍有觸動
And I can’t wait to make a million more first times
我迫不及待 心生期許 盼望未來更多的第一次
Ain’t it funny how the simplest things in life can make a man
生活平凡的點滴 塑造出個成功男人 豈不是很有趣
Little moments that pass us by
縱使無數瞬間 擦肩而過
Oh but I remember
The first kiss, the first night, the first song that made you cry
初吻和初夜 令你動容落淚的第一首歌
The first dance at moonlight in your parents’ garden
在你父母花園裡 月光映照下 我們初次共舞
I can’t wait to see everything that’s yet to be
我迫不及待 想預視未來的一切
Our first child, and then a million more first times
我們的首個孩子 期待未來更多的第一次


