《Encyclopedia of African American Business》是Greenwood Pub Group出版的圖書,作者是Smith, Jessie Carney
- ISBN:9780313331091
- 作者:Smith, Jessie Carney
- 出版社:Greenwood Pub Group
- 出版時間:2006年5月
- 頁數:928
- 定價:$ 225.94
- 裝幀:HRD
《Encyclopedia of African American Business》是Greenwood Pub Group出版的圖書,作者是Smith, Jessie Carney
《Encyclopedia of African American Society》是Sage Pubns出版的圖書,作者是Jaynes, Gerald David 內容簡介 "The Encyclopedia of African American Society" is the first comprehensive and accessible reference set in this field to give voice to the turbulent trends, past and present that are often ignored ...
《Encyclopedia of African American Women Writers》是Greenwood Pub Group出版的圖書,作者是Page, Yolanda Williams 內容簡介 African American women writers have made an enormous contribution to world culture. Many of these authors wrote during the Harlem Renaissance, a particularly vital time in Black arts...
《The Greenwood Encyclopedia of African American Literature》是Greenwood Pub Group出版的圖書,作者是Ostrom, Hans A. (EDT), Macey, J. David (EDT)內容簡介 With more than 1,000 entries by more than 200 expert contributors, this encyclopedia is the most comprehensive reference available on Af...
《The Greenwood Encyclopedia of African American Folklore》是Greenwood Pub Group出版的圖書,作者是Prahlad, Anand 內容簡介 A comprehensive overview of all aspects of African American folklore. To some, African American folklore might seem to be an arcane body of legends from the antebellum South. ...
《Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence》是2008年Sage出版的圖書,作者是Renzetti, Claire M. (EDT)、Edleson, Jeffrey L. (EDT)。內容簡介 "From assisted suicide and batter women to human trafficking and sex offenders, this guide provides an excellent overview of the state research on interpersonal ...
《Encyclopedia of pest orthoptera of the world》是2019年中國農業大學出版社出版的圖書。內容簡介 Acanthacris ruficornis (Fabricius, 1787) (Acrididae) Christiaan Kooyman Green Pest Control Services, Nanyuki, Kenya; [email protected] Acanthacris ruficornis citrina (photo by M. Lecoq) OTHER ...
needs up-to-date information on this important topic. "Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions" features articles on: well-known invasive species such the zebra mussel, chestnut blight, cheatgrass, gypsy moth, Nile perch, giant African snail, and Norway rat; regions with especially large numbers of ...
At the greatest moments and in the cruelest times, black women have been a crucial part of America's history. Now, the inspiring history of black women in America is explored in vivid detail by two leaders in the fields of African American and women's history.A Shining Thread of Hope ...
Ⅱ.African American Response Ⅲ.Chinese Response Ⅳ.Contribution and Organization of the Book Chapter One A Tense Triangle: the Blacks, the Sooth and the Artist 1.1 The Blacks as the Center of Racial and Aesthetic Concerns 1.2 The South as the Center of Turbulent Changes 1.3 The Writer as...
As long as African American drama maintained naturalism as its dominant mode, it could only express the "plight" of African American people. 只要非裔美國戲劇仍以自然主義為主導模式,它只能表達非裔美國人的“困境”。The man in the Google vehicle reported that he assumed the bus would slow down ...
班克斯的代表作有《非洲裔美國電視的歷史詞典》(The Historical Dictionary ofAfrican American Television)、《危機傳播》(Crisis Communications),參與編寫了《人對人:大眾傳播介紹》。她為組織機構提供危機預防、危機傳播等諮詢顧問服務,並協助組織建立危機傳播預案。班克斯1999年被美國公共關係協會西雅圖分會評選為“...
“Abolition of Chinese Examination System”Nine articles published in World History Encyclopedia by ABC-CLEO, 2010.(2) “Dawes Plan”“Young Plan”“Allied Intervention in Russia”Three articles published in Encyclopedia of America at War, by ABC-CLIO in 2006-07.(3)“Tractatus de legibus et...
Unit of translation Universals Part Ⅱ: History and Traditions African tradition American tradition Arabic tradition Brazilian tradition British tradition Bulgarian tradition Canadian tradition Chinese tradition Czech tradition Danish and Norwegian traditions Dutch tradition Finnish tradition French tradition German ...
Topic 06 The Visions of Tahiti “上帝的人”所居住的地方 235 Topic 07 Luxury South African Casino 超級奢華神秘的太陽城 238 Topic 08 Pleasure Beach Blackpool 令人窒息的過山車你敢坐嗎? 241 Topic 09 In Tivoli Gardens 只要呼吸,煩惱就會消散的地方 244 Topic 10 Went all over Europe in a Day...
RME為民族音樂學家提供的重要工具書包括《加蘭世界音樂百科全書》(The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music)和艾琳·薩瑟恩(Eileen Southern)的《非洲裔美國和非洲音樂家傳記詞典》(Biographical Dictionary of Afro-American and African Musicians),這是同類書籍中的第一部。該文獻庫平均每年增加四部百科全書。其...
Kevin Michael (b.1985 in Chester, Pennsylvania) is R&B, Soul, Funk, Pop artist. Born to an Italian mother and an African-American father in a Philadelphia suburb, Michael's mixed race heritage deeply influences his music[1]. A self-taught vocalist, Michael has memories of bursting into ...
years gathering the traditional recipes of every major ethnic group in Texas. As a result, "Cuisine, Texas" is a virtual encyclopedia of Texas cooking, with more than 375 recipes drawn from Native American, Spanish, Japanese, French, Cajun, Mexican, Tex-Mex, Anglo-American, African American,...
220 Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies 221 Selected Essays on Poetry & Translation 222 The Practice of Literary Translation: Constraints and Creativity 223 The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference 224 Translation: An Interpretive Approach 225 Translation into the Second ...
What Is an Encyclopedia?Alabama Rising The Mother of All Directories RMS Linux on the Scene Remember DMOZ The Nupedia Idea Nupedia's Rules The Nupedians Chapter 3_WIKI ORIGINS Ward's Start HyperCard's Inspirations A Web Browser Viola HyperCard Revisited Chapter 4_WIKI INTRODUCED Slashdotting Contri...
《哲學百科》(Encyclopedia of Philosophy)的責任編輯——哲學家保羅·愛德華(Paul Edwards)成為了史蒂文森的主要批評者。1986年之前,他針對史蒂文森的作品發表了數篇文章,並在他的書《輪迴轉世:一個批評性的檢驗》(Reincarnation: A Critical Examination)(1996)中討論了史蒂文森。他認為史蒂文森的觀點是“荒謬無...
[111] Vetrimurugan Elumalai, Vhonani G. Nethononda, V. Manivannan, N. Rajmohan, Peiyue Li, L. Elango. Groundwater quality assessment and application of multivariate statistical analysis in Luvuvhu catchment, Limpopo, South Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2020, 171:103967.[110] ...
東非大裂谷(East African Great Rift Valley)是世界大陸上最大的斷裂帶,從衛星照片上看去猶如一道巨大的傷疤。同時,東非大裂谷也是非洲之角最引人矚目的地方。當乘飛機越過浩翰的印度洋,進入東非大陸的赤道上空時,從機窗向下俯視,地面上有一條碩大無朋的“刀痕”呈現在眼前,頓時讓人產生一種驚異而神奇的...
16. Abu Kargbo, Wang C.Y.*,Shi-mao Li, Ya-fei Li Rong-zhang Mai,Qiang Fu and Li Li. National legislations and Gender equality in Chinese flower industry. A case study of twenty flower business companies. African Journal of Business Management.2011,5 (3),pp.3369-3374.17. Jing Mao, ...
1959年夏,卞趙如蘭從東京途經歐洲回美國,次年便交了博士論文《Musical sources of the Sung Dynasty (960-1279)》,畢業典禮上她的論文得了Carolyn I. Wilby獎,翌年遠東系升卞趙如蘭為講師,她在此職位一共十三年。1960 年獲得哈佛大學東亞語言和音樂博士學位。1961年,卞趙如蘭出版的教科書《國語入門大綱》啟發...
4. The Composition of the Gongsuen Long tzyy. AM 5/2 (1957), reprinted Studies.《〈公孫龍子〉的結構》5. The relation between the final particles YU and YEE, BSOAS 19/1 (1957).《語氣詞“歟”與“也”的關係》6. Confucianism, in Concise Encyclopedia of Living Faiths, edited by R.C....