



  • 本名:劉文溪
  • 出生地:上海
  • 出生時間:1949年
  • 性別:男


1,美國大學委員會(College Board):顧問,負責培訓美國中西部世界史師資;
2,美國考試中心(Educational Testing Service or ETS):顧問,參與中心所運作的歷史考試(歐洲史和世界史)的出題和考試結果的評估,一些學區中學教師的教學質量評估;




1、 1977—1982年,東北師範大學,歷史系本科生,獲學士學位(1982)
2、 1983—1985年,美國依阿華大學,歷史系碩士生,獲碩士學位(1985)
3、 1985-1990年,美國依阿華大學,歷史系博士生,獲博士學位(1990)


Academic Publications:
1) “Romance and Courtly Love in Western Europe (to 1500)”
“Marriage Law of the Latin Church: 1000-1500”
“Eve and Mary: Western Christian Attitudes toward Women: 1000-1500”
“Popular Piety and Heresy in West: 1000-1500,”
“Comparative Essay on Women in China and Latin West: 1000-1500”
“Foot-binding in Traditional China”
“Establishment of Chinese Examinations system”
“Chinese Examination System and meritocracy: 1000-1500”
“Abolition of Chinese Examination System”
Nine articles published in World History Encyclopedia by ABC-CLEO, 2010.
2) “Dawes Plan”
“Young Plan”
“Allied Intervention in Russia”
Three articles published in Encyclopedia of America at War, by ABC-CLIO in 2006-07.
3)“Tractatus de legibus et consuetudinibus regni Angliae [Glanvill],”
“Henry II,” “De legibus et consuetudinibus Angliae [Bracton]”
Three articles published in Reader’s Guide to British History, by Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers in 2003.
4) “Competing for Justice beyond Law between Croyland and Spalding: 1189-1202” Published in Anglo-American Law Review, spring of 2000.
Book Reviews:
1) “Violent London,” submitted to Sixteenth Century Journal in August 2006, and published in Autumn of 2007.
2)“Bosworth Field to Bloody Mary: an Encyclopedia of Early Tudors,” published in Sixteenth Century Journal, summer of 2005.
3)“The Travel of the Middle Ages” published in Sixteenth Century Journal, Spring of 2005.
4)"The Beginnings of English Law," published inSixteenth Century journal, Spring of 2004.
5)“The Letter of law: Legal Practice and literary Production in Medieval England,” in Sixteenth Century Journal, Spring 2003.
Papers Presented in Academic Conferences:
1)“A Documentary Analysis of Councilor Wang Anshi’s Education Reform: Reassessing Traditional Chinese Meritocracy,” the first draft was delivered in World History Conference in Honolulu in 2009. And the revised draft is being reviewed and waiting for publication.
2)“Foot Binding and Beyond: Themes of Women’s History,” delivered in Lily Conference for College Teaching, at Maimi University, Oxford , Ohio, 2010.
3)Four topics presented in various College Board workshops from 2000 to 2009.
Death Predicament and Four Paradigms of Ancient Wisdoms”
“Recent Islamic Revolution: Muslim Struggles for Modernization in the Twentieth Century”
“Liberation theories and practices of the African Americans in the Progressive Era”
“Globalization and Discontent,”
“Kaiping Castle-styled Building and Chinese Migration: 1500-1900”
“Different Types of Diaspora (Migration) in Modern World History 1400-Now”
4) “Dynamics of Early Modern Encounters in the World”, presented in World History Conference, Salt Lake City, University of Utah, Summer of 2001
5)“World System Theory and Cultural Diversities: How to Generalize and Specify Differences” presented in World History Conference, Boston University, Boston, Summer of 1999


