- 書名:最輝煌的失敗:福克納對黑人群體的探索
- 頁數:311頁
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本: 16
出版社: 北京理工大學出版社; 第1版 (2009年12月1日)
正文語種: 英語
ISBN: 9787564025762, 756402576X
條形碼: 9787564025762, 9787564025766
商品尺寸: 23 x 16.8 x 1.4 cm
商品重量: 481 g
鮑忠明 (1970-),安徽天長人,北京外國語大學英語語言文學博士。研究方向:美國小說及西方現當代文論。現主要從事威廉·福克納研究,在《國外文學》《山東外語教學》等雜誌發表相關論文數篇。
《最輝煌的失敗:福克納對黑人群體的探索》由7章組成。第一章 通過解析黑人主題、創作背景和南方作家之間緊張的三角關係,旨在證明只有擁有“福克納式”天賦和勇氣的作家才能衝出重圍,實現自己的“文學夢”。作為美學核心的黑人和南方社會對於黑人的敵視與動盪多變為南方作家帶來了機遇,也帶來了挑戰。以福克納為土要代表的南方作家勇於直面種旗問題,經歷了好似將“只撕咬尖叫的貓塞進口袋”一般的痛苦思索和艱難的創作過程,從而促進了“南方文藝復興”。福克納則更為神奇地將個雙重種族的南方小鎮及其故事編織進自己的文學王國——“約克納帕塌法及之外”。
Ⅰ.White Response
Ⅱ.African American Response
Ⅲ.Chinese Response
Ⅳ.Contribution and Organization of the Book
Chapter One A Tense Triangle: the Blacks, the Sooth and the Artist
1.1 The Blacks as the Center of Racial and Aesthetic Concerns
1.2 The South as the Center of Turbulent Changes
1.3 The Writer as the Center of Creativity
Chapter Two A Promising Start
2.1 An Extensive Awareness of Black Presence
2.2 The First Confrontation with a Named Black Family
2.3 First Encounter with Mulattoes
2.3.1 Mulattoes in Flags in the Dust
2.3.2 Mulattoes in "There Was a Queen"
Chapter Three A Swift Rise
3.1 A Black Family Granted Central Vision
3.2 Victim of Sexual Exploitation
3.3 Victim of Environment and indian Slavery
Chapter Four A Psychological Leap
4.1 The First Systematic Demystification of Miscegenation
4.2 Dramatization of the Hysterical White Gyneolatry
4.3 Dramatization of Black as a "Tainted Idea"
4.4 Dramatization of "Blood" Myth
Chapter Five Two Summit Achievements
5.1 A Black's "Encyclopedia"
5.2 A Black's "Manifesto"
Chapter Six The Descending Curve
6.1 The Descent
6.2 The Symptoms
6.2.1 The Old Confederate Game Replayed
6.2.2 The Deified "Tyrant" and the Mystifying "Nun"
6.2.3 The Plummeting to the Ground
6.3 Tile Persistent Efforts
6.3.1 From Abstraction to Experience
6.3.2 From "Watching" to "Doing"
Chapter Seven The Limited Faulkner
7.1 The Stereotypes Revisited
7.2 Intruder in the Text
7.3 Neglect of Intra racial Realities