



  • 中文名:2011中國養老金髮展報告
  • 外文名:2011 China Pension Report
  • 作者:鄭秉文
  • 語言:英語
  • 出版時間:2011年12月1日
  • 出版社:經濟管理出版社 
  • 頁數:122 頁
  • ISBN:9787509617267
  • 開本:16 開


《2011中國養老金髮展報告(英文版)》內容簡介:The China Pension Report 2011 is edited chiefly by professor Zheng Bingwen who is a very famous expert on social security issues in China This report is the issued as the first Book which have an overall reviewon China' s pension system. There are three parts in the book"Develop-ment of Multi-Pillar Pension", "Reformation of Pension Systems" and"Pension Frontier Focus", in which one main report and nine sub-reportsare listed.


鄭秉文,Zheng Bingwen, Ph.D. in economics, Protessor, sewes asSecretary el CPC Committee, Direclor o1 lhe Institute ofLatin American Sludies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Director of the Center tot International Social Security Sludies at Chinese Academy of Scial Sciencesand enjoys special government subsidies; he is also amember of the Expert Consulting Committee of the Ministiy of Human Resources and Social Security, amember of the China Social Insurance Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC474), and part-timeprolbssor of dozens of universities. Since 1985, he haspublished more than 500 papers, articles and internalref~arence documents, over 10 English papers and over10 works written and translated, totaling more than 8million words, ttis major represen~tive papers includethe Welfare Slates in Economic Theory (Socia) Sciencesin China, (2003), the System Origins and Theoretical Basis of the "Nominal Account"System fbr Pension(Economic Study, 2003), What; should China's EnterpriseAnnuity GoFoiward A Comment on the Measures lbrPension Fund Management (Draft) (Chinese Journal of Population Science, 2006), ihe Governance Crisis andWay out. of China's Enterprise Annuity-With ShanghaiSocial Security Case as an Example (Chinese Journal of Population Science, 2006), Current Tasks and Reform Orientation of China's Enterprise Annuity (Second serieselr the Insurance and Social Security, China Labor and Social Security l~ublishing House, 2007), the Analysis ofPoliy Factors For the Slow Development of China'sEnlerprise Annuity4Dn Selection of "'Partial TEE" TaxPreference Mode (Chinese Journal of Population Science,2010), the Middle-Income Trap and China's Development Road-View From Angle of International Experience and Lessons (Chinese Journal of PopulationScience, 2011), etc.


Preface I Dai Xiang long
Preface Ⅱ wang Weiguang !
Main Report Prom Oting Pension Reform: Opportunities and Challenges for China
Report I Management and Investment of Public Pension Funds
Report Ⅱ Management and Investment of Enterprise Annuity Fund
Report III Management and Investment of "National Social Security Fund"
Report IV Operation of Commercia Pension Insurance
Report V Development of Commercial Pension Insurers


