


現任中國地質科學院水文地質環境地質研究所地下水水質與污染機理方向學科帶頭人;中國地質科學院水文地質環境地質研究所學術委員會委員;中國地質調查局地質調查技術專家庫專家;全國環境損害司法鑑定機構登記評審專家庫專家;河北科技大學研究生校外導師;Chemical Engineering JournalJournal of Hazardous MaterialsEnvironmental PollutionScience of the Total Environment等環境領域期刊審稿人。


  • 中文名:黃冠星
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校河北地質大學 
  • 職業:水文地質學家
  • 主要成就:定量刻畫了氧化還原條件-污染負荷-溫度等關鍵因素對土壤老化作用的促進和抑制效應;揭示了複雜水環境中氧化石墨烯與典型環境膠體的聚集行為。  
  • 人才稱號自然資源部科技領軍人才,河北省“三三三人才”工程第二層次  




合作發表論文70餘篇;其中,以第一/通訊作者身份在Water Research、Geoderma、Journal of Hydrology、Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental PollutionScience of the Total Environment等國際主流刊物上發表SCI論文近30篇。參編英文專著1部。授權國家發明專利2項。獲省部級科技獎1項。目前兼任Frontiers in water 期刊編委以及International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 期刊客座主編。主要研究領域:地下水水質與污染調查研究、土壤-地下水系統的環境地球化學行為,以及地下水重金屬污染修復等。
Huang, G.*, Pei, L., Li, L., Liu, C. Natural background levels in groundwater in the Pearl River Delta after the rapid expansion of urbanization, A new pre-selection method. Sci Total Environ. 151890, 2021.
Song, J., Huang, G.*, Han, D., Hou, Q., Gan, L., Zhang, M.. A review of reactive media within permeable reactive barriers for the removal of heavy metal(loid)s in groundwater: Current status and future prospect. J. Clean. Prod. 319, 128644, 2021.
Huang, G., Liu, C., Li, L., Zhang, F.*, Chen, Z. Spatial distribution and origin of shallow groundwater iodide in a rapidly urbanized delta: A case study of the Pearl River Delta. J. Hydrol. 585, 124860, 2020.
Huang, G., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Chen, Z.* Groundwater is important for the geochemical cycling of phosphorus in rapidly urbanized areas: a case study in the Pearl River Delta. Environ. Pollut. 260, 114079, 2020.
Zhang, M., Huang, G.*, Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Chen, Z., Wang, J. Distributions and origins of nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium in various aquifers in an urbanized coastal area, south China. J. Hydrol. 582, 124528, 2020.
Hou, Q., Zhang, Q., Huang, G.*, Liu, C., Zhang, Y. Elevated manganese concentrations in shallow groundwater of various aquifers in a rapidly urbanized delta, south China. Sci Total Environ.701, 134777, 2020.
Zhang, F., Huang, G.*, Hou, Q., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q. Groundwater quality in the Pearl River Delta after the rapid expansion of industrialization and urbanization, Distributions, main impact indicators, and driving force. J. Hydrol.577, 124004, 2019.
Huang, G.*, Zhang, M.*, Liu, C., Li, L., Chen, Z.* Heavy metal(loid)s and organic contaminants in groundwater in the Pearl River Delta that has undergone three decades of urbanization and industrialization: Distributions, sources, and driving forces. Sci Total Environ. 635, 913-925, 2018.
Huang, G.*, Liu, C., Sun, J., Zhang, M., Jing, J., Li, L. A regional scale investigation on factors controlling the groundwater chemistry of various aquifers in a rapidly urbanized area: A case study of the Pearl River Delta. Sci Total Environ. 625, 510-518, 2018.
Huang, G., Guo, H., Zhao, J.*, Liu, Y., Xing, B*. Effect of co-existing kaolinite and goethite on the aggregation of graphene oxide in the aquatic environment, Water Research, 102, 313-320, 2016.
Huang, G.*, Chen, Z., Zhang, Y., Liu, F., Wang, J., Hou, Q. Changes of arsenic fractionation and bioaccessibility in wastewater-irrigated soils as a function of aging: Influence of redox condition and arsenic load, Geoderma, 280, 1-7, 2016.


黃冠星研究員曾主持完成科研項目7項。發表論文70餘篇,被引1000餘次;其中,第一或通訊作者在Water Research、Geoderma、Journal of Hydrology等期刊發表SCI論文25篇,單篇最高引用110餘次。授權國家發明專利2項。獲省部級科技進步二等獎(2013年)1項,獲程裕淇優秀博士學位論文獎(2014年)、河北省省直青年五四獎章(2017年)、河北省環境科學學會環境科技創新人才金獎(2019年)。入選中國地質調查局青年地質英才培養計畫(2013年)、國土資源部傑出青年科技人才培養計畫(2015年)以及河北省“三三三人才工程”二層次(2018年)


黃冠星研究員現任中國地質科學院水文地質環境地質研究所地下水水質與污染機理方向學科帶頭人;中國地質科學院水文地質環境地質研究所學術委員會委員;中國地質調查局地質調查技術專家庫專家;全國環境損害司法鑑定機構登記評審專家庫專家;河北科技大學研究生校外導師;Chemical Engineering JournalJournal of Hazardous MaterialsEnvironmental PollutionScience of the Total Environment等環境領域期刊審稿人。


