《JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY》是NETHERLANDS的Amsterdam, New York, Elsevier, etc.於1963年出版的期刊。
- 出版周期:月刊
- 出版商:Amsterdam, New York, Elsevier, etc.
《JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY》是NETHERLANDS的Amsterdam, New York, Elsevier, etc.於1963年出版的期刊。
《JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY》是NETHERLANDS的Amsterdam, New York, Elsevier, etc.於1963年出版的期刊。...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences和Journal of Hydrology等水資源領域頂級期刊發表學術論20餘篇,SCI論文被他引400餘次,3篇論文入選ESI高被引論文;在國內水利類...
Seasonal and abrupt changes in the water level of closed lakes on the Tibetan Plateau and implications for climate impacts[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2014...
Journal of Hydrology. 568: 1007-1016.6.Fang NF, Shi ZH, Li L, Guo ZL, Liu QJ, Ai L. 2012. The effects of rainfall regimes and land use ...
近年來已在Journal of Hydrology, Ground Water, 水科學進展、水利學報等SCI、EI、中情所刊源學術期刊上發表論文80多篇,有十多篇論文被SCI、EI、ISTP檢索。作為...
Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 577:1-13.(12)Fan Junliang, Wang Xiukang, Wu Lifeng, Zhou Hanmi, Zhang Fucang, Yu Xiang, Lu Xianghui, Xiang Youzhen...
Journal of Hydrology. 16 June 2010, 390:45-56.5.C. Yao, T. Lei, W. J. Elliot, D. K. McCool, J. Zhao, S. Chen. Critical conditions for ...
Journal of hydrology,565, 95-105.[10]Bai, Peng, andLiuXiaomang*. Intercomparison and evaluation of three global high-resolution evapotranspiration products...
研究成果在《Journal of Geophysical Research》、《Water Resources Research》、《Journal of Hydrology》、《Environmental Research Letters》等發表學術論文121篇(SCI...
近5年以第一及通訊作者發表SCI論文30餘篇,主要發表在Journal of Hydrology,Ecological Applications,Land Degradation & Development等學術期刊上。 [1] ...
approach and numerical simulation.Journal of Hydrology, 2017, 545(2) :72-87.(二區SCI, Top期刊)2.Zu yang Ye, Qing hui Jiang, Chuang bing Zhou, ...
水資源領域主流刊物Journal of Hydrology 副主編,Journal of Environmental Sciences-China編委,環境毒理學與化學學會(Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry)...
Understanding the hydrological trends of river basins in China. Journal of Hydrology, 2010, 388, 350–356 [3] Cong, Z. T., Yang, D. W., and Ni...
在Soil & Tillage Research、Geoderma、Agriculture、Ecosystems & Environment、Soil Science Society of America Journal、Journal of Hydrology等國內外重要學術刊物上...
Journal of Hydrology, 361,118-130 [8]C.T.Cheng, et al., 2006. Journal of Hydrology, 316/1-4,129-140 [9]C.T.Cheng, et al.,2004. ...
Journal of Hydrology. 511:139-150. 2014. 14.Spatial and temporal patterns of greenhouse gas emissions from Three Gorges reservoir of China. Biogeosciences...
Journal of Hydrology. 2019, 579.[3] Xuan Zhang, Wei Ouyang, Fanghua Hao et.al. Groundwater table depth and phosphorus dynamic under seasonal irrigation...
在Journal of Cleaner Production和Hydrology and Earth Science Systems等ESI前10%的期刊上發表論文,成果被國際同行在Journal of Hydrology和Environmental Modelling & ...
Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 514: 337-346[10] Huihui Feng, Huiping Liu, Ying Lv. Scenario Prediction and Analysis of Urban Growth Using SLEUTH Model....
陳丁江,教授、博導;國家萬人計畫青年拔尖人才入選者 [2] 、Journal of Hydrology期刊Associate Editor、浙江省土壤肥料學會副理事長 [3] ;主要從事土壤養分生物地球...
長期從事全球變化與水循環回響研究,到目前為止,在Hydrology and Earth System Sciences、Journal of Geophysical Research、Journal of Hydrology等國內外學術期刊發表學術...
2019.Effect of stem cover on hydraulic parameters of overland flows.Journal of Hydrology,577: 123964.(SCI二區TOP)3.Mu Hongli, Fu Suhua*, Liu Baoyuan...
(2018). Using Kriging with a Heterogeneous Measurement Error to Improve the Accuracy of Extreme Precipitation Return Level Estimation, Journal of Hydrology, ...
Journal of Hydrology, 123928. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.1239283.Wang , Y*., M. J, and Z. Deng, (2018), Alternative model for predicting soil...
Daily anomalous high flow (DAHF) of a headwater catchment over the Pearl River basin in South China. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 284–294. (SCI; IF...
第一作者或通訊作者發表了9篇SCI論文,且8篇發表在水資源三大頂級期刊上(3篇Water Resources Research、 3篇Advances in Water Resources、2篇Journal of Hydrology)...
Wang,2020,Effect of fluid slippage on eddy growth and non-Darcian flow in rock fractures,Journal of Hydrology,doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124440....
Journal of Hydrology, 551: 300–305.Hao, Z., X. Yuan, Y. Xia (2017). An overview of drought monitoring and prediction systems at regional and ...
Tao Cai, and Xiuqin Fang, Effects of land-use and climate change on hydrological processes in the upstream of Huai River, China, Journal of Hydrology....